Recent content by eldavis

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  1. eldavis

    To be Content

    One major reason we have so many people today who are not happy with where they are now or with what they have is simply because they lack contentment.
  2. eldavis

    Which Crypto Exchange Do You Use Most?

    I mostly use luno, it's fast and reliable for me. Then there are other times I make use of roqqu exchange platform.
  3. eldavis

    Converting BCH to fiat currency

    I believe platforms like binance should be of huge help to you. For my country I use luno and roqqu and it's quite easy.
  4. eldavis

    Buying brand new things

    When it comes to buying gadgets like phones and the likes, I prefer buying a brand new one. This way I know it's in the best condition ever.
  5. eldavis

    Do you think you are a good listener?

    Yes I am a good listener, but it mostly depends on who and what I am listening to.
  6. eldavis

    4 ways to know what happening in your business

    Holding meetings is extremely important, this is a way to hear what the staffs are going through, and to better understand them.
  7. eldavis

    Importance of Customer Service Training in Business

    Customer service training is one area a lot of business owners tend to lack. They hire people who are not even qualified in any way to handle or deal with customers.
  8. eldavis

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    It's definitely not going to be easy, but it is not impossible as well. Just know what you want and be consistent in getting it.
  9. eldavis


    When am upset about a particular thing, I simply take a break from that thing to calm myself down abit.
  10. eldavis

    Are happy at your current job?

    I am happy with my current business no doubt, but I am not happy with what I am earning. I hope to be able to earn more.
  11. eldavis

    Would you like to get an Ex back

    No I do not want to get an ex back. I have moved on, and so has she as well.
  12. eldavis


    True, but I believe it also depends on the individual, there are people who still go out to do certain things during the winter.
  13. eldavis

    What one incident you don't ever want to remember

    For me it was when I lost my little nephew. It was a very painful experience that I never want to remember.
  14. eldavis

    Find Happiness

    Happiness is not some destination we need to find, it's more of a life choice. You have to choose to be happy, no matter what. A person who keeps complaining cannot find happiness.
  15. eldavis

    What qualities do you value the most in your friends and the people you surround yourself with?

    For me, I value trust and honesty a whole lot. I want to be around those I can trust at all times fo always have my back, not pretenders.
  16. eldavis

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    I believe the Internet has made life a lot easier and better today. We can easily communicate with our loved ones from any part of the world thanks to the Internet.
  17. eldavis

    Do you feel Irritated because of season change?

    No i have never really felt irritated when it comes to things like this though.
  18. eldavis

    Do you think life is better with the usage of the Internet?

    Life has been made a lot easier now that we have the Internet. Yes it has its disadvantages as well, but there is notting out there without an advantage and disadvantags.
  19. eldavis

    Are You Quick at chopping veggies?

    Am not as fast as the flash though, but I can be pretty quick when doing this none the less.
  20. eldavis

    What are some healthy and quick breakfasts?

    I think oatmeal and some eggs should be a pretty healthy meal we can consume for breakfast.
  21. eldavis

    What online business can make you quick profits?

    How fast or quick you make money on any online business mostly depends on how much effort you put into the business.
  22. eldavis

    What coin are you holding?

    At the moment I am not holding any coin, and I do not have any plans of holding anyone right now.
  23. eldavis

    Does luck play an important role in the success?

    Luck plays a role yes but it is not the main thing needed for success. Luck without preparation is useless.
  24. eldavis

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    Look for something you can invest in that would generate passive or residual income for you.
  25. eldavis

    One high school subject you would love to teach others

    For me it's CRS or government, I pretty much enjoyed these subjects back then and it would be fun teaching it.
  26. eldavis

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    Buying in bulk has helped me so many times. This has saved me from spending extra transport from time to time.
  27. eldavis

    Describe your crush when you were in high school,LOL

    I had different crush back then in school, but one thing they all have in common is that they were all fair.
  28. eldavis

    What’s a good money saving idea?

    I don't really have much ideas in this aspect, I am simply working on a budget.
  29. eldavis

    What makes you happy?

