Recent content by HansonU99

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. HansonU99

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Before you start making money online you will need to have motivation and fully committed if you have passion for yourself then that your work Will be easier you must also have strategy to work
  2. HansonU99

    which forum is better to earn Rif or trendri?

    Its depend on your activity there I have use trendri for sometime now I never got any bann so I hope your activity there are clean for the safety of your account
  3. HansonU99

    Trendri or Insured forum Which is better?

    I love to work on trendri because I have use them before to earn so I don't know much about insured forum but I heard that they pay I have seen a payment proof
  4. HansonU99

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    Those days we use to have good paying forum but now you can see only few forum we has now pay less and the only forum which I have not tried is insured forum it's new
  5. HansonU99

    Trendri or Insured forum Which is better?

    I believe now trendri is the best because even after making the normal 5 post I always post additional 20 post to earn credit then I will convert those credit to cash
  6. HansonU99

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    Before I can join this forum I will love to know the Post rate for each post and I heard you need to pass a test want to know if the task take Time and how tough it is
  7. HansonU99

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    In what ever that you do you must be fully committed to it so I do take forum posting work serious so I can reach my aim daily
  8. HansonU99

    The business of tutoring online as a side hustle.

    I don't consider tutoring online to be side hustle I see it as profession but you will need to have quality knowledge on the area of your decipline because it's highly competitive
  9. HansonU99

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    I use affiliated marketing as alternative to forum posting but the issue is that with affiliated marketing you must wait and have patience before you start earning
  10. HansonU99

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    I don't fancy this before I make a decision to join any programs online I will first check if the website is legit or not for security reasons
  11. HansonU99

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    From the looks of things you will get wrong if you allow this to become your habits weather a program pay or not research before you join it
  12. HansonU99

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    Article writting is one of the best way to earn I have work on writterbay and others timebuk also pay faster it's one of the best site
  13. HansonU99

    Do you remember when you earned your first dollar?

    It's not going to be easy recalled this but I have earn some good money since I started my jorney to earn online I can only estimate
  14. HansonU99

    Do you know any apps that pay you to walk?

    I don't think this is going to work for me because I have searched such app on play store but I can't find it, and I don't know we're to to install it is it compactible with andriod
  15. HansonU99

    Is it possible to earn $1000 online?

    To make this amount of money you must have a good skill which you can sell for money except this it's going to be hard
  16. HansonU99

    Is it possible to earn more than $10 daily with PTP?

    I don't think this is going to work on because one thing is that now many forum has reduced the Post rate
  17. HansonU99

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    There are two website that scammed me recently I believe one was a ptc website and the other was an exchanger who promise to exchange my $3 1721735140 There are two website that scammed me recently I believe one was a ptc website and the other was an exchanger who promise to exchange my $3
  18. HansonU99

    What is last earning site you joined?

    There are so many website that I join recently some of them are ptc website that paid for ads
  19. HansonU99

    How did you feel when you lost your first money online?

    It's always painful doing this if you loss your earning online at first mostly if you don't accumulate enough funds then it's going to be painful
  20. HansonU99

    New 🚩 Can we classify forums that do basically monthly posting contests as paid to post forums?

    If a forum do monthly contests I believe it's not a paid to post website because they can stopped it anytime it's better I post on forum that has reward for my post
  21. HansonU99

    Forums that Teach us about Investments

    You must be right almost all the forum which we are working on now teach us more about investment there is always an investment section so it's now left for you to explore and learn the investment you want to go into
  22. HansonU99

    Do you prefer earning money from YouTube or PTP?

    I will always prefer YouTube because for instance if am promoting an item and luckily get a sell definitely I will make much money there compared to forum posting and I have experience using YouTube
  23. HansonU99

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    It's against my rules I can never join a website if I don't get proof of payment it's going to make me work blindly so at first you must proof your Link is paying to get my attention
  24. HansonU99

    Do you invest in foreign currencies?

    I trade forex it's one of the best way to earn good amount of cash I trade crypto currency as well but now the market is not well define
  25. HansonU99

    Where to invest your money?

    If you have the money to invest I will suggest that you chose hyjp it's a faster way to earn but comes with higher risk ratio
  26. HansonU99

    Do you prefer earning money from YouTube or PTP?

