Recent content by LoukiaCharilaou

  1. LoukiaCharilaou

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    In my opinion, it is not easy to make USD 100 monthly online from paid-to-post sites. You can combine forum posting with affiliate marketing or freelancing jobs in order to earn this money.
  2. LoukiaCharilaou

    Welcome to RIF 2.0 🎉

    It looks amazing. I am so impressed. Excellent job, Jordan. Thank you very much. :)
  3. LoukiaCharilaou

    What is your highest earning website?

    I have worked on several earning websites so far but my highest-earning website is R.I.F. I wish I had more time to work here but it is not easy because I have an offline job too. Anyway, I try to do my best. :)
  4. