Recent content by Joshua Farrell

Join the TGF Contest with $410 in USDT prizes
  1. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore." -Michele Ruiz
  2. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Friday is in town! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
  3. Joshua Farrell

    First payout

    Little behind on getting one, compared to others. So I thought I might as well finally post the screenshot of the first transaction on requesting a payout from here.
  4. Joshua Farrell

    Penalizing Non active users

    While I understand the process behind deciding to tax inactivity, it can be annoying if it is too short of a time to do so. Most of the sites that I am a member of that does an inactivity tax, does so after a minimum of 6 months. Atleast that sort of inactivity tax for that length doesn't...
  5. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    I hate that. Can't get solid sleep either, and I can't always get to bed by a decent time on top of waking up within 3-4 hours of falling asleep.
  6. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan
  7. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning Thursday! I hope all of you have had a great week so far.
  8. Joshua Farrell

    How to Write Up Quality Articles in This Section

    @Jordan needs to discuss that, as I said, he was going to set it up, but hasn't posted anything about it yet. Wouldn't hurt to make that suggestion if you want to suggest a potential pay rate.
  9. Joshua Farrell

    TV series or movies?

    Yeah, it is getting harder to find films that are quality that I would want to watch repeatedly.
  10. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    I'm back? :O
  11. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve." -Mary Kay Ash
  12. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Happy Hump Day, aka Wednesday! Half way through the week. I guess I should be planning what I want to do on the weekend now.
  13. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    Looks like I posted again. Back to the beginning, y'all! :D
  14. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    Service closed indefinitel here on the forum, until I am able to fix issues with another service I am running.
  15. Joshua Farrell

    Joshua Farrell's Combined Service Exchange Thread #1

    See in the FP Exchanges at Forum Promotion, as I have a thread there.
  16. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." ―Chinese Proverb
  17. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Happy Tuesday! I guess it is time to celebrate such an awesome day! :)
  18. Joshua Farrell

    TV series or movies?

    Which do you enjoy watching more of, a tv series or a movie series? Care to share a title you enjoy out of which you like the most? I love watching the Stargate TV Series, as I can never find enough movies that I would love to watch repeatedly like a 10 season rerun of Stargate SG1.
  19. Joshua Farrell

    Which do you like more? Hot or Cold Weather?

    Which do you enjoy more? Hot weather, or cold weather? I generally prefer warm weather, as I know I don't have to deal with having to wear a half a dozen layers to go somewhere.
  20. Joshua Farrell

    Audiobook or e-book?

    Which do you prefer when reading a digital book? Would you rather listen to the book, or read it on your device?
  21. Joshua Farrell

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    Lets go!
  22. Joshua Farrell

    Paperback book or hardcover book?

    Which feels better in your hands? A paperback, or hard bound? I prefer hardbound, as I don't like having the book cover potentially bend and rip on me, while reading.
  23. Joshua Farrell

    Cronuts or Croffles?

    Which would you rather eat, a Cronut or Croffle? A Croffle is a croissant and waffle combined together as one. A Cronut, is a croissant and a donut combined as one. Which sounds more appealing?
  24. Joshua Farrell

    Take out or dine in?

    Would you rather take your food to go, so you can eat at home or at the park? Or would you rather dine in at the food location? Most of the time, I prefer to dine in at the location.
  25. Joshua Farrell

    Fishing or kayaking?

    If you had to choose which you would rather do, would you fish or go kayaking? I would rather fish. I love being relatively relaxed and taking in the outside. Helps with the feeling of being calm.
  26. Joshua Farrell

    Work vacation or work-free holiday

    If you worked a job where you potentially had to be "on call" during your off time, which would you choose if you are able. A working vacation or work-free holiday?
  27. Joshua Farrell

    Trivia Games, or Board games?

    Which do you like playing more of? Trivia games, or board games? I love trivia games, almost as much as board games, but I gess I would rather play board games more. I have loads of monopoly board games, and other types of similar board games. The only time I guess I would rather play trivia...
  28. Joshua Farrell

    Physical or digital books?

    As more and more writers embrace having their books published in a digital format, have you picked up reading books on a computer or tablet? Or are you still reading the majority of the books in a physical book?
  29. Joshua Farrell

    Matching or mismatched socks?