    I am a very simple person, a lot of things makes me happy. Things as little as eating snacks, watching a good movie and so on.
  30. eldavis

    Piggy bank is not just for kids

    Piggy banks is not for kids alone, I have used it before and it was extremely effective when it comes to saving.
  31. eldavis

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    After my dad died, I got some clothes from him and I started making use of one of his phones.
  32. eldavis

    One course that was difficult for you in college?

    For me it was mathematics. I had serious issues with anything related to calculations for that matter.
  33. eldavis

    Have you completed computer course?

    While growing up, I did a little introduction course on computer and that was pretty much it.
  34. eldavis

    Do you work better on forums with your PC or mobile device?

    I am better at using my mobile phone when it comes to working on forums. With my phone I can be anywhere and at anytime carry out my work.
  35. eldavis

    Why are most GPT platforms location selective?

    They probably have a target audience they are after, hence they are selective in the countries they allow.
  36. eldavis

    Why Many Forum Are Stopping Pay to Post?

    The economy is pretty touch this period, to make matters worse, Google ads no longer pays like it used to.
  37. eldavis

    How do you describe yourself

    I am a very easy going person, I can easily get angry and easily let go as well.
  38. eldavis

    How did you get over your ex

    It took me time, I had to focus on building myself and gave myself a lot of time.
  39. eldavis

    Delegate work and responsibility

    Delegating tasks or works makes it a lot easier for task to be done faster.
  40. eldavis

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    At the moment I do not have any favorite day of the week because I am always busy with one thing or the other.
  41. eldavis

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Yea we have a lot over here. Even close to where I stay, we have a lot of shops that sells second hand cars and they look so new.
  42. eldavis

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Hehe that's so nice though. Like they say, in every situation let's always find ways to make ourselves happy.
  43. eldavis

    Is it possible for someone not to ever be depressed?

    Yes I believe it's possible for a person not to ever be depressed. It is mainly about life choices and a conscious decision on your part.
  44. eldavis

    Do you like to drink water with bottle or in glass?

    Majority of the times, I find it more fun to drink from a bottle than a glass cup.
  45. eldavis


    We have access to tap water, so there was no need but I have drank rain water in the past before.
  46. eldavis

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Am sure if you had danced, we would have been seeing a video of you all over the Internet wíth different hashtags.
  47. eldavis

    Rough and Tough

    When it comes to making money, things are pretty tough for me, but I am still trying my best to keep pushing.
  48. eldavis

    What do you notice to products that are on sale?

    Most times these business owners are trying to get raid of these products, so they sell them at a cheaper rate hence people start rushing it.
  49. eldavis

    Do you believe in destiny?

    I believe we all have a purpose here on earth. It might not always be something big or grand. This is our destiny.
  50. eldavis

    Forgetting an important event

    This has never happened to me before. This is one thing I am also very scared of, so I always try my best to be conscious about the dates.
  51. eldavis

    Do You Buy Canned Food?

    I don't buy canned food unless when it is actually needed. Most times I just go for regular food.
  52. eldavis

    Worst day ever?

    I can't really remember much, but worse days for me are days filled with stress,
  53. eldavis

    What is the worst flavor of ice cream that you have tasted?

    I am not really much of a fan when it comes to ice cream, but so far everything I have tasted where pretty good.
  54. eldavis

    What are you doing after work?

    After work, I might probably be watching some tv or just simply go to sleep.
  55. eldavis

    Do you look at brands before buying a Grocery Item?

    No I do not look at brands, unless in situations where I have tried certain brands before and I know which one is better.
  56. eldavis

    Are you doing anything special today?

    At the moment I do not have anything different or special planned out for the day. It's mostly going to be work for me.
  57. eldavis

    A day you can't forget In your life

    I have so many days like this that I can't forget. Some where really good, while some where bad. One of them for me was the day I lost my dad.
  58. eldavis

    What's your experience with marriage

    I have never been married, so I do not have any experience when it comes to this aspect just yet.
  59. eldavis

    How did you fare this month

    This month was pretty tough for me because I had a lot of expenses I needed to sort out, but I was able to scale through.
  60. eldavis

    What is your character flaw if any?

