How to sell your t-shirt designs?

As you realize that you are a good designer, and can produce many printed t-shirts the next thing to do is sell your printed t-shirts. These are the things to do to guide you: 1. Find the perfect niche 2. Determine your product materials and printers 3. Create your T-shirt designs 4. Get feedback on your T-shirt concepts 5. Set up your e-commerce store 6. Establish your printing and fulfillment operation and 7. Make your first T-shirt sales. Inspire yourself in this business because T-shirts are one of the most popular clothing items. For one thing, they are easy to wear, making them ideal for sports or casual occasions. They are also affordable so expect a good profit once you run a business like this. You will not regret it and if you are not good at the design you may hire a designer. Suggested colors of the t-shirts to print are black, gray or white. These colors allow the logo to stand out and the brand to speak for itself.

No business creditors allowed

If you are a business owner, do you allow creditors in your business? And if you allow, do you require a collateral?What is the mode of payment? For me it's never good to allow creditors on my business. I don't know the credibility of the customer if a good payor or not. It's better to build goodwill first before trust follows. What do you think on this?

The downside of entrepreneurs

What is the downside of entrepreneurs? Being an entrepreneur is not easy. You need to spend many hours checking your work and spend sleepless nights in case there is something malicious you encounter we call risk. When starting a business, it involves a significant amount of risk. There is no guarantee of success, and entrepreneurs may face significant financial losses if their business venture fails. The best remedy for this is to do constant planning. You may change or add your plans. Running a business also requires a significant time commitment. It is not easy to manage if you have no passion for your entrepreneur life.

Do you consider pyramid scheme as business?

Wikipedia states pyramid scheme as "A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products" in simple word pyramid scheme is when a person collects money from others and promises to double it or add some interest and give them back if they bring another person who would like to invest or give a money to him and those will bring another person and so on.
so do you consider pyramid scheme as a business?

Big Bucks Update

May I know if the new ptp forum site Big Bucks serves people well this time? Is but the next day after I was told my account wasn't found.Is it legit? Have you received a payment from that site? I registered on that site but they need a referrer so sad my referrer experienced the same as mine account was not found. That was last week dunno if their site is already corrected. What is the latest update of Big Bucks?

New 🚩 Are you an article writer at Writer Bay?

May I know if you are an article writer at Writer Bay? I registered on this site and took a series of tests and passed but until this time I have not received a go signal as to when shall I start to write. I chose to write technical writing. I am so excited because the pay is better. I think I have to change my options. there might be only a few requests to write technical writing at Writer Bay. I hope I can receive a message from them so that I can have good pay for Christmas. Are you an article writer at Writer Bay? Do share with us here your experience as an article writer on this site. There is also another article writing site that I applied and I hope I can also start writing.

Labor Union in a workplace

May I know if there is a labor union in your workplace? In my workplace, someone initiated to register at a labor union in the city. The sole reason is to protect the rights and privileges of the workers especially if there is a certain worker kicked out from work without due process. It will be the labor union to fight the injustice of the workers. The labor union is composed of lawyers who are working under the government. A labor union in my country is mandatory so anyone deprived of rights can seek justice through a labor union that is if he is a member. I am a member of a labor union and ot is free. In fact, one can apply solo not with a group of workers. Is there a labor union in your country?

What do you plan to invest in 2024?

What do you plan to invest next year? Many business analysts predicted that 2024 is a very good year to invest especially crypto or bitcoins. But I will continue to invest in stocks, mutual funds, and insurance. I also plan to add some capital to my mutual funds and stocks. Recently, I registered on a cooperative that also gives dividends. It is also a good investment because our money doubles every year through its dividends. Next month I will attend a stockholders meeting and will know how much is my profit. What about you?

Why we always think only money can be invested?

When we think about investments we only think about only money and money only, and yeah that is right thing because in order to start any type of business money is the number one thing that is needed to run the business and to develop it, but is money the only things that needs to run a business and is money the only investment that runs a business, because knowledge and skill is other things that are needed to run a business so can we invest knowledge and skills?

How many crypto wallets do you have?

