Recent content by Fidelia

  1. F

    How many times bath?

    Generally, I take my bath three times daily. On very stressful days, I take my bath up to 5 times in a day.
  2. F

    Venting out to free your mind

    It is better to let it out on whoever is around and hope they understand. Don't ever bottle it in unless it might explode.
  3. F

    Why do some people engage in dirty jobs?

    I won't engage in anything that is against general moral standards. I can always hustle the legit way than engage in things that are dirty.
  4. F

    Do you compete with your colleagues?

    I don't have time to compete with anyone in this life. I just keep doing what I have to do and move on with my life.
  5. F

    How do you typically get your tension out?

    When I am stressed, I try to watch some movies, especially comic movies to let out the stress.
  6. F

    Transportation business lucrative in your country

    Transportation business would continue to be lucrative in every country even in the next 100 years. People would always need to move around.
  7. F

    How to reduce fixed costs of a business

    I don't actually think it is practically possible to reduce fixed costs of a business because they provide the basis for the operation of the business.
  8. F

    Have you ever gotten government grants/loans for your business?

    Government grants and loans is something that is like a top secret in my country. It is extremely difficult to be able to access it.
  9. F

    How to give job satisfaction to your business workers

    Giving job satisfaction to the staff in your business is not rocket science. Just make sure that you pay well and working conditions are reasonably fair.
  10. F

    Don't compete if you lack capital

    I don't believe in unnecessary confrontational competition in business. Just genuinely seek to improve your business and you would gain market instead of consciously trying to compete.
  11. F

    Social Networks and Communication on the Job

    Many companies and top brands are active offering support services on Twitter. And that's good because it makes customer support faster.
  12. F

    How do you manage employees in your business?

    Even managing three employees is very difficult. When you consider that they have different exposure and assimilation levels.
  13. F

    Can a business card be used to get connections?

    A business card can be used to get connections even though it is not in vogue any longer.
  14. F

    Luck or hard work?

    It is a combination of both. The truth is that opportunity happens to everyone. It now depends on what they do with such opportunities that determines success. People should always work hard and position things because opportunities would always come.
  15. F

    How profitable is running a pharmacy business

    Pharmacy business is very lucrative. Drugs are almost like social commodities that are heavily subsided by governments and NGOs. That's why people running pharmacy businesses are always in profit.
  16. F

    Effects of dominance on business

    A business organisation must see to it that it is always ready at all times to serve customers. That would definitely involve having to plan ahead.
  17. F

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    Notcoin is just one of the few airdrops that were really sincere. And scam airdrops are trying to capitalize on the success of Notcoin.
  18. F

    Running a veterinary shop - Profitable or not?

    A veterinary shop is very profitable. Remember that they deal on a variety of things for different animals. And all the people that rear these different animals need the veterinary shops.
  19. F

    Pay All Bills Before the Due Date

    I try as much as possible to pay all my bills in advance. It gives some peace of mind and makes you to focus on some other things that matter.
  20. F

    Cut cost by carrying bottle of water around

    This is a standard practice that allows you to save little expenses on sachets and bottled water.
  21. F

    Senior Discounts

    In my country, there is nothing like senior discounts. The elderly are even treated with contempt by businesses.
  22. F

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    I don't even have a mirror at all in my room. I use my window which is reflective as my mirror.
  23. F

    25 Posts on

    @Cam how many people are needed for this round. I am in though.
  24. F

    Make up or no make up

    I am cool with all of the above. I can wear makeup if occasion demands. I can decide not to wear makeup too and I would still be beautiful.
  25. F

    What should young people consider before going to a relationship?

    All I would say to people that are about to enter relationships is that they should first of all know themselves and their purpose in life before finding who would walk that path with them.
  26. F

    Do ladies like it when they are on their period?

    I don't have mood swings during the show. Why do you have? Is it because of the pains? I think it is in the mind to have mood swings during periods.
  27. F

    What kind of exercise do you do?

    I try to sprint and jug two times in a week. That's about the major exercise I do as a routine.
  28. F

    Do you take meds for headaches?

    Nowadays, I think those headaches are just stress induced. I just find a way to sleep and by the time I wake, they are all gone.
  29. F

    Ths importance of compromise in business.

    Business is defined by negotiations and every negotiation requires compromise in some form if that negotiation would be a success.
  30. F

    What Are the Benefits of Work Ethics?

