Recent content by King Belieal

  1. K

    What happens to the body of prison inmates that die while still serving a term?

    I have been wondering what happens to prison inmates that get to die while serving a sentence. Do they get buried by the government or their bodies are released to their families for proper burial?
  2. K

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    I have grown to become a very practical person. I don't know how to impress unduly. If you treat me bad, I treat you bad. There is a user here that used to ignore me so badly when I reached out. That user is now reaching out to me, and I am ignoring the user too. Am I wrong with that...
  3. K

    Have you ever used ATM machines to make cash deposits?

    In the whole of my city, we don't have ATM machines accepting deposits. I doubt that we are even going to see one of such anytime soon.
  4. K

    Does government control the media in your country?

    In some countries, government still control the private media with regulations that would gag them. They even try to control social media by arresting influencers.
  5. K

    How do you know that a news report is purely propaganda?

    That's why people ought to take it upon themselves to verify every news source and not swallow everything hook, line and sinker.
  6. K

    What do you think about other religion?

    I am a liberal person when it comes to issues if religion. If I happen to fall in love with someone from another religion, I would get married to the person, allow her practice her religion and alternate the kids between the two religions till they can choose which religion is suitable for them.
  7. K

    Have you ever forgotten the closing of the main door before you go to sleep in the night time ?

    I have had to forgotten locking the doors some few times and that happens on occasions where I am too tired and just sleep off unexpectedly.
  8. K

    Why do you like online shopping?

    Most people in my country have trust issues and would prefer to do their shopping offline than go ahead to buy online. We don't trust each other enough for online shopping to take root.
  9. K

    Are You a Believer?

    I am a believer that practices Christianity at the highest level. Not overtly spiritual but I am active in my faith. I question some teachings that doesn't sound right though.
  10. K

    Have you ever dozed off when traveling on the train?

    I have always dozed off when travelling on anything depending on the circumstances that I find myself per time. If I am too tired, it is easy for me to doze off on transit.
  11. K

    How do you manage not to get burnt out as an entrepreneur?

    I have been burnt out myself. Was running so many vital tasks to stabilize the business after we relocated to a new site. And that burnout has equally made me lose a lot of money because things I was supposed to do, I never got to do them.
  12. K

    What are common ways to build passive income?

    I have earned passive income from books and beats that I have made and hosted online for royalties. There are so many ways to earn passive income. The one that would be best for you depends on your interests.
  13. K

    Do you believe that cultural differences have an impact on businesses?

    Culture defines the things that a particular location patronizes and how they patronize them. It has a major impact on patronage levels, no matter how we look at it.
  14. K

    Why every person should read terms and conditions before patronage.

    Don't you think that it is intentional to trap people in? The ones by Google is even the worse in terms of character size. But a rational user should try to read them all.
  15. K

    How long did it take you to start the business after you realized the business idea?

    I would not fault any person that takes time to start a business. It is important to make sure that you get everything right to start on a sound footing. I took six months after I got the idea to start.