    I easily let people in, and in most cases they end up hurting me, or doing things I do not like.
  61. eldavis

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Indeed, when am ready to buy one, that's when I would start asking questions and preparing, then finally decide on which one to buy.
  62. eldavis

    If Only I could turn back the time

    If I could turn back time, I would probably go back in time and make a lot of investment in Bitcoin.
  63. eldavis

    Can you still memorize fast this time?

    These days I find it really hard to memorize things as fast as I used to. Though there are some things I can pretty much learn fast.
  64. eldavis

    Have you ever been to a military parade?

    I have never been to one before. We do not really have anyone nearby and I have never felt the need to visit one in the past.
  65. eldavis

    The most organized person?

    I don't think I have any organized person around me. For me though there are areas where I am extremely organized.
  66. eldavis

    Zero tolerance

    If you decide to ignore simply because things are going pretty well for you, then that's your choice I won't beg you.
  67. eldavis

    Online Tutoring Business

    Online tutoring is a great business, especially due to the fact that you can have students from any part of the world.
  68. eldavis

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    For me, money making online is extremely important. It has helped me so much, especially as a means of earning an extra source of income.
  69. eldavis

    Who are you financing this time?

    Currently I am trying to support myself. Though I have others who assist me once in awhile since I am still living in my family house.
  70. eldavis

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    At the moment I think things are pretty much okay for me as it is right now.
  71. eldavis

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Indeed, we are to accept our past and be better. Not letting the past stop us from moving forward.
  72. eldavis

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    None for now, I don't really know much about cars and I haven't really started searching into it cause am not ready to buy one yet.
  73. eldavis

    Posting without thinking

    Good one, right from time, I have never been the type to always post. I usually post once in awhile because I have never been good in that aspect. I am going to put in more effort as well though.
  74. eldavis

    What’s your proudest story?

    There are so many things I am proud of, hence I have so many stories about these moments. I trend to take pride even in the smallest of things.
  75. eldavis

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    I have felt like this several times in the past, especially when things are not going my way.
  76. eldavis


    Yes I always ensure I find out the various prices before making a purchase. Then again I also consider things like the cost of transportation to get there and the likes.
  77. eldavis

    Writing more effectively

    When it comes to writing effectively, i mainly focus on doing some research on the topic i want to write about.
  78. eldavis

    Time is gold

    Time is something that once lost or misused cannot be recovered again, hence we have to be extremely careful how we spend our time and what we do with it.
  79. eldavis

    Leg cramps

    There are different reasons as to why this happens at night though. For some cases it could be due to the body not being hydrated enough.
  80. eldavis

    Broken promises

    There are several promises I have broken in the past before, not because I wanted to but I really didn't have much of a choice. It made me feel really bad though.
  81. eldavis

    If given a chance would you like to shift to any other country and why?

    At the moment I do not have any country in mind so I do not see any reason in moving to anyone at the moment.
  82. eldavis

    Have you been given any form of bribe and what was the reason for that?

    A few years back during one of our elections, I was in charge of a unit. We where forced to take bribe on gun point just so they could rig the election.
  83. eldavis

    Have you been to a court proceedings before?

    I have never been to one before, though I do watch a lot of law films and I think it's quit nice. I don't mind attending one some day just to see how it's like. Though I don't plan on having any court case myself.
  84. eldavis

    Sharing bills at home

    I don't think there is anything wrong with the man and the woman sharing the bills at home. If the man cannot afford it himself due to one thing or the other, then can choose to share it.
  85. eldavis

    Do you watch movies based on controversial subjects?

    The most important thing for me is that it is interesting. As long as it's interesting, I don't mind watching.
  86. eldavis

    Do You like movies based on sports?

    I don't like them, but at the same time I do not hate them. I have watched a few ones and they where pretty awesome.
  87. eldavis

    Do you like movies based on Politicians?

