How to protect business assets

One of the things that should be protected in a business is the business assets. You would need to keep them safe as they sometimes cost a lot of money to replace them if they get stolen or damaged. So how can you protect your business assets.

Start by keeping a record of all assets to have a full knowledge of them.

Maintain them by carrying out regular asset checks, so take stock as often as possible.

Restrict access to these assets by a lot of people to avoid ease of theft.

Put people in charge of them for protection . This is about applying protective security measures.

Don't forget to do regular reviews of your asset

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Low customer value

This is one problem in business having a low customer value. What must you do as a business owner in such a way that you could solve this customer-related problem? Low customer value means your customers only buy minimal products. They like to buy return products so you can not expect high profit from them. One way to increase the customers' interest is to lower the cost of your products. Sales increase per-customer sales. Give them a loyalty card.

Benefits of having inventory options

The truth is that some customers like some stores than others Some of these stores are visited all the time and they become well-known and popular the secret is often that these stores offer larger inventories

This means that one is alway able to find the products they want with ease and they do have varieties of them in different sizes, shapes and colours. Having larger inventories is some customer’s top priority, and with larger inventories, they’ll find what they need at a store.

So it is good to stock products to sell and have good number of options available at all times.

What do you think?

Do you think cryptocurrency increase illegal activities?

As we all know there are a lots of countries which are banning use of cryptocurrencies and in some countries using cryptocurrency is considered as an illegal thing and you will face some banishments for using it or for holding cryptocurrencies, and the governments of those countries are banning using crypto the reason was because some criminals use the crypto coins for transaction their illegal moneys without any fear because the transaction of crypto is untraceable and uncontrolled by central bank system.
So do you think cryptocurrency really increase illegal activates?

Skills needed for investors

Well, being an investor having skills is not only required, but also personal qualities to be admired by people, especially customers and investors. Personal qualities are a great deal and have a strong impact on customers and investors. Personal skills are also called soft skills. Being friendly is of great advantage because you will be liked and no one likes to do business with a snob-type businessman. Also, being creative, versatile, and resilient in the face of great challenges also helps shape the personality of a businessman.

Required skills for business

Doing an online business is not a simple thing, apart from the right tactics and targets to prepare, there are other considerations in order to succeed and profit. You must be a good manager and having a business sense and money-savvy is a crucial thing. Many failed in their online businesses because of poor leadership and management of cash. You must have a good business strategy and stick to it or change it in case you sense bad flow of cash flow.

Does love kill?

Agree or disagree that love kills? For me, I agree on this. My young neighbor was killed by her husband because of too much love. he felt jealous of his wife's achievements in school. They married at a young age both 18 and the girl continued her studies in college. Her husband always abused her verbally which led to a broken marriage. the husband cannot accept defeat, so he continues following his ex-wife in school. His ex-wife has beauty and brains and won the Miss University Beauty contest and this raged her husband a lot. He invited his ex for an early breakfast to celebrate her winning but she was thrown in the damn and the guy strangled her to death. He used his belt but his belt was left in the crime scene allowing the authorities to capture him. He is now in the Bilibid Prison and was sentenced to Life imprisonment because there is no death penalty in the Philippines.

In another view of love that kills, it could be your ways of thinking and feeling, your likes and dislikes, or your philosophies and ideologies melt down when you fall in love. Those who love too much keep on investing in a relationship that has no chance of surviving as the beloved does not love to the same extent. Love hurts but never kills.

IS Spot trading safer than other trading type?

When we think about online trading the first thing that comes to our mind is its risk, and yeah online trading is one of the most profitable and riskiest online earning option that most of us afraid to start and to invest our money, but some peoples state that spot trading is better than other online trading's and it s more safe and less risky than any other trading option.
Do you think spot trading is safe, and what makes spot trading safe?

Can investment be done with trust only?

On the online world the biggest problem of investment is finding a trusted platforms to invest our moneys and it is very hard to trust any platform with out money, but on the offline world we see some many investors invest their money without any agreement and with out any signed proof of investment they invest money in their friends business and even invest with some one they used to know but they invest their money without any worry.
Do you think investing without any agreement and only with trust each other is a right thing to do?

In the business world customers are kings. do agree?