    Work ethics define a specific path for an employee to follow. They define the moral principles that the organisation stands for which every staff must uphold.
  31. F

    Does Your Company allow you to take Groceries from the Company store and pay when you get your salary?

    I have never worked in a product company but I think most companies that deal on products allow their staff to access those products to pay when salaries are due.
  32. F

    Right skills to acquire for animals farming

    The best skill to have for animal farming is to understand the behaviours and patterns of the animals that you rear.
  33. F

    when is the right time to increase your skills in business?

    I don't think there is any right time to increase your skills in business. You should be continually increasing your skills everyday in your business so that it can keep growing everyday.
  34. F

    Does a landlord have the right to increase rents as he deems fit.

    I always negotiate with landlords before paying for a house to bring in increments every 2 years. Saying a landlord can increase rents anytime can easily lead to exploitative tendencies.
  35. F

    Why investing in gambling is a crime in some countries?

    They believe that gambling is not a productive venture to be called an investment. It leads to more vices in the country.
  36. F

    Is gold better than money in the bank?

    Gold reached peak price this year and many people had their financial fortunes turned around. I have never seen anyone has a financial turnaround by keeping money in the bank.
  37. F

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    Since I am effectively earning regularly on index forum, I would say that it is the best forum to earn right now compared to Trendri. But Trendri is very good too.
  38. F

    Best discussion and forum site to earn money

    I don't know if most people here have heard about Discussion Bucks. It is one of the best forum sites with very interesting discussions that would give you valuable information while you earn.
  39. F

    Using Photoshop to Make Money

    If one is proficient with Photoshop, they can use that skill to offer photo editing services online to make money.
  40. F

    How do you manage your fiances?

    I really don't use any apps to manage my personal finances. The highest thing I do with apps is to track my transactions history.
  41. F

    Do you have any kind of short term loans?

    I personally avoid all those short term loans especially from loan sharks. Their terms are not always transparent. I don't have any loans at the moment.
  42. F

    Do you find it aesthetically disgusting to eat with bare hands?

    There are some food in some cultures that are best eaten with bare hands. In my culture, we eat garri and soup with bare hands and there is nothing wrong with that.
  43. F

    Is it profitable to sell personal protective equipment PPE ?

    It seems that it is only people that are in the safety industry that buy PPEs. That market is not large enough to be a mainstream business.
  44. F

    Poultry Farming is the most lucrative business opportunity in the agricultural sector

    Poultry farming is quite profitable but I believe there are some crops that are more profitable than poultry.
  45. F

    Have you tried iwriter?

    I hear that they like blocking accounts that are inactive. I don't think that is fair because people can really get busy.
  46. F

    How to Write a Great Content?

    The key to generating a good content is to understand why you are writing the content. It would help you on how to organize the contents.
  47. F

    Online sales of Photos

    This method of earning was good at a certain point. But it seems it is just dwindling and not in vogue anymore.
  48. F

    Is making money online difficult?

    Making money online is not really difficult. It is just that it requires maximum focus to be able to earn good online.
  49. F

    Making Money From Short Videos: Which is the Best Platform

    I think that TikTok has the highest engagements now and has the greatest potential for a video content creator to make money.
  50. F

    Share the Internet and earn from 5 to 20 $ per month!

    Any earning opportunities that involves sharing internet connection is a complete no from me and I won't ever be interested in it.
  51. F

    How investing in a franchise business can be a passive income

    I actually thought that it is the franchisor that would make a passive income from selling his franchise.
  52. F

    Earn Passive Income Through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

    It is true that Amazon has given writers a chance to put themselves out and be recognized. I think writers should leverage on this to make money from books.
  53. F

    Earn passive income from renting out domains.

    I don't know how this works but I believe that I see ads of domains available for just $2. Any demand for rented domains?
  54. F

    Making Passive Income as a Content Creator

    Video contents and textual contents can make good money for someone that knows how to get it right. It takes time and it's technical but content always pays well.
  55. F

    Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

    I get bored chatting on Facebook. How do you do it for a whole day. Can't hold a Facebook chat for 15 minutes.
  56. F

    Do you keep to promises?

    I make very few promises in my life. Even in relationships, I avoid making promises. But when I promise a thing, you can just go sleep because I would always keep it.
  57. F

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    Love for me is all about actions and not really about talk. You have to act to show you love me by always being there for me.
  58. F

    Do you typically lend a hand to those in need?