    Do you care whether or not your socks is matching or mismatched? It really depends for me on the situation, so long as the general feel and type of sock is similar to one another. Though I do prefer if my socks are matching, if I have to dress up for something that requires class.
  30. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions, that we'll screw up royally sometimes―understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success." ―Arianna Huffington
  31. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Happy Monday! Anyone doing anything fun for today?
  32. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    Loan service reopened.
  33. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Dr. Pepper guy here.
  34. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello! I hope everyone is having a good day so far!
  35. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    Looks like I posted again. Back to the beginning, y'all! :D
  36. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -Mark Twain
  37. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    The end of the month, essentially.
  38. Joshua Farrell

    How can I earn more raw RIF cash?

    There really are only a couple ways to earn faster. First, is to get the highest tier level VIP (GOLD), which pays a higher rate per post. The second, is to do exchanges.
  39. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Lets get this party started!
  40. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    I can't believe I am at it again! Don't forget to participate too!
  41. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Am I posting again? Oh My!
  42. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    If you can win this jackpot, why aren't you participating? Post like a mad man or woman now!
  43. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    The more we all post to compete, the more likely you can win it big too!
  44. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Who is winning again? Not me? Or is it you?
  45. Joshua Farrell

    Time is wasted during meetings over any other business activity?

    Is more time wasted during meetings than during any other business activity? Or is it frequent meetings the actual time waste when it comes to time spent at work?
  46. Joshua Farrell

    Are Qualifications More Important Now?

    Are qualifications for various jobs, more important now, than ever? What do you think? Should you actually spend the time to make sure you have the education and experience needed for certain jobs?
  47. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Am I going to continue posting here in this thread? Heck yes!
  48. Joshua Farrell

    Success in Career and Having a Happy Family Life

    Is it impossible to have a successful career and a happy family life? If it is, should you have to choose one or the other? If not, what can we all do to make sure that having a career, doesn't override having a good happy family life?
  49. Joshua Farrell

    Companies become more efficient as they grow in size?

    Do companies ted to become more efficient as they grow in size? Or is there a point where once they get to a certain size, they no longer are efficient? Care to elaborate your thoughts on the subject?
  50. Joshua Farrell

    Should you know your competitor's products too?

    A successful salesperson knows the strengths and weaknesses of competing products. Do you think that knowing your competitors products, helps to sell what you are selling? Could be like being in an office supplies store. Knowing which competitor products is worse off than your store's own...
  51. Joshua Farrell

    Creativity in Businesses

    There are people who think that small businesses have less creativity, over a larger business. Yet there are some larger businesses that tend to stifle creativity more, than some smaller companies, solely because of a tried and true method in development. Which do you think is more true?
  52. Joshua Farrell

    Impossible to find a job without help?

    Is It impossible for young people to find a good job today without help from someone? Or do you think that if you know what you want and are looking for in a job, that it can actually be easy to find without help?
  53. Joshua Farrell

    Opportunities for Promotion in a Small Company

    Is it true that it is harder to get a promotion in a smaller company, over getting a promotion at a medium to large company? If so, why do you think it is harder? If not, care to explain why it might infact, be easier to get?
  54. Joshua Farrell

    Working hours and the Job

    Should you be able to choose your own work hours at a business, or should you be given some leway in a schedule that might not be otherwise flexible?
  55. Joshua Farrell

    Small and Large Companies adapting to changes in the market.

    Can small companies adapt more quickly to changes in the market place over large corporations? If not, why so?
  56. Joshua Farrell

    Social Networks and Communication on the Job

    Social networks have rapidly become communication tools for many companies. This is part in due to the fact that by having a chat window open, it is easier to communicate with people at the job, than to send emails or to call. I believe that they will be further developed for business in the...
  57. Joshua Farrell

    Working from home makes life easier?

    Do you think that working from home makes life easier for employees of the business you work at, or for businesses in general? Care to explain your thoughts on the subject?
  58. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Hurry and get your posts in to win this! Can't win it, if you don't compete!
  59. Joshua Farrell

    Is self employment better than working for a large company?

    Is self-employment more stimulating than working for a large organisation? If you agree or disagree with that, care to explain your answer with the rest of us?
  60. Joshua Farrell

    Enjoying your job, regardless of pay?

