Recent content by fcbetting

  1. fcbetting

    Between opening and running a school or a hotel- Which is more profitable?

    Hotel definitely. In my area people move in another country and schools lose kids and teachers jobs. In same time we have several small hotels or personal apartments for rent open.
  2. fcbetting

    How do you start your day?

    I really don't know how people can start day with 5km running or some excercise. I can work for early morning but go at tennis or workout, no way. For workout is best afternoon.
  3. fcbetting

    Do you believe in excuses?

    I belive in excuses but there are good and bad. Sometimes some people really have good reasons for fail in task but sometimes excuses are bad. Sometimes you must admit mistake.
  4. fcbetting

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    I like watch football but lately I play big tennis. I think best I was in table tennis in high school but I don't play it anymore.
  5. fcbetting

    Is cyber security hard?

    Yes it is. You must know how to make something but also search for others mistakes and use it. I know few people, great coders, but they hire other for security evaluations.
  6. fcbetting

    Do hard workers make better leaders/managers

    Some people can work many hours but being leader is not just work. You must know bring decisions and talk with people. I know few people, great workers, but they can do everything but talk with others and bring decision no.
  7. fcbetting

    Do you have a fixed deposits

    After buying a car it left me some money and I had idea last few days deposit it on 6 months with 0.02% interest. It looks very small. Also in August I will know details of new contract so I will decide then.
  8. fcbetting

    Relocating to Countryside to Cut Lifestyle Costs

    This is true but only for rent cost. Usually prices in markets are same every where. I think by law prices can't be much lower or higher in different part of countrys.
  9. fcbetting

    Do you like crowded places?

    I like places where is a lot of people but I don't like traffic jams. Usually both comes togethere since almost everybody now drive a car.
  10. fcbetting

    Do you go for morning walk daily?

    When your shift start and do you travel at work more than 30 minutes? If I do walk 30 minutes before work, I should be awake at least 2 hours before my shift in school. That means wake up every morning in 5.30AM.
  11. fcbetting

    Where do you get short term loans?

    What if they don't want you borrow money or you don't return it back on time? What would happend and would it affect on your relationship with them?
  12. fcbetting

    Where do you get short term loans?

    In my country you get it on ATM in middle of night if you want but those have bigger interests and I would not recomend it. Some people take 10 000 euros and pay over 13 000 back.
  13. fcbetting

    Can you be a guarantor to your brother to secure a loan?

    Maybe I will be guarantor to my brother in future but probably he will refuse it. Maybe I will ask from him part of owner ship and later just transfer rest on him. Also it would be not long loan.
  14. fcbetting

    When Last Did You Claim Faucets?

    I claim it daily on few sites. I have over 2$ in crypto because of 19% bonus. Now it goes faster than before and faucet is paying good. When I solve 3 shortlinks at same time I can get half cent plus bonus.
  15. fcbetting

    Investing in Popular Businesses

    I think banks are trustworth for invest. Buy some their stocks and earn dividends. Even if they will go broke, country always try save bank system.
  16. fcbetting

    What is some popular street food from where you live?

    We have kebab, hamburger, hot dog, sandwich, burek and ćevapi.
  17. fcbetting

    Anyone Using Uphold

    How much did you earn trough BRAVE in 6 month period? I tried but in start it was to slow and I give up from it and browser to.
  18. fcbetting

    Have you ever bought a property before?

    I am 3 years owner of small 29 square meter apartment. Since I bought a car month ago, my bank account is almost empty. Now I will start collect money for new, bigger apartment.
  19. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Humidity is high and I sleepy entire day. Or maybe it is hangover from last night? Conclusion is I am not working anything today.
  20. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    After yesterday heat wave we had small storm. We were lucky and it was just stronger wind and rain but some area were hitted with ice storm.
  21. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Thanks man! Hold fingers for us! Tommorow is game according to EU time.
  22. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    It was draw. We are not in good situation. We must win last game against Italy.
  23. fcbetting