    I always help people. I can't walk away when someone is in need. My conscience won't let me walk away when I can help.
  59. F

    To Forget and Forgive

    No matter how much the hurt is, I forgive even when I am in the pains and the hurt. I can't keep grudges.
  60. F

    How do you gather data and insights?

    True this. Just start casual conversations with people and you would be able to get data that you can collate about competitors or the industry.
  61. F

    Does a company need to hire a lawyer for business transactions?

    When a business has complex terms that have to be fulfilled by both parties, there is a need for a lawyer to ratify the contract.
  62. F

    Starting A Canteen in A School or College Is a Profitable business

    No matter how much you would pay to get the approval to run a canteen in a school, you would make back the money in just a month.
  63. F

    What is the greatest fear for entrepreneurship?

    The greatest fear of entrepreneurs is the ability to make profits from the business. It is the fear of losses that all entrepreneurs dread.
  64. F

    Separating your personal life from your business life

    The challenge is that these family members also haha financial needs that they need help. But it is good to also create time for them.
  65. F

    Employee retention strategies

    There is nothing that retains staff in an organisation more than good pay. And an opportunity for career growth.
  66. F

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    A company that has a strong culture of corporate social responsibility still pays for training programs for it's staff.
  67. F

    Can you go a day without talking to your partner?

    There are such spells when one is so busy and they don't even have time to do romance. I have gone days without talking to my partner.
  68. F

    Overwork without Extra Pay

    Working overtime without an extra pay is nothing but exploitation. I would stand up against it in it's entirety.
  69. F

    Bullying in Business

    They have alignment with these government. You can't punish them. You just have to grow your business to be bigger than their bullying.
  70. F

    How to recontact old customers

    I think that the best medium to reach out to those old customers is through WhatsApp chats. That would be really personal and less official than email. It can make them to reconsider and patronize you again.
  71. F

    Do you like wearing work uniforms?

    I was never a fan of work uniforms. Even when I wanted to learn how to sow, I carefully and intentionally went to a place that doesn't have work uniforms.
  72. F

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    For someone that doesn't really have time, they can sneak up and earn some good money from index forum with just 40 minutes of posting. 20 cents can be covered in that period.
  73. F

    How do you watch movies

    It is only on weekends that I watch movies and I always use my laptop to watch movies. My TV is just a decoration these days.
  74. F

    Do you still watch TV?

    When I get back to the house, I am always too tired to be able to watch TV at all.
  75. F

    How much Does a Teacher Earn In Your country?

    Teachers are always considered in the lower rungs of the society. And are paid very poorly here. A teacher is being paid $25 a month in most schools.
  76. F

    Are you Good at staying patient?

    I know that I have a long bout of patience. But when it spirals too much, it explodes and no one can tame the reaction.
  77. F

    Controlling population explosion

    There should be a legislation that would make exceeding the limit of births a criminal offence. That would automatically control population immediately.
  78. F

    Do you prefer surgically enhanced body parts

    I can't alter my body parts from the natural physique that God had given me. Any artificial body enhancements would not last.
  79. F

    Are you friendly with your Neighbors?

    I give my neighbour a smile whenever I see him. It might be fake smile but who cares. My neighbour is not my friend but I act friendly around them.
  80. F

    When last do you shed tears?

    The last time that I cried was when I lost a favourite uncle. I couldn't hold back the tears then because that uncle had good plans for me.
  81. F

    What should not be shared with others

    I don't share my phone with someone. Before someone would use my phone to make a communication that would implicate me.
  82. F

    How Do You Deal With the Challenges of Customer Satisfaction?

    You always make sure that you are using the best practices for your business. Customer satisfaction would follow naturally that way.
  83. F

    Must you depend fully on your business?

    One of the reasons that I am making money online is to free up the business a bit financially so that I can make my needs from all sources.
  84. F

    Should you avoid Coinbase?

    Coinbase is a rip off when it comes to fees and charges for transactions. They charge almost like PayPal. Anyways, it is American establishments.
  85. F

    Why is kolanut highly demanded in the International Market?

    I have asked this same question to someone that deals on exporting kolanuts. The person said that it is because kolanuts gave medicinal value.
  86. F

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    I still have my grandparents alive but it is just one each from both paternal and maternal sides that are alive.
  87. F

    What do you think about being a house wife or house husband?