    No i do not enjoy watching movies about politicians. I find them rather boring or too long.
  88. eldavis

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    Yes but only when the movie is interesting. If it's not, good enough or worth watching then am definitely going to watch it.
  89. eldavis

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    The last time I rented a movie or cd was in the early 2000. At the moment there are no stores renting CDs in my area.
  90. eldavis

    Have you watched any comedy movies recently?

    I can't really remember the last time I watched a good comedy movie. These days there are a lot of comedy movies that aren't really funny.
  91. eldavis

    Do you remember the Car racing game?

    I don't think I played this one in particular, but I know for a fact that I usually played a lot of racing games back then.
  92. eldavis

    Do you think it is easy to direct a movie?

    It might seem or look easy but in reality, it is not. To be able to coordinate and control other humans be it big or small is never an easy task.
  93. eldavis

    Are you following any Youtube channels to be aware of the latest gadgets?

    There are some YouTube channels I follow just to get the latest update on reviews about certain phones and the likes.
  94. eldavis

    How much do you keep in your cash box?

    Though I do not really like having much cash at hand, but I always try to keep some just to be able to purchase certain things and the likes. I do not have a specific amount I keep though.
  95. eldavis

    Do you like Kite flying?

    While growing up, there was a time this became really popular. I was usually indoors, so I was not able to fly one.
  96. eldavis

    Are you aware of Jaggery?

    I am not aware of this and I don't think I have tasted it by chance. It's also possible that I might have come across it, but just didn't know the name.
  97. eldavis

    Do you follow baseball?

    I do not follow baseball or any other sports at the moment. Over here in my country baseball is not that popular.
  98. eldavis

    Your Favorite Football Club?

    I have never really been much of a football fan for a long time now. I do not have a favorite club at the moment.
  99. eldavis

    Make Use of your available resources first

    This is what I do, before restocking anything, I always ensure that there is no extras, to prevent anything from spoiling.
  100. eldavis

    Do your parents stay with you after your marriage?

    No after marriage we usually move to our own homes, the parents can only come for visits not to live with us.
  101. eldavis

    Don't Have bananas late in the day

    Though I was not aware of this, but on a normal day I don't usually take this late in the day.
  102. eldavis

    Do you use LPG for cooking or electricity or wood?

    While there are people who uses firewood over here, majority of us make use of gas. Even most places that uses wood have started converting to gas as well.
  103. eldavis

    Have you ever Stored Rain Water?

    Yes I have stored rain water several times. When I was in camp, we had no access to a tap, so whenever it rained, we usually store it for future use.
  104. eldavis

    True happiness

    Indeed, once we are able to know our true purpose, things will definitely become a lot more clearer and then we can be focus on achieving true happiness.
  105. eldavis

    What are you worried over?

    Not giving up is key. Like you said, the truth of the matter is that we are all having various difficulties, how we are able to overcome is what makes the difference.
  106. eldavis

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    Yes when it is made of tree, that's what makes it a lot more fun and realistic too.
  107. eldavis

    What skills do you use to save money

    Yes that's true, having a target gives you a reason to work just to ensure you are able to meet up with the target at hand at that moment.
  108. eldavis

    French fries sauce

    Oh so sorry to hear that. Over here the use of pepper sauce is pretty common, even more common than ketchup and the likes.
  109. eldavis

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    While one of the primary purpose of a business is to make profit, rendering your services to people is also part of it. So if there are no people, then the business is not complete.
  110. eldavis

    What's your favorite car?

    To be honest I do not have a favorite car for now. I have always been that type of person who doesn't have a favorite anything.
  111. eldavis

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    With how things are going at the moment, I think trump has a higher hand, but anyways anything can still happen.
  112. eldavis

    Computer shut down and did not restart

    If it's not over heating then it's something else. I think it would be best you consult a professional for this.
  113. eldavis

    What habit are you struggling to stop

    I think it's my eating habits. I am working more on my health so I want to eat more healthy food.
  114. eldavis

    True happiness

    True happiness is finding a reason to be happy in any situation I find myself. It's not about where I am hoping to be, but the journey to get there.
  115. eldavis

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    Though I prefer using a pillow for sleeping, but I have slept without one in the past before.
  116. eldavis

    Are you a pet lover?

