Where do you get short term loans?

You can obtain loans from a businessman. There are many people who seek help from other businessmen. However, make sure that you refrain from obtaining interest-free loans. Interest is very bad for finances.
Well, I do not favor private lenders because they seem to have high interest rates compared to financial companies, but I also agree that getting loan form private lenders is easy.

If you had just $5?

There are a lots of challenges associated with investing a really small amount of money. It takes a really huge amount of time to raise a small investment like $5. If you have just $5, then you may lose all of that money if you are not able to invest properly.

If you find yourself in q situation where you have just a five dollars, what investment would you make and why?

Investment advice for beginners

Apart from investing money a person could afford to lose, a person must also learn skills initially. A beginner must learn skills. If a person never learns skills, the such kind of person will always struggle when it comes to investing money.

Always invest what you are willing to loose. People these days tend to get too greedy with their investments. They want to earn big within a short period of time hence they do not even think before investing all they have.

Earning stable income with no investment

I think that if you want to make money, then you must invest something. Working online requires you to invest skills. You must either invest skills or you nut either invest money. It is not possible to generate profits until or unless you invest funds or skills.

That's right, working on forums and probably other micro job sites are great ways to make money online, or you could go into freelancer, then your earnings can be used as an investment.

Do you like to trade in Forex market?

Forex trading is one of the most intriguing way to make money. Many people might want to avoid risk under all circumstances. However, risk is inevitable. Risk management strategy should be created if you want to invest in Forex market. You must also have good knowledge.

Yes i do trade in the Forex market and i do enjoy it when i am making profit lol. For now though i am not trading, i decided to take a little break from it.

How important is investing?

Investing money is unimaginably important because Investing money could offer you additional income, which can help you stabilize your financial conditions. Many salaried people either don't have enough funds for investment or they simply do not consider investing money as an important thing, unfortunately.

Investment have been compared with saving, while there are does who rake investment seriously, most do not fully understand how important investing means for a business owner. Someone once said it is impossible to be rich without having one from of investment or the other. What's your take on this.

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@gwolf666 - The two year time period is quite short, even though it may seem long. I have seen many hyips getting disappeared after working for more than several years. The "city build trade" was one such kind of example of hyips that worked for many years until it disappeared forever and scammed people. The fact remains that it is not a really good idea to invest in such programs in the end.