    That is a lazy person's mindset. I can't be a housewife regardless of how much the hubby gives me every month. I also want to have my endeavour and money.
  88. F

    What can stop you from working?

    I think that the only thing that can stop me from working is when I am very ill and can't do things for myself.
  89. F

    Qualities of a wife material

    I just hope that this doesn't mean that a man should not also have the skills to cook and clean? Because I won't marry such a husband material.
  90. F

    Do you have a plan to change your daily routine?

    My daily routine is quite flexible. I have refused to push for a fixed routine because it would make life monotonous for me.
  91. F

    Is it money or knowledge?

    I think that I would go for knowledge because when once you have it, you can use it to make money.
  92. F

    Can you work on weekends?

    Unless the job is paying really well, before I would agree to work on weekends. I won't do that for an average pay.
  93. F

    How Can a Small Business Grow

    A small business can grow if they have a unique value proposition. And prioritize superior customers satisfaction.
  94. F

    Is it lawful to sack an employee?

    If it was stated in the employment contract that the company withholds the right to terminate the employment of the staff at anytime without notice, then it is illegal. If it is not clearly stated, it is illegal and the staff can go to court.
  95. F

    How Do You Deal With the Challenges of Customer Satisfaction?

    Customer satisfaction is a core functionality of business. Every business should institute that into it's foundational plan.
  96. F

    Selling of ingredients for salad

    Selling if salad ingredients could be very lucrative in my country. Celebrations and events are not complete without salad served alongside rice.
  97. F

    Startup a personal chef business

    Making it as a personal chef requires that one builds connection. It takes staying longer for one to have lots of jobs as a personal chef.
  98. F

    Is a voiceover artist still a lucrative business?

    Voice over artists are making crazy money doing campaigns for online clients. They pay for one gig far higher than what people earn on paid to post forums daily.
  99. F

    Start late and slow and expect a negative impact

    There is absolutely nothing too wrong with starting late. And that should also not be a basis for a rush else you would easily crash.
  100. F

    The impact of salary increase in a workplace

    It is just humane for employers to understand that inflation is a constant phenomena and work on giving the employees a raise.
  101. F

    Why do people dislike those who say the truth?

    Even though the truth hurts most times, I prefer to hear the truth than bask in the false euphoria of a lie.
  102. F

    Is geography uself?

    Geography is very useful because it teaches us about the world. It has helped us to appreciate the world around us.
  103. F

    Is the circumcision allowed in your culture?

    In my country, only Christian male boys are circumcised. And that is done within 8 to 10 days after the birth of the baby boy.
  104. F

    What are your thoughts on religious cruelty

    It can be excused for the ancient times because people were not really enlightened then. No excuses for it happening now.
  105. F

    Business expenses to cut down for profit increase

    The most redundant costs in business always present as staff. There are some staff that practically don't do much to push the company's productivity and the company can't be do without them.
  106. F

    Embarrassing Mistakes in English

    The most common mistake that I have always been making has always had to do with tenses. And I am consciously working to correct and stop making those mistakes.
  107. F

    How to kill suicidal thoughts

    When you have suicidal thoughts, just think of the pains that your loved ones would go through if you go ahead. Your brain would reset.
  108. F

    How to positively deal with discrimination in the workplace

    For me, I would resign from a workplace that I am being discriminated against. It would damage my mental health and sanity.
  109. F

    Can a 30 year old person live peacefully with his or her parents?

    I have not really seen people being able to live with parents at that age. The child always suffers mental depression in most circumstances. Of course, I am talking for my country.
  110. F

    What kind of movies do you like?

    I love to watch romance based movies. I love to see love stories unfold and probably fantasize on them happening to me.
  111. F

    What are the similarities that two people must share to have a successful marriage?

    Having the same purpose as couples make for easy alignment if goals. When purposes are different, it means that they are traveling different paths.
  112. F

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    As an employee, there are times that I used to go late to work. And it was mostly because of traffic jams on the road.
  113. F

    Do you spend sleepless nights if failed of something?

    I spend long stretches of the night thinking about those failures. I eventually sleep off on those thoughts. Never spent a whole night thinking.
  114. F

    Do you keep on thinking about things that affect your decisions?

    I am actually a very decisive person. When once I set my mind to do something, I get to it. I don't ruminate over decisions.
  115. F

    When did you wake up today?