    I do not hate pets but at the same time I am not a pet lover. I never grew up owning one so I do not see a need for one.
  117. eldavis

    What are you worried over?

    I am currently worried about my future, my financial life, who I would get married to, what my future would be like.
  118. eldavis

    Do you own a smart watch?

    No i do not own a smart watch, but there is one I saw and would really love to buy it for myself in the future.
  119. eldavis

    French fries sauce

    You could also try some pepper sauce. I have used that various times and I kind of enjoyed it.
  120. eldavis

    Do You LIke Tree house?

    I have never really been to a tree house before, so I can't really say I like it or hate it at this point.
  121. eldavis

    Modern cooking utensils to own

    I heard there is a mini microwave that also acts as an oven for baking as well. It would be really nice to own that also.
  122. eldavis

    What skills do you use to save money

    At the moment I do not have any skills I use in saving money, I just simply try my best to save when I can and what I can.
  123. eldavis

    Tree lover?

    Looking at it from another angle, they are actually doing the right thing by protecting these trees, imagine a world where there is no tree.
  124. eldavis

    Which is better walking or jogging

    I do both. There are times I walk and there are times I jog. I think it mainly depends on you, both are pretty effective.
  125. eldavis

    Which brand of perfume do you like?

    For now I do not like a specific brand, I am still looking for the right brand when it comes to perfume.
  126. eldavis

    How do you like your catfish?

    I like it boiled, fried, roasted and so on. I really do not mind how it was prepared or with what. The most important thing for me is that it is sweet.
  127. eldavis


    When it comes to present, it would be so nice if I was gifted a new phone or laptop as my birthday gift.
  128. eldavis

    One seasonal fruit you missed when out of season

    I don't really have any, but if I have to choose, it might most likely be mango.
  129. eldavis

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    I think one of the major reasons for this is due to safety reasons. These days it's becoming pretty hard to find workers you can trust.
  130. eldavis

    Have you ever Worked on a Part time job?

    I have never really worked on a part time job before, the closest I have had to work on was a shift job.
  131. eldavis

    How do you know your pet loves you?

    Though I do not have a pet, but I believe one way to know this would be based on how they are protective of you, especially around other pets.
  132. eldavis

    Your favorite weather?

    My favorite weather will always be the cold weather or the rainy season. This way I have an excuse to wear big sweaters all I want.
  133. eldavis

    Are you a smart type of person?

    I can't really say honestly. When it comes to calculations, I am pretty bad at this aspect, but when it comes to being creative and so on, I am trying my best.
  134. eldavis

    Do you like to party?

    I am an introvert and I don't really see any need or sense in going out for parties and the likes.
  135. eldavis


    I have a relative who runs a cleaning agency, and he is actually making good money from it.
  136. eldavis

    Do you have any pet?

    I do not have a pet, and I never really grew up with one, so there have been no need for me to have one.
  137. eldavis

    Dinner time

    No I do not have a fixed time for dinner. I simply eat whenever I am able to depending on my schedule.
  138. eldavis

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    I played a few in the past but the earnings where too small, so I had to look for other ways.
  139. eldavis

    What do you like To Eat With your Stuffed Bread?

    I might probably eat it with tea or with a drink. Since there is something inside the bread, there is no need.
  140. eldavis

    Do you like to eat bread with sauce?

    I like it but I do not eat it very often. I can't even remember the last time I had this.
  141. eldavis

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    I love creating things, and even till now I am into graphic designing, I am creating videos and flyers and the likes.
  142. eldavis

    Which is your favorite color and why?

    I do not have a favorite color, though if I am asked to choose, I think my choice would be blue and green. Simply because I like them.
  143. eldavis

    Have you ever thought of starting a micro finance?