    Does it matter whether you enjoy your job or not as long as it's a well-paid job? Care to explain your answer with the rest of us?
  61. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Are you going to win this, @Starmix? If so, lets compete! :D
  62. Joshua Farrell

    Innovation and Invention

    Innovation is different from invention. Innovation is mainly changing how things operte, in order to help with speed and better use of different tools provided to the average employee. What could be done to drive invention, over innovation, at the workplace and for businesses in general?
  63. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Are you going to win this, @Bisolami? If so, lets compete! :D
  64. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Are you going to win this, @flower? If so, lets compete! :D
  65. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    Looks like I posted again. Back to the beginning, y'all! :D
  66. Joshua Farrell

    Daily Motivational Quotes

    "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney
  67. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello everyone! Today is going to be a great day! I can feel it! :D
  68. Joshua Farrell

    Lottery: Weekly Take All - Win it all every Friday Night/Saturday Morning!

    March 31 is the next lottery date. To date, no one is participating, but this would be an easy potential "Win it all!" and be excited over, if a few people or more participate!
  69. Joshua Farrell

    Joshua Farrell's Combined Service Exchange Thread #1

    Still waiting for said "proof", as I haven't gotten even an notification on Forum Promotion that I had a new referral.
  70. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Common common common. Lets party!
  71. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    HI! Back to 0!
  72. Joshua Farrell

    Info Update on RIF Cash Withdrawal Processing Time

    I sorta feel like the announcement wasn't needed, as Jordan had posted about it. Either way, if this somehow clears things up by having a second announcement on the temporary payment date, then it is a good thing I guess.
  73. Joshua Farrell

    Looks nice

    Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy it here with us!
  74. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    What are you talking about? This is an exchange thread, how does talking about a loan and referring to me, as a group, help with me giving out loans?
  75. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    I've added this part to the requirements for claiming a loan. Please note, you must qualify with both minimums', before you can claim a loan. For clarification AGAIN for people who seem to also not read, any services I am offering that gives out a large amount of RIF in one go, is on hold till...
  76. Joshua Farrell

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    Would have been sooner, if Jordan didn't have the stuff that came up a few weeks ago that caused a delay in payments.
  77. Joshua Farrell

    Joshua Farrell's Combined Service Exchange Thread #1

    Joshua Farrell's Combined Service Thread #1 Welcome to this thread. This thread offers different exchanges and services, that @Joshua Farrell (Myself) is willing to offer. This thread will be updated at any given time, as more or less opportunities become available, that I am willing to offer...
  78. Joshua Farrell

    Question When do RIF Cash Reset?

    Because valentines day has been over for awhile now, and it is still technically winter here in the northern hemisphere.
  79. Joshua Farrell

    Count to 100 before Joshua Replies

    The object is to count to 100 before I reply. If I reply, the count starts over at 0. Good luck!
  80. Joshua Farrell

    Question Gold Membership Subscription

    Looks like the official downgrade happened 25 minutes ago.
  81. Joshua Farrell

    Bug I lost RIF Cash after convert RIF RAW

    Moved this to the correct forum. Please pay attention to where you are posting these threads @Bango, as getting help from the forum administration, is different than completing a trade.
  82. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    As I said, I am not loaning out till I get all loans I have out, paid back.
  83. Joshua Farrell

    $2,000+ Paid Out!

    Amazing feet! Congratulations to all those who have participated so far!
  84. Joshua Farrell

    March Payment from RIF - $190

    That is a lot! Congratulations on the hard work that was done to get to that point!
  85. Joshua Farrell

    Under Loads of Pressure at Work

    Tell me about a time when you were under a lot of pressure at work. How did you handle the situation?
  86. Joshua Farrell

    Big Mistakes at Work

    What was the biggest mistake you have ever made at work? How did you learn from it? One pretty big mistake I made at the job I worked at one time, was leaving the cash register without knowing who was near, and deciding not to lock it. I left for a brief minute to fix a vending machine in the...
  87. Joshua Farrell

    Working with someone who doesn't do their job.

    Tell me about a time when you had to work with someone who was not doing his/her job. How did you handle the situation? And what would you have done differently, knowing what you know now?
  88. Joshua Farrell

    How was your last interview for a job?