    I always wake up around past 6 am everyday. It seems that I really can't sleep beyond that period everyday as my body is accustomed to it.
  116. F

    Do you like to drive a Car or Motor Bike?

    I only drive a car. I have never sat in front of a motorbike to drive before. I don't think it is something that I would ever attempt.
  117. F

    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    I used to cry wildly when my parents dropped me off in school back in my childhood days. Felt they were abandoning me.
  118. F

    How to positively deal with someone trying to take your work or position

    Do I actually even mind such people? I know that the best thing to do is to show more advancements and they would get frustrated.
  119. F

    4 key factors impacting business profitability

    It could also be that your turnover rate is quite low. If it is really high, you should be able to see adequate profits.
  120. F

    Why does timing matter when a company develops new projects?

    Timing and time tracking are important aspects of a new project to be sure that's the project is done at a time suitable for such projects. And delivered correspondingly too.
  121. F

    Do you like to try on clothes before you buy them?

    That is one advantage of buying clothes from an organised boutique. You would be able to try them on and pick the best fit.
  122. F

    How lucrative is mobile old clothes stitching in your country

    These are simply mobile tailors that go about with hand machines to offer amendment services for your old clothes.
  123. F

    Starting up an elderly care business

    An elderly care business is really a good business. It is in good demand because people are willing to pay for their aged relatives to get proper care.
  124. F

    Management support Is key In empowering employees

    Part of management support practice is that a business organisation should not talk down on it's employees before the customers. Doing so kills the morale of the employees before the customers.
  125. F

    What is the number one skill to become a marketer?

    A good marketer should be able to pick up languages easily so that he or she can be able to interact and easily communicate with the locals.
  126. F

    How Are Nigerians Dealing With Cryptocurrency?

    For now, one can't access the website of any crypto exchange unless with the use of a VPN. But the crypto exchange apps can still be accessed v
  127. F

    The right number of hours businesses should work per day

    For me, my business opens by 7am. And I close by 6pm to go and rest for the next day. For peak periods though, I run my business almost all through the day.
  128. F

    How do you handle backstabber?

    A person that can backstab you can kill you. It is very wise to avoid such people with every component of your life.
  129. F

    Your go-to sweetener

    Honey is the number one sweetener that I use. If I want to change, i turn to grounded date nuts.
  130. F

    Are you a religious person?

    I am not a hypocrite. I believe in God. I understand my boundaries. I use my senses too in matters if religion. I don't allow myself to be manipulated.
  131. F

    Should a partner monitor the other partner's phone for texts and calls?

    I won't accept that kind of unruly behaviour from someone that I call a partner. It can easily lead to a toxic relationship.
  132. F

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    Most people that go that path very likely had irresponsible children that refused to take their life seriously.
  133. F

    What do you do when you are Bored

    I just find a way to get a movie and watch when I am bored. That's the only tool I use to kill boredom.
  134. F

    What Do You Love Most About Social Media Platforms?

    Social media gives people a voice to be heard. Governments and corporate organisations has been called to order by social media campaigns.
  135. F

    Cut toxic people out of your life

    Toxic people can make you depressed over nothing. You just have to take them away because of your mental health.
  136. F

    Bouncing check

    It is not a good thing to give someone a check that you know would bounce. In some countries, it is criminal offence that attracts a jail term.
  137. F

    Is it unfair for the the team leader to get all the credits?

    As a goof team leader, when it happens like that, you consciously deflect it and give it to your teammates members. It has a real way of motivating them.
  138. F

    Do you have some customers you dislike?

    I have consciously decided not to dislike any of my customers. If I do, it would affect the way I serve him or her which would not augur well for my business.
  139. F

    How do you treat first time customers?

    I always offer my first time patrons a first time drink to make them feel cool and appreciated for coming to patronize us.
  140. F

    Important aspect to look out for when hiring an employee?

    I always try to hack into the employee's mind to know his motivating factor. If it is just money with no passion, it is a huge red flag.
  141. F

    House and pet sitting business

    This business doesn't work in my country because having pets is not a common lifestyle amongst the people. And then, maintaining a pet is quite expensive.
  142. F

    Effect of technology on your business

    Technology has made me to use industrial sewing machine to run my fashion business which drastically reduces the stress of matching a manual machine.
  143. F

    Again and again in debts

    The only way to stop living from paycheck to paycheck is just to pay the price and get skills that would earn you a decent pay.
  144. F

    Biggest mistake in financing

    For me, the biggest financial mistake was not going for a skill. I felt that because I was schooling, I didn't need a skill. I lived in penury with my bsc certificate till I got a skill.
  145. F

    What is your total earnings on PTP?