In my country there is a saying that used to apricate customers and let the customers know how the business respect them which is saying "customers are kings" and also another saying "customers are always right" this two saying shows that the customers are always respected on the business world and when you go to a shop or store almost all shops have a banner with this two sayings.
Do you agree with this two sayings?

The role of customer engagement in business

As a business owner you need to draw your customers nearer for more patronise by engaging them . This act will need one to get creative to avoid getting the customers irritated though.

The truth is that one can engage one's customers in different ways, Which will help them feel a deep loyalty to the store. One way to achieve this is by taking a poll on a new product line to get their decision Another is that you can try to get their input on an upcoming campaign. Customer engagement is mostly about getting customers opinions about the business.

What do you think?

Benefits of personalization In business

There's nothing wrong with going personal with customers in your business. The truth is that this Small thoughtful things can greatly improve each customer’s experience.

You can go personal by getting on a first-name basis with almost all the customers as you can. The thing is that addressing customers by their first name will make them feel more welcomed and keep them loyal as long as possible.

You can also use personalized campaign for some certain customer profiles. This will enable your tactics outstanding among your competitors.

What's your thought?

How to give customers easy shopping experience

Customers love and want easy shopping experience and as a good business owner you need to offer to customer’s shopping experience that is like a jolly journey to keep them coming back

You can achieve such by doing the following;

Set up your store in a way that enables them to quickly find what they want in

Things should be organized and easy to reach

Position your products correctly and put stocks in shelves in a way that makes it reachable

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How to leverage on instant gratification for business success

Customers are one impatient people When they purchases anything, they want it delivered now. People are always out to do business with businesses that do mostly same-day delivery and other quick services, you can leverage on this to get more customers, sales and profit.
So you need to find easy ways to keep up with demands and orders . So you need to have a high processing capacity to satisfy your customers as early as possible as they want quick gratification. So one would need activities that would support faster delivery same with better service.

What do you think?

Mylot pay

I am so excited I got paid from mylot for the he first time in a long time now to keep it up. It is not by choice that I have not been paid more it is because I have been busy but with the warmer weather being done where I live and the colder being here to stay for a while I will be more active there. Please if you are a mylot member look me up if we do not already follow You and follow me and I will return the favor. Tina302199C6A0141-C5C6-43D2-9D32-9D9A3CDAD4DB.png

Would you beg a customer simply because they pay well?

Recently i came across an issue, though i do not know the full details but from what i have been hearing, there was an issue between the between a customer and one of the staffs in a business setup, and it seems the staff sold out a particular product she wanted to buy. Coming back the customer asked for the product but the staff said it has been sold out that there was no down payment for it, so there was no reason to keep it since there was a buyer who is willing to pay immediately and in full to get it. According to the staff, he said he was not even aware this particular customer has showed interest in the said products and since there was no down payment according to records he sold it. The said customer was extremely angry and was almost going physical, the manager on the other hand in trying to solve the issue went as far as suspending the staff and was begging the customer. It turned out the customer was one of their top clients. Personally i feel this is wrong, no matter who they are, the issue should be addressed with sincerity and as well without being rude. What's your take on this issue?

Would you go for a job that pays more with more pressure or one that pays less with lesser pressure?

Though most of us would be attracted to a job that pays more, especially during this current economy. But i think before choosing we should first go through things and see if we can actually handle the amount of pressure in that said job. Often times i have seen people who say they can work under pressure but end up quitting their jobs due to pressure. There are times where we have to consider our peace of mind as well. What's your take on this?

Creating a community of networks

When it comes to starting up a business as an entrepreneur, there is one thing we tend to overlook, which is getting to know others who are also in the same field as us. I believe a young entrepreneur should also try to create a community of networks made up of people who are in the same industry as them. This would enable them have does they can learn from, does who they can gain experience from as well, and does to share the work load with when it becomes too much.

Challenges most big businesses face

Most people tend to assume cause a business is big it means the business owners are now making lots of money or they know longer go through challenges. This is actually not true as big business owners also have their own difficulties as well. One major challenge most big businesses owners face is the fact that they find it hard to manage all their customers. Due to this some end up loosing their customers to smaller companies. Add yours.