    I have never thought about this before, because I don't even have the necessary resources to create one.
  144. eldavis

    If you have enough money will you go for Apple Products?

    If I have enough money I don't think I will be going for an apple product. I feel there are other ones I can buy that are worth it.
  145. eldavis

    To do List

    I don't have any to-do list. Though there was a time I was thinking about creating one because I feel it would help me a lot.
  146. eldavis

    Brands and labels

    To be honest I don't really put much emphasis on brands and labels, the most important thing for me is that it is usable and durable.
  147. eldavis

    What is your favourite local dish?

    For me at the moment I do not have a favorite local dish. I just eat whatever I crave for at the moment.
  148. eldavis

    Present and future

    I am doing the best I can do now to ensure that my future would be a lot better and easier.
  149. eldavis

    Irresponsible co worker

    The only way at the moment would be to go to the tax office and start sorting it out from that year to present.
  150. eldavis

    practical ways to deal with addiction

    I read somewhere that one of the best ways to deal with addiction is by finding something else to replace that addiction.
  151. eldavis

    Tips to hair growth!

    I don't use anything for my hair though, my hair tends to grow fast naturally.
  152. eldavis

    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    I do not have a spouse or partner at the moment, and when I get one I don't think I would be asking for the change they got after shopping.
  153. eldavis

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    I am also having similar issues, especially due to the fact that I have a lot of offline activities I need to sort out as well, it makes it extremely hard to focus. I just set a target for each website and try to complete them per day. Though there are times I am not able to.
  154. eldavis

    How to overcome introvert in business settings?

    Exactly, though I don't find it comfortable doing these things, but as long as I don't have any other options, I just force myself and do them.
  155. eldavis

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    I had some of those but I really didn't consider them as my best moments. Things with my crush really didn't go well for me all the time 😂
  156. eldavis

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    Exactly, there is notting wrong with them coming to visit each other or spending a few days together when dating, this way you will know more about each other. Though I don't really believe premarital sex though.
  157. eldavis

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    Yes that's true. A lot of workers today do not really care about the business, all they are after is what they can gain for themselves alone and notting else.
  158. eldavis

    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    Some of these nurse and doctors are so heartless. If you find out what a lot of them are doing behind closed doors, you did be surprised honestly.
  159. eldavis

    Moan or complain

    Indeed, we should always try our best to not put ourselves in a situation where we make others feel less comfortable.
  160. eldavis

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    Am pretty sure you should have done all the needed studying before agreeing to marry him. For me I think it's best to do this after marriage.
  161. eldavis

    How to be outgoing as an introvert

    You can't really do this by yourself. Stick around others who are extroverts and with time it would rub up on you.
  162. eldavis

    Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

    I am an introvert by nature and I have always been this way for some time now.
  163. eldavis

    How to overcome introvert in business settings?

    I am an introvert by nature, but when it comes to my business, if something needs to be done, I always force myself to ensure that I do it. I do not let my introvert nature affect me.
  164. eldavis


    I have never attended anyone offline before, but I have been to some online seminars, I don't know if this also counts.
  165. eldavis


    They usually say experience is the best teacher, but what so many people fail to understand is that it doesn't always have to be your own experience. Learning from others is extremely important and would save you from a lot.
  166. eldavis

    Who live happily?

    I don't think there is anyone out there who doesn't have one from of desire or the other, living happily is mainly by choice.
  167. eldavis

    Whose birthday do you believe deserves the most attention?

    Yes the elders are worth celebrating, but on the long run, everyone deserve a birthday celebration.
  168. eldavis

    Time is moving so fast!

    Its all the process of life and we can't actually stop it. The best we can do is to live life to the fullest.
  169. eldavis

    Stressed Out

    If you are stressed out and you feel those around you is not giving you the respect you deserve, it's best you cut yourself off from them either temporary or permanently.
  170. eldavis

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    My school days wasn't really that awesome though. I don't think I have fun stories that are really worth talking about.
  171. eldavis

    A must for a mental distraction in business

    Working hard is good no doubt, but there are times you need to take a little break as well.
  172. eldavis

    What was your breakfast today?