    On all the Paid to Post forums, I have been able to earn up to $250. I started quite late. Just 6 months in the game.
  146. F

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    Nowadays, it would take you about 6 days to cross the Dollar mark on index forum. That's because everyday, one earns max 19 cents without any stretching.
  147. F

    One mistake you made with your online money making

    One mistake I made was not understanding the online earning gig that would work for me. I spent so much time on transcripton jobs without any success.
  148. F

    how much online money you earned so far?

    So far so good, I have earned up to $1000 through the online space. I am always super excited that I can earn money at that level online.
  149. F

    Should video gaming be considered a career?

    I won't call it a career in the real sense but it is an earning program that people use to earn money online. Same way forum posting can't be called a career.
  150. F

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    That's your own call to make. What would go wrong if you create your own topics so that people would also reply for the site to be lively?
  151. F

    How Easy is it to Create and Sell Digital Products

    I don't really find it difficult to create a digital product. I have created courses. The real challenge is being able to sell same. It is difficult to sell digital products.
  152. F

    Would you like to be a TV anchor?

    I would love to be a TV anchor but I bet you, I would be very neutral when conducting interviews.
  153. F

    Do you have friends in different countries outside forums?

    I don't have international friends outside forums. I am only able to keep friends outside country from forums.
  154. F

    How did you get over your ex

    Just delete every that has to do with the person from your mind and you would successfully move on.
  155. F

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    The user you quoted didn't say he was married. He only said he is supposed to marry at his age but he isn't. For abstinence, all the posters on this thread are being hypocritical when they know it is not really easy to abstain.
  156. F

    Can you pay a bride price of $1,000,000.

    I won't advise my brother to pay such kind of bride price when he won't be mining gold from the woman.
  157. F

    Always get reviews from your customers

    Reviews are the live wire of any online business. It helps to draw potential customers in.
  158. F

    How do you make sure you avoid the poverty?

    I have built financial leverages in the forms of investments to help me always stay afloat and grow financially.
  159. F

    Agree or disagree that in true love, money is irrelevant?

    It is when the bills start rushing in that you would understand that love has never been enough. That love would turn sour.
  160. F

    Reducing Risks in a New Business

    Mentorship can help to reduce the risks in a small business. A sound mentor would help you identify risks beforehand and show you ways to go about overcoming it.
  161. F

    Major challenges of a fashion designer

    One challenge that fashion designers have is the saturation if the industry. Almost everyone is sowing and most fashion designers can't get jobs.
  162. F

    Why Freelancing is Better Than a Regular Job

    My friend that was a graphics designer left an office job and started freelancing. Anf he is far better off than when he was freelancing.
  163. F

    How to avoid errors in the workplace

    To avoid errors in the workplace, you should cut off every factor that would distract you. Evaluate methods and processes very well before you start implementing them.
  164. F

    Buy now, sell later strategy in business

    You can only do this for products that you know you can preserve them during it's season till the time it would be scarce. It can be really profitable.
  165. F

    how are you taking care of your mental health in business

    I have decided to always take negative reviews and criticisms as just opinions of people which I should just examine and implement the ones that are good. That way, I don't take criticism to heart and my mental health is protected.
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    What's the best online course you've taken?

    I took up a crypto trading course from Udemy and I have to say that the course was worth it. It has helped me to trade crypto.
  167. F

    Do you really love everybody?

    Do you actually wish them dead? Would you see them in a life threatening danger and refuse to help them? I try not to wish bad things on anyone no matter how bad they are.
  168. F

    Do you use to follow any sports while at school?

    I used to follow badminton as a student. I was very good in it and represented my state in a national badminton tournament.
  169. F

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    As far as it keeps on generating viable side income for me, I give my best shot to it. Money is gathered bit by bit.
  170. F

    Which PTP site pays more?

    You can realise even achieve that with BMF because just 70 posts would earn you that. You would need over 200 posts to achieve that here as things stand.
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    Legit 👍 Review

    Mylot just died a natural death. You would hardly see engagements there that can earn you something substantial.
  172. F

    How many income sources do you have?