    The only thing is that before you can make good money on YouTube you must have a good website as your landing page but ptp you can just start now and be making money right away 1720794393 The only thing is that before you can make good money on YouTube you must have a good website as your...
  27. HansonU99

    Trendri or Insured forum Which is better?

    Then you are lacking behind I think trendri is good but I have not participate in conversation there to see how it's works but I heard it's pays a bit high
  28. HansonU99

    Have you made money from selling photos online

    What kind of photos can we sell here I have no knowledge on how this works but a friend introduce me to istock photo I don't know if they buy already taken photos
  29. HansonU99

    The best time for the online working

    The best time for the online work for me is during the morning hours before I go to work I will just contribute few posts to all the forums I work with and complete few task on gpt website
  30. HansonU99

    Is making money online difficult?

    Even if you ask the old gurus they will tell you that it's not always easy to make money online because some website are just there to scam you so it's through research that you can reach your goals
  31. HansonU99

    Is making money online an easy task?

    It's never an easy task to work online and be making money because you will need to pass through series of stress but if you keep knocking you will reached out to your goals
  32. HansonU99

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    If you don't have a proof to show me my dear I won't even bother myself to try your website because I will see it as wast of time so I will need to have proof before I can work here
  33. HansonU99

    Do You Still Work on Low Paying Sites?

    I also work on low paying website it's better than folding your hand and watch other's earn so I also contribute few posts daily to them except forumcoin that doesn't accept my browser extension
  34. HansonU99

    Are you earning from Mylot?

    I use to work here few days back but recently I checked their website they removed some of the earning ways so I don't Fancy that site again
  35. HansonU99

    Should you trust GPT platforms that have high payouts?

    No I don't trust any website that promise to pay us too higher I have fall a victim to one article writing website back then that offers high incentive but at the end of the day they do away with my money
  36. HansonU99

    Paid to Post forums that require verification to start earning.

    You can. say that again but there are still some forum that ask you to verify your account before you proceed for example try insured forum you must be verify to post there
  37. HansonU99

    Are you really making money online?

    Am earning some cash now online doing alot of work affiliated marketing is one of the work I do to earn forums posting work is one of them but it's tasking
  38. HansonU99

    The most boring way to earn?

    You can only consider survey as the most boring ways to earn if you operate from Africa the most boring way is ptc you will click's thousand of adds to earn better rate
  39. HansonU99

    using voice typing with PTP forums

    I have not seen any forums that allows this if it's works I think there should be a software that can be use to do this
  40. HansonU99

    How Many Paid to Post Forums Are You Using?

    I work in almost all the paying forum but I normally contribute few posts here every day since they only pay for our first 20post I also moderate one
  41. HansonU99

    Making Money Online: Is It Beginner Friendly?

    Making money online is never beginner friendly you will need to pass through alot of personal testing on websites before you can make a dime but obviously if you have someone to guide you through you can make things happen faster
  42. HansonU99

    Changes in making money online

    There are so many changes in online earning you can see now most forum and gpt website that we use to earn better rate are now paying less so it's a big nagetive change we observe now
  43. HansonU99

    How much money do you make doing affiliate marketing?

    Frankly speaking I feel that if you want to make money through affiliated marketing you must have good traffic sources for your promotion I do affiliated marketing but it's three months now I never generate a sell due to poor traffic 1720787649 Frankly speaking I feel that if you want to make...
  44. HansonU99

    Legit 👍 My earning from Mylot

    I wonder how many days it's going to take before someone can reached$1 it's not my type of site 1720347295 I wonder how many days it's going to take before someone can reached$1 it's not my type of site
  45. HansonU99

    Do you have any passive income source online?

    For me right now I don't have anything like passive income aside from blogging it's another great way I earn online
  46. HansonU99

    Where do you make most of your online income?

    Most of my income comes from forums posting and ptc so I earn dramatically good amount everymonth through this means
  47. HansonU99

    Are You Comfortable Joining Earning Website without Payment proof?

    joining a website without payment proof seems childish you can getting scammed because there's no proof the website is paying before you join now we know there are alot of fraudulent activity 1720346163 joining a website without payment proof seems childish you can getting scammed because...