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    What brand of parffum and deo you use? I use Nivea and Axe deo for man. For parfum I use cheaper versions from Lidl. I will not pay 100$ for small parfum.
  24. fcbetting

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    In summer time better use more deodorant you sweat much more then in winter. Deo is better against sweat than parfum.
  25. fcbetting

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    This happend in history during little later after Napoleon era and it was popular in aristocratic circles. Not now. Now they use deo and parfum like we did.
  26. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    In an hour second game of my national team starts! Good luck and let better win!
  27. fcbetting

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    Did you know rich people in France didn't shower them then just use parfum? I bet they didn't smell good after few days not even with parfum.
  28. fcbetting

    Used Car or New Car?

    New car lose over 20% value in first 5 years. Better buy used car 6 years old and you still can drive it for another 10 years. I bought a month ago 8 years old car.
  29. fcbetting

    Education loan

    In my country for education you don't need loan but you need it for living costs and rent. Everybody can apply for colleage and first year is free. Later you pay only exams you transfered in next year.
  30. fcbetting

    Renting Vs buying a house

    If you don't have stabile work or long term contract, then choose rent. But if you have long term plans in that area then live in rent for a year and then buy something. Today rent price is almost as loan but even with loan you can later sell house in case you change your mind.
  31. fcbetting

    Do you feel comfortable wearing suits?

    Is it obligatory wear suit if you work s high shool teacher? Can you go at work in normal shirt and regular jeans? In my country we don't have to wear suit at work. Some older teachers did but we don't have to.
  32. fcbetting

    Which one do you prefer perfume or deodrant?

    I use both but not to much. To much parfum is bad. Others don't sense your deo, but parfum yes so you should not have it to much.
  33. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Until today all stronger teams won. Today Belgium was stronger team but lost against Switzerland. Bookie celebrate this event!
  34. fcbetting

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    How much is minimum payment here? I can't find this information on forum. Somehow is complicated.
  35. fcbetting

    Do you like Beer?

    I am buying beer at discounts before Euro 2024 starts. With football games best is drink beer and eat chips or popcorns. I will have to buy some chips to. Price will go high during tournament.
  36. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Just two days before Euro 20244 start!
  37. fcbetting

    Do you believe that conflict is always bad?

    It don't have to be. It can be productive if at least one side will listen what other say and learn something from it. Somebody must take blame and change stuff. If both sides keep doing same then fight was unnecessary.
  38. fcbetting

    Are you good at singing?

    No I am not so I don't do it. I know my limits, my friends also told me. Not even under shower. I think shower would tell me same thing. Don't sing!
  39. fcbetting

    Working in the morgue for high pay

    No way. I can't listen and see people grieving all day. My relative works there and I consider him on of them most strongest people in head. Also salary is not so good.
  40. fcbetting

    What difficulties do you encounter when working with colleagues in business?

    To many time people complicate stuff. Like if we must do something, we must. No delay or change instructions. No matter what we think, sometimes we just have to follow instructions.
  41. fcbetting

    Are you enjoying paying Bills

    If there are people who like pay bills, I will gladly send him or she mine. Yesterday I got bills for water and garbage. I have to pay 25 euros. Also paid Internet bill 23 euros two days ago. He missed that chance but I will give them another try next month.
  42. fcbetting

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    Is Discussionbucks PTP forum or just forum owner hire people for posting? If he just hire for posting, it is not PTP forum. Owner just want gave more attention to forum and increase activity.
  43. fcbetting

    What's that one food you want to try out

    I want to try pizza with pineapple. I heard it is good even most people they would not try it. They say cheese and pineapple is not good combination but my brother told me it is good.
  44. fcbetting

    Do you easily make friends?

    I can easily find company and talk with others but consider them friends is not so easy. I will not consider you my friend if we just speak few times in year when we work together.
  45. fcbetting

    Do you like wearing Shorts at home or only undies?

    Of course I like. I live on 4th floor and sometime I sit naked on balcony. Bars are close but I to high so audience can only see my head. When is 32C I can't wear anything more in my apartment.
  46. fcbetting

    Do you like gardening?