    I have two income sources. I organize home tutorials for basic and high school students while I also run a fashion line.
  173. F

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    I would have opted for a daily payment schedule but it is like it is something that would make one to spend excessively. I would prefer a weekly payment schedule.
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    Reducing Defects in Manufacturing

    The first thing to do is to have an established standard for your products. That standard should be what the business consciously pursues and integrates into their production process.
  175. F

    Are you Comfortable accepting PayPal payments?

    I don't have a PayPal account and I don't even want to have because it is not working in my country.
  176. F

    How Long Does it Take to Learn a Money Making Skill Online?

    It depends on if you have a background knowledge. It would take a much shorter duration with a background knowledge of the money making skill you want to learn. When there is no background knowledge, it would take longer.
  177. F

    New 🚩 Can we classify forums that do basically monthly posting contests as paid to post forums?

    I would classify them as paid to post forums. That's because they pay for the posting activities of people in the contest.
  178. F

    New 🚩 Which section of Paid to Post forums do you have the most posts and earn most from?

    I align more with the crypto section and the entrepreneurship section. Those are the areas that interest me as a young person.
  179. F

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    I have registered on the site, gotten verified and I. am ready to take up my contribution on insurance related topics on the site.
  180. F

    How Are Nigerians Dealing With Cryptocurrency?

    It would surely happen. When the tides are down, crypto would be legalized in Nigeria and people would be free to participate in the crypto market.
  181. F

    How do you invest in crypto market?

    I use to invest through exchanges so that I can easily cashout when my crypto has had some yield.
  182. F

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    Investing all your funds in crypto would likely come back to haunt you. Crypto is unstable and very volatile. No one can predict what would happen in the crypto market in the next few hours.
  183. F

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    I am not ready to risk my device to mine all those tokens. It might look harmless but it takes a toll on your smartphone eventually b
  184. F

    Investing in your own business vs investing in stock market

    It largely depends on your region. $100 would go a long way in helping to establish a business in my country. Not just a business but a standard business. I would rather use that amount to invest in a business as a resident of Africa.
  185. F

    Is Upgrading an account on a PTP Site profitable?

    If I have to upgrade my account on a paid to post forum, it is majorly to support the forum and it is not to gain anything.
  186. F

    Are you patient enough to make money online?

    There are too many people that have become frustrated because they thought the online space is a get rich quick scheme.
  187. F

    Are you patient enough to teach kids?

    I just know that I can't impart into kids because it needs endless repetition before they grab. I don't even bother teaching them anything.
  188. F

    Do you turn off your smartphone before you go to bed?

    I would never turn off my phone when going to bed in case of any emergency that might need my attention at night.
  189. F

    Have you ever been in an aircraft?

    It is not a sweet experience when there is turbulence mid flight abd and you are reminded of the emergency exits. You would just start praying to whatever you believe in.
  190. F

    Is abstinence really possible for someone that is 20+ of age ?

    Anyone that has popped the cherry always faces a tough battle trying to abstain. I have tried to fight that battle and I lost promptly in the 6th month.
  191. F

    Is it possible for someone not to ever be depressed?

    I believe if there is any person that can rise above depression, it would do his or her health so much good. I am trying to get above that level.
  192. F

    Having different values and beliefs in a relationship

    If the disparity in values are really far apart, it is best for the two to split up because it would just turn out disastrous.
  193. F

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    I attended an all girls boarding school. I can tell you that students are easily exposed to sexual perversion in boarding schools.
  194. F

    How to maintain self care and love in a relationship

    You first of all have to understand that if you don't love yourself adequacy, you would not be able to love someone. Real love starts from within by loving yourself.
  195. F

    Lessons learnt from your past relationship

    The lesson I learned from my past relationship is that I should never attach myself to anyone as my live wire because anyone can disappoint at any time.
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    Dealing with a lustful relationship

    The thing is that when once the subject of that lust is placated, such partners don't see anything to hold on to and stay committed to the relationship.
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    Do you give your neighbors discount?

    I am not running a charity organisation and if I am not doing promo, no one should expect discount from me. That's blackmail.
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    What normally motivates you?

    What motivates is the fact that if I give up, I would have to go back to paid employment which didn't favour me.
  199. F

    Can someone explain the factors that contribute to business profit?

    If you have more customers, that is when it would translate to more sales for you to make more profits.
  200. F

    Earning Free Crypto

    Any GPT site that pays in crypto and is legit is definitely a good place to earn crypto without having to use your money and pay for it.