    What was your last job interview like? What questions did your interviewer ask you? Were any of the questions difficult to answer?
  89. Joshua Farrell

    Ending Workplace Discrimination

    How can we reduce workplace discrimination in the future? Where should solutions come from (governments, corporations, consumers, etc.)? What specific things need to happen to end workplace discrimination?
  90. Joshua Farrell

    Is on the job discrimination increasing or decreasing?

    Do you think that workplace discrimination is decreasing? Do you think it is increasing? Tell the group what you think. Are some types decreasing but not others? Maybe it has leveled out?
  91. Joshua Farrell

    Does your Job Combat Discrimination at Work?

    What corporate policies or programs does your company have in place to combat discrimination? Tell your group about it. What does your company do to promote a diverse workforce?
  92. Joshua Farrell

    Laws and Workplace Discrimination

    What laws are there in your country against workplace discrimination? Are these laws often broken? Are companies that break anti-discrimination laws often punished?
  93. Joshua Farrell

    Personal Questions in Job Interviews

    In the United States, an employer cannot ask a job applicant certain questions. These include questions about a person’s religion, date of birth (except to establish a minimum age requirement), nationality, marital status, physical or mental disabilities, and private organizations the person...
  94. Joshua Farrell

    Do Free Markets punishes companies that discriminate?

    Gary Becker, an American economist, argues that the free market punishes companies that discriminate. The idea is that companies that discriminate in their hiring process hurt themselves by not hiring the best job applicants available. As a result, they cannot compete with competitors that do...
  95. Joshua Farrell

    Pro Sports Leagues and Tax Exempt Status

    There are some countries that allow professional sports leagues to have tax exempt status', in order to encourage participation. Yet they drive in a ton of income to the teams. Should they have to pay taxes like every other business, or is it ok that they don't?
  96. Joshua Farrell

    Political Contributions by Businesses

    Should a business make political contributions to a politician or political candidate? I think businesses should stay out of politics, as having a politician representing a business over people, makes trying to achieve certain issues in the government, that much more difficult to do so.
  97. Joshua Farrell

    Payday Loans, and Government Regulations

    Should payday loans that loan businesses give out, be regulated by the government? And should it have regulations that they have to follow, if they don't need to follow them in your area of the world?
  98. Joshua Farrell

    MBA Worth it?

    Would getting a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) worth it for the job and pay that comes with it? Should it even be required to get for certain types of management jobs?
  99. Joshua Farrell

    Work at Home vs Work at Office

    There is a saying that if you did not have to deal with your boss looking over your shoulder, you have the potential to be more productive. This is even more true for those who know their jobs quite well, and have the capability to do their job out of the office, without having to be there at...
  100. Joshua Farrell

    English Proficiency at Work

    Should the lingua franca for doing business be English, and should more companies demand English proficiency from their employees? Care to explain your thoughts on why you think it may or may not be important for those in your job to know English well?
  101. Joshua Farrell

    Should Service Oriented Jobs, hire all attractive employees?

    There are certain businesses, like bars, restaurants, casinos and the like, where the public facing employees need to look a certain way. Does having an attractive workforce in those types of jobs, help with how successful those businesses tend to be?
  102. Joshua Farrell

    Happy Work Life

    Does how happy you are at work, help you to improve how well you work? This is assuming your at home life is good, and you want to be happy also at work. I would think so. I think being happy at work, does help with how well you work, regardless of home life.
  103. Joshua Farrell

    Companies and Dating Policies

    There are some companies out there, that enforce a no dating policy on people who are interested in co-workers. I've even heard of a few that confuse married couples as if they are trying to date, as if the reason why they are flirting with each other, or being too familiar with each other, as...
  104. Joshua Farrell

    Casual Dress Code at Work

    Should the way you dress, be important at work, especially if you work at a job that how you look is not needed with how you do the job?
  105. Joshua Farrell

    Companies and looking at prospective employees’ social media

    I've heard of it before, where a hiring manager requested social media profiles of potential hires, to gauge their private life to see if it is compatible with their work life. In quite a few cases, it has caused issues with being able to get hired. Should they look at your social media profile...
  106. Joshua Farrell

    Are Minimum Wages Needed?