As we all know there are a lots of crypto coin wallets that we can hold our cryptocurrencies on it, and some of us have more than one crypto wallets and that is because some crypto wallets don't accept specific types of tokens and crypto coins, so in order to hold those coins we open more than one wallets.
personally i have coinbase, metamaks, hotbit, trust, binance and blockchain crypto wallets, and i had bitpay wallet but i don't use it any more.

If you buy a company do you change the name or will you use the old name?

We know that Elon musk have changed the name of tweeter to "X" after the buys the company, and like him there are many business owners who changes the name of the company after they buy it. some owners change the name in order to start the business in different form and different ways, and some change the old name when the old name have bad reputation and have some bad customer feedback, so the change it to a new name in order to make it different.
What di you think is changing the name of company is good idea for the new owners?

The impact of salary increase in a workplace

It feels worrying if there is no salary increase given to employees after many years of dedicated work. The employees do not like to work harder. They do not like to do overtime because there is also no pay for it. They better go home after five o'clock in the afternoon. But they all see the progress of the company's business and why can't they be granted what they long for especially this time when prices never go down? In my opinion, there is a required number of years for employees' salary increase, but there are offices and businesses in my city where workers receive no salary increase for 5 years or more now. The impact when there is a salary increase is overwhelming. The employee's aura will be changed. They will be inspired to work harder and do overtime regardless of pay or not. There will be a happy community of workers. That is called employee morale boosted.

Impact of a good brand name on business.

When we think about naming our business companies we take some time in order to make the name of the brand good, catchy, attracting and that relates with our business idea and our products that we are producing so that customers can know our products by our brand name and they get proud of using our brand tagged products. for example their are many brand names that is very well known than other brand names and they get a lots of money only for selling similar product with others but having the brand tagged on the product.

Can we buy an investment plan?

There are so many peoples with so many business ideas and with so many investment planed but since they don't have any money to invest on their plan they stay with their ideas only, and also like them their are some peoples with a lots of moneys but don't know the exact place to invest on and some of them even don't have any investment plan so they site there with their money. so can this two groups of people meet and share their ideas and money to make wealth. those with investment plan can they sell their plan for those who want the plan?

Does listening music while working increase productivity?

Some peoples get motivated and initiated when they hear music and some times hearing music increase productivity and work power of some peoples, personally when work i really like to listen some murices because it makes me motivated and i can work for long time without any feeling of tiredness and that will makes me to complete my work faster and in a good way, yeah their are some works that don't go with listening music.
what about in your work place is it allowed to listen music while working? and what do you think employers should allowed listening music for their workers?

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Can a greedy person run a business?

When we run business we need to be flexible and since starting and running business need a lots of money and a lots of investments its good to be a person who spend money in order to get money, otherwise if we are a greedy person who don't like to spend money in order to grow or business then our business will no grow and it will be hard to get good products and also will be hard to get profit from it.
what do you think can a greedy and a person who don't like to spend money can run a successful business?

Treating a customer as a king concept

This concept of treating a customer as a king should be adopted by all business owners. This is the only way you can make a customer feel special to lure the person in more to buy even more. The good thing is that customers that are treated this way easiiy turned into repeated customers. This means that this is good that a lot of business owners adopt this concept to grow their businesses. What do you think?

3 major reasons to have savings for a business

The fact remains that Saving money in business is essential for the wellbeing of it. As such all businesses should have a set aside funds as savings. The reasons for this includes

Help one stay within budget
Yes it would help one to have a budget and avoid spending unnecessarily to save money for emergency.

To free up resources
When you have savings you are sure of freeing up resources which will help you to reinvest in the business.

Build up reserve of funds
This is one of the outstanding reason it can aid one build up a reserve of funds for the business for anticipated expenses.

A business that you don't want to do?

In the business world their are some business ideas and business types that we really don't want to try it and some times we don't even want to consider about those business ideas even if they are profitable and can make us wealthy.
For me i don't like to invest or have a business related to alcohol drinks because of my religions it is not allowed to invests or sell any kinds of alcohol drinks, what about you which business type is you don't want to invest on?