    I didn't like it as kid but now when I am grown man I like go in sisters yard and watch plants. I got wish work there since I need rest from electric devices and screens. My eyes need more rest. Unfortunately I live in apartment with small balcony so I don't have place for any garden.
  47. fcbetting

    Praying or taking drugs when sick

    Of course take drugs when you are sick. Not even natural cures don't help me anymore. Maybe sometimes with throat pain.
  48. fcbetting

    Have you ever been stranded because you exceeded the transaction limit on your account?

    I didn't exceeded the transaction limit but I could not pay my car since it cost more than limit. I had to go in bank and increase limit.
  49. fcbetting

    Do you Eat gluten free foods?

    I don't. I don't have problems with it so I can eat everything. Also such food much more expensive.
  50. fcbetting

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    I listen radio every day when I go at work and go home. Also sometimes I listen it on laptop. On radio I like shows about traffic and sport comments. Sometimes I listen football games.
  51. fcbetting

    Is anyone working on BMF here ?

    I am active there but I mainly collect daily bonus. Last few days I posted one or two posts per day and now I close to payout. I have 1700 points and I need 2000 for withdraw.
  52. fcbetting

    Working full time or part time which do you prefer

    Of course full time is better. In part time you only get part salary and rare you can find another job with part time. At least in my area. Best would be work part time but get full salary.
  53. fcbetting

    Do you eat fries first or the burger?

    Did anybody of notice how burgers becoem to expensive on music festivals and concerts? Engredients are not to expensive. Few more salad is added to look better but price went much higher in air.
  54. fcbetting

    Trendri seems to have removed earning limits for comments.

    PTP forums never meant to be good source of money just some side money. It is not easy pay more per post except forum owner don't include pop up ads. Even with it, owner could not manage cover 1$ expense per user.
  55. fcbetting

    Investing in Mining Vs Investing in Crypto

    To bad my brother didn't want use free current in student dorm. We could set small computer and let it run all time. Even it is weak it could bring us some coin but he didn't want it. It would be money without any invest.
  56. fcbetting

    Which is your favorite sports team and why?

    Their season was not good. Usually they are in top 4 clubs in English Premier League but this season they end up 6th place. They will play qualifications for Conference League. How they start season, this is good result. They miss Roman. New American owner is bad.
  57. fcbetting

    Do you prefer working under someone or being self employed?

    But in that case it is much more bigger responsability on you. No vacations, no sick days. Every day you don't come at work, you don't earn any money. When you work for somebody, you get days off, sick days and salary is still coming.
  58. fcbetting

    Is home schooling better than the traditional schooling?

    If you will teach your kids at home then at least make them hangout after 'school' with other kids. All day at home is not good at kids. They will probably end up rest of day in front of computer.
  59. fcbetting

    Ideas for creating posts

    Some events from my personal life, my experience with computers but most often reading newspapers or Internet portals I get ideas for new topics. It is not easy find good topic and get many responses.
  60. fcbetting

    Which is your favorite sports team and why?

    Warrios tactic is not good anymore. They just shoot many time for 3 points. It is not easy find so good shooters and opponents are more concentrate to block outside shooters than basket.
  61. fcbetting

    Do you feel comfortable wearing suits?

    I mostly wear casual stuff but on job interview I will wear shirt and better pants. I wear at work tie for Tie day and many female coworkers joke about it how good look at me. I didn't like it so I am will not wear it again.
  62. fcbetting

    Do you prefer being alone while working?

