Recent content by AmazingJob

  1. AmazingJob

    What do you think about the survey site YouGov?

    I thought you are referring to another survey site aside from YouGov. I tried this but the survey is not for me. I can't get survey offers after answering most of the questions.
  2. AmazingJob

    Is the clearance sale an authentic marketing strategy?

    I believe so too. It is a marketing strategy for their business to dispose items that are needed to be disposed. I doubt that they sell it at a lower price. I think they change the price and add discount but in reality there isn't any discount at all.
  3. AmazingJob

    How to deal with high unemployment rates in an area?

    The government should think of a livelihood program in a village level so that people residing in a village can work. This way, they don't need to travel away from home to earn money for their families.
  4. AmazingJob

    Which do you prefer working for someone else or building your own business?

    Building and managing my own business is something I want to do in the future. Being employed in a corporate business, I can save money for my business that I want to build. And once business is created, I can work on other things to earn extra. I can be my own boss.
  5. AmazingJob

    How important is a backup plan for business?

    There should always a back up plans in case plan A will not work the way we wanted it to go as planned. So in case, there is a fall back. We can add this during the planning and execution of the business.
  6. AmazingJob

    How often do you cash out on pay-to-post forums?

    I prefer cashing out big amount to save on PayPal fee. But if I am too excited to do the cashing out, as soon as I reach the minimum, I cash it out but the amount is reduced due to the PayPal fee.
  7. AmazingJob

    In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a wise boss?

    A servant leader is a wise boss. A boss who is willing to provide coaching and development is a coach who is selfless. He lets his subordinates eat first before him. He is willing to listen to his people. He is ready to rebuke them. He is happy to recognize good performers. And is knowledgeable...
  8. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    I could not confront him because he ran away. We did not get his real name.
  9. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    I found you! I commented there. It was a happy day I supppose. I am yet to read your discussion. I will be there tomorrow. I will read through people comments and stay connected.
  10. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    I left with my stuff. I have doubted him once but did not listen to my gut feel.
  11. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    He is my dormmate. I did not recover my stuff. But recovered my GCash with cash still intact. I was also able to report my ATM and reported the incident to the police.
  12. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    I visit the site if I am available but I know I cannot do it everyday. If I still have time after my night shift, I can go and visit the site and comment on posts and visit other people who left comments on my discussion. If people don't see my comment the soonest, means I am not available for...
  13. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Yes, we need to be there all the time to build connection with others. There are others who don't comment back on comments but there more of them willing to communicate. There are more who want to build the connection even if we don't initiate the interaction, they will visit your discussion.
  14. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Some others can earn $30 a month because they are interacting everyday. So the key here is the interaction. More interaction, more chances of getting portion of the earnings.
  15. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    my phones, wallet, cash and IDs were stolen at the dorm while I was deeply asleep.
  16. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    yes, I am. I just got a new phone after the incident at the dorm
  17. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Sorry, I got confused. Do you mean post survey review here or MyLot. Here means RIF? Sorry I did not understand. I wish I could call you so that it is easier to explain. I am not good in explaning.
  18. AmazingJob

    How are you today?

    I am find now. Thank you for asking.
  19. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Create a new discussion for your reviews. You can create a series by simply adding tags. Say SurveyReviews1, SurveyReviews2 so you can get back to them easily. Do not post referral links. You can post the website. Conversation is a comment you post (but you won't earn any from your own...
  20. AmazingJob

    Not Paying 🚫

    Good to know that. I hope so that it will be restored. Though, I don't post anymore on the site. I believe it will boost traffic again once they start paying members again.
  21. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    most say they like the interactions on MyLot. We can learn from others' traditions too. Most old users stay on the site because of the communications and the virtual friends they have met. I am a member for years. I don't earn lots but it was fun earn from interactions
  22. AmazingJob

    Talking About Salary: Acceptable or Not

    We have different packages at work. Salary packages, like allowances and incentives should can be talked about but the basic salary is not something we can broadcast to the members of the team or company.
  23. AmazingJob

    Not Paying 🚫

    I hope it will be restored soon so that the users can take advantage of the earnings. Hoping that the owner will find a way to fix the YouTube earning issue. That way, it is a win-win sitiation.
  24. AmazingJob

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    Some can earn more than $5 every month. How is it you may ask? Based on interactioms. The more comments you get from others, the more chances of earning more. You generate pay on all responses you will get from others. You can't earn from posting, you earn from responses.
  25. AmazingJob

    Not Paying 🚫

    I am sorrt that the site is not paying. Did it pay members before? I hope we can see bright lights from the site.and the site owner will bring back the pay scheme.