    Minimum wages are established by governments to ensure that people are supposed to have just enough to live on when working, to make sure they are not taken advantage by their employer. Is it needed, and should the actual minimum wage be higher than it is now, to keep up with actual cost of living?
  107. Joshua Farrell

    HR and Personal Questions

    Should Human Resources be allowed to ask questions about an applicant’s marital status, religion, age, medical history, or immigration status? If so, why? And if not, why not? Are there situations where certain status's are needed so they know if they might loose an employee, due to citizenship...
  108. Joshua Farrell

    How to Write Up Quality Articles in This Section

    I am perfectly fine not to be motivated by being paid. Do you know why? The motivation isn't for me to get money off of something. The motivation is to help people. Yes, writing up a tutorial on how to do something, or a guide on how to make money in a certain genre, should be able to be paid...
  109. Joshua Farrell

    Paid Staff Service

    If there are any forum owners looking for a little extra help, I am available to help out with more forums.
  110. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash to BizNotes

    While waiting for the weekly payouts consider this service.
  111. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    All future loans will be put on pause, till I get back all outstanding remaining loan balances that are out. Until then, seek elsewhere for loans or other services I offer.
  112. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am. :) Gonna love the day.
  113. Joshua Farrell

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    Who will win this one? 🤔
  114. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    Let's go build up this!
  115. Joshua Farrell

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    No. Been meaning to get one, but keep forgetting to get it when I have the cash to do so. Our blackouts generally being only 2-3 times a year, doesn't help with remembering either. :D I think the last time we had a power outage that lasted more than a few hours, we had plenty of ice packs ready...
  116. Joshua Farrell

    Question Why still Pending status of my payout?

    He is talking about his actual job. He travels for his actual job when needed.
  117. Joshua Farrell

    Lottery: Weekly Take All - Win it all every Friday Night/Saturday Morning!

    Looking for more people to participate in the upcoming take all lottery! Can't run something if no one participates. :)
  118. Joshua Farrell

    Hello Every Body

    Welcome to the forum!
  119. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Oh yay. Can see why it can be boring. :D
  120. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time to figure out what to do to no feel lonely then. :)
  121. Joshua Farrell

    Would you Like to Own a PTP someday?

    Eh. I would need a bit of an investment to consider owning one, that or a extra source of income to boost what I need to run one, if things get busy. BUT if I were to run one, I would initially start on something either generic or specific, and then broaden out with areas specific to certain...
  122. Joshua Farrell

    Best website for seeking employment

    Not sure of the best site to earn from doing jobs on, but I do know people earn a considerable amount on sites like Fiver.
  123. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello everyone! Been enjoying the day. :)
  124. Joshua Farrell

    Question RIF Cash $-0.001

    Rarely have I seen it act that strange. Wonder what caused it to go in the negatives initially @Maul, as I thought the software denies shop payments if you don't have enough.
  125. Joshua Farrell

    Selling Products or Services in Crypto

    Pretty easy to do in person, if you have one of the apps that you can buy/sell or receive crypto in, and the person who wants to pay you has the same. Those apps come with the code things that they can take a picture of and it fills in the info for them, to allow for payment to be made.
  126. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    Confirmed. Thank you for paying it back. :)
  127. Joshua Farrell


    Are you referring to my specific loan service that I didn't respond to via PM? Can't loan out the amount you requested, as I don't have the amount you want to loan. Plus I have doubts about potential payback, based on a couple different factors.
  128. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash to BizNotes

    Always available for going to Bizdustry for BizNotes.
  129. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    I actually do not have that amount yet, as you can see in my balance.
  130. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash Loans - Can Pay Back in RIF Cash or FC

    As long as I have atleast the minimum I will loan out, and do not mention it is on pause, it's available.
  131. Joshua Farrell

    Will PayPal Work If You use It While Travelling Abroad?

    Yeah, my regular bank has that policy too, to prevent the card from being declined while abroad. I've actually had my older brother come from Alaska, down to where I live, and he had to contact his bank, due to the vast geographic differences with card purchases.
  132. Joshua Farrell

    Will PayPal Work If You use It While Travelling Abroad?