    Could you work in this office cubes? Many people are not fan of it but some still prefer it. When you see other people you become talkative but in this cube you are alone except sounds from other cubes.
  63. fcbetting

    Buying and Selling Guest Posts

    Simple. For example make a blog. Blog have visitors. Now customer contacts you with offer buying guest post link. Now you accept offer and write article which include link to customer website and publish it on your blog. You visitors should click on link in article and visit customer website.
  64. fcbetting

    Buying and Selling Guest Posts

    None of my website didn't become so popular I can sell guest post. When you buy guest post, first buy few like 5. When you see results (does traffic come from it), then buy more or search for new audience.
  65. fcbetting

    Investing in Mining Vs Investing in Crypto

    Buy bitcoin and stake it. Mining depend on many stuff. Electric current price, network, pc and graphic card quality. When you buy it, just be patient and sell it on time.
  66. fcbetting

    Do you drink Alcohol daily?

    Last night I got drunk from two beers. It was to warm and beer was cold so hit me in my head. I went sleep and later wake up very thirsty.
  67. fcbetting

    Do you eat fries first or the burger?

    I try eat it both but I only like burgers in McDonalds. Those are not to big. Sometimes I just take fries and eat it alone without anything. It was my lunch for some time.
  68. fcbetting

    Is there any reason why my cat goes crazy over apples?

    Cats are usually afraid of cucumber. You find many videos where they are scared, jump and run away. My cat is not like it. He also often play with apples when they fall from three in yard.
  69. fcbetting

    How many times do you eat in a day.

    Today I ate to many times and to many bad food. Chips, popcorns, few beers, coca cola, cookies and one regular lunch. I went on tennis match in morning but I ate much more calories than I spend.
  70. fcbetting

    Technology - How far will it go?

    When we will get functional hologram phones? I want to speak like in Star Wars. Next step of hologram would be OnlyFans models on hologram.
  71. fcbetting

    Carnivore diet

    I would not recomended any of these diet. Better eat less and more healthy food. I lose 5 kilograms and I still eat pizza and drink beer. I just don't eat it so much as before. Buy smaller plate.
  72. fcbetting

    How many debit cards do you use?

    How much in negative balance you can go on debit card? I can go up to 10 000 euros and bank would allow me even bigger. That is big trap and many people end up paying much more money when they close negative balance.
  73. fcbetting

    Do you live in your own house?

    I live in my own apartment. I don't have enough space for myself so no way I can rent it. But it iss one of the best invest I had in life. I don't pay rent and don't depend about anybody.
  74. fcbetting

    How many times do you eat in a day.

    I try eat at least three times per day. It is not healhty eat two time in days but big amount of food. Better choose eat 4 times in day but normal meals. Also avoid to much sugar.
  75. fcbetting

    Is vegan milk better than animal milk

    There is no vegan milk. It is just some chemistry. How can you get milk from not animal? As I know none vegetable or fruits produce milk.
  76. fcbetting

    Sports community needs to be created.

    Who is interested in Euro 2024? It starts in 7 days so we can have one big topic for all games and events related to it.
  77. fcbetting

    How To Generate Passive Income If You Are A Poor Person?

    You get earn something from passive but first you must collect free money. Example faucets, PTP forums. You can earn there for some start but it will not be easy. Restake it and earn more and after few years you will see result.
  78. fcbetting

    How many phones do your have?

    Just one and I don't need another one. Maybe just for special services but current Motorola is fine. I got it last year on good discount for 150 euros.
  79. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Today I got my new car. Wish me luck and many new kilometers.
  80. fcbetting

    Can you marry a woman who doesn’t have a job?

    Why not? I am not searching for financier, I am searching for partner. Of course I would like she is working but if there is no chance or jobs are bad, for peach in home, better not go work.
  81. fcbetting

    Do You Find Adsense Approval Really Hard?

    I don't think I will go for Adsense approval. To many people start complain about new algorithm update and how their earnings went to bottom. Even after a week they don't see coming be to previous earnings.
  82. fcbetting

    Earn through sidegig

    Last my side gig brought over 1000 euros. I hold additional classes for special group for two months. To bad there is no demand for it anymore. Anything later was much, much smaller.
  83. fcbetting

    How to earn through playing games with out investments?

    I find few websites where you can play games and earn coins but they pay to low amount. I would use it only if I am very near payout.
  84. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    We went on tennis and after match we drinked coffee. Win - win combination.