    At the moment the time is just eight minutes pass six so I have not had breakfast today.
  173. eldavis

    When last had you had the malaria?

    Since this year I have not had malaria. Though there was a time I felt a little symptom but that was ít.
  174. eldavis

    Important things to do before marriage

    Knowing your blood group is extremely important no doubt. Ensuring you have the financial capacity to take care of the family is also another important factor.
  175. eldavis

    Can you date someone online

    Í personally do not see anything wrong with this. My last relationship started online and it lasted for almost three years.
  176. eldavis

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    I don't have a favorite drink, but the last time I enjoyed a drink was on Sunday when I bought a one liter coke, then drank the remaining one on Monday.
  177. eldavis

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    The last relationship for me ended because she felt I was not always around and things would continue to be like that forever.
  178. eldavis

    When did you last time visited zoos?

    It's funny how this post just made me realize I have never been to the Zoo before since I was born.
  179. eldavis

    Will you let your friends know what you know?

    If letting them know would be of a positive effect to them, then I do not mind letting them know.
  180. eldavis

    How you feel relaxed?

    For me there are different ways. For me I usually feel relaxed when am watching a good movie, or when am listening to music.
  181. eldavis

    Cooking just enough

    We always try our best to ensure that we do not over cook so some do not get spoiled.
  182. eldavis

    Have you ever been on an aeroplane before?

    I have been on an airplane just two times. After that I have never been on one or had a need to.
  183. eldavis

    What is your favourite smartphone?

    Though I prefer android, I do not have a favorite android phone. The most important thing is that it has all I want or need.
  184. eldavis

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    Not just my native language, anything that is language related, I usually find it hard to learn or cope with it.
  185. eldavis

    Do you find it difficult to apologize

    I don't really find it hard to apologize, especially if it's someone I love or someone close to me, it comes easy for me.
  186. eldavis

    New 🚩 Do you earn on the other paid to post sites?

    I have an account there but I have not really been active for months now. I have never made any withdrawals before though. Have they started paying again?
  187. eldavis

    Akeelah and the bee

    I have watched this this movie before, it was not only fun, but also deductive.
  188. eldavis

    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    I have never felt bored on a Sunday. I have only felt tired or sometimes stressed.
  189. eldavis

    What do you browse most on your phone

    I tend to browse a lot of different things on my phone, ranging from latest designs or apps used for designing, latest movies and so on.
  190. eldavis

    Do you believe in soulmates?

    Though I don't think I have experienced this yet, and I cnt for really tell how it would feel like, but I think it's possible.
  191. eldavis

    Favourite Mayo Brand

    I don't have a favorite mayo brand because I do not eat it often. The last time I used this was last year and it was for salad.
  192. eldavis

    Do you like Fritters with tea?

    What's fritters? I don't think I have seen this before or probably it's a different name over here.
  193. eldavis

    Your favorite social networking website?

    Though I do not have a favorite one, but I mostly make use of Whatsapp. It's a lot easier to use.
  194. eldavis

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I am an introvert, there is no two ways about it. I don't like going out unless it is needed.
  195. eldavis

    Favourite brand of Instant Noodles?

    Over here when it comes to noodles, the most popular ones we have is indomie noodles.
  196. eldavis

    Is it possible to earn $1000 online?

    Yes it is very possible to earn this amount online, I have seen and come across cases where some have been to earn it once or an accusation of all they have earned.
  197. eldavis

    Do you like to collect old coins?

    I do not like to collect these because in the first place, there are no coins available, and we do not have any need for it.
  198. eldavis

    Do you buy Your Grocery Once A month or many times a month?

    We usually buy once a month or two, but there are times where we run of certain things, we have no choice but to buy.
  199. eldavis

    What is the item that tends to last the longest in your household?

    For me it should be rice, though we tend to eat it a lot, but it also last longer.
  200. eldavis

    Do you compare prices of different stores before buying a product?

    Yes if there are various options, i usually compare prices to see which one best suits me, before making my choice.