    I actually have a master card tied to my PayPal account. So anyplace I go to that accepts master card, regardless of what country I am in, paying with my paypal account will work for whatever I purchase. I find it a nice way to pay for something, as I will less likely deal with bank fees from my...
  133. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hi reti! I am fine. How about you? :)
  134. Joshua Farrell

    RIF Cash to BizNotes

    Want to exchange your RIF for BizNotes at Bizdustry? Consider this exchange! I have a pretty simple fee system involved. The fee is basically a flat fee, but based on the amount you want to transfer. The more you want to transfer in one go, the amount in the fee essentially increases. For...
  135. Joshua Farrell

    How to Write Up Quality Articles in This Section

    Doesn't mean that the person can't provide quality or length. I've seen plenty of people who speak and write in two or more languages, and still can provide good quality content. The main thing I brought up, is proofreading. Need to do that to make sure things are clear and concise.
  136. Joshua Farrell

    How to Write Up Quality Articles in This Section

    @saoussen5765, @Suba, @nomad, I think you guys are missing the point of the article. The object of this wasn't to discuss payment costs. It was to discuss how to write an article for this section. We all know the reward amount hasn't been decided upon, as Jordan has yet to announce that.
  137. Joshua Farrell

    How to Earn a Passive Income in India

    Thanks for sharing the link to the article! :)
  138. Joshua Farrell

    Doge faucets purpose

    Locked this thread, due to lack of information and links to what you are "describing" on how to do. If you want to remake this topic, please provide actual information on how to do so, and not just generic information that is spam like, and is being posted just to gain credit.
  139. Joshua Farrell

    Facts about bch faucet

    Locked this thread, due to lack of information and links to what you are "describing" on how to do. If you want to remake this topic, please provide actual information on how to do so, and not just generic information that is spam like, and is being posted just to gain credit.
  140. Joshua Farrell

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    A very happy new month to you too!
  141. Joshua Farrell

    How to Write Up Quality Articles in This Section

    Hello there! This article serves as a guide on how to write up quality articles on making tutorials and how to guides in this section, using the Article Writer's Group minimum word requirements of 1,000 words. I hope you will enjoy this article, and give you ideas on how to write up and format...
  142. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    You need moar! :D Better get that energy drink, known as BANG! It delivers energy, like you have been shot! :D
  143. Joshua Farrell

    Join Forum Promotion / RIF to Forum Promotion's FP$

    Bummer! I guess you could always participate in the other offer I listed above, if you ever want to try doing things there.
  144. Joshua Farrell

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    I see someone wants to compete right now! :D
  145. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Don't get too tired now. We need you to have energy!
  146. Joshua Farrell


    Welcome to the forum. For future reference, I removed your private information from your post, as sharing private information publicly, is against our forum guidelines.
  147. Joshua Farrell


    Sounds like something that might be fun to use every now and then.
  148. Joshua Farrell

    Are you a member of MeWe Social Network?

    Moved this to a more appropriate discussion board. No, I am not a member of this social network. Might have to check them out.
  149. Joshua Farrell

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    Anyone else competing today too? :D
  150. Joshua Farrell

    Do you believe cryptocurrency will always exist?

    I think for the most part, the main and popular cryptos will always remain and be updated to work better. I know for a fact that a ton of them will disappear over the next few years, as scams and businesses that run them come and go.
  151. Joshua Farrell

    Getting Paid in Crypto Currency?

    I'm a member of a few sites I can get paid in crypto, like here and Bizdustry. Have yet to request litecoin at Forumcoin though, as I prefer the paypal method there. If I had a choice, I would do most of my online business in crypto, as some stuff I would love to invest in.
  152. Joshua Farrell

    What is your lifestyle?

    Don't have much in the terms of a life style to brag about. Having some arthritis related issues does dampen what I would otherwise enjoy doing. I do go to the movies a few times throughout the year, but normally do not do so multiple times in a single month. It costs too much. When I get the...
  153. Joshua Farrell

    Contest Monthly 50/50: March

    More competition is fun!. :D
  154. Joshua Farrell

    Chit Chat Thread

    Had an enjoyable day for the most part. Enjoying time right now to have fun. :)
  155. Joshua Farrell

    Can we Legally Buy Youtube Subscribers?

    I know I normally wouldn't do so, but if I needed extra comments or views on a video, I would probably reward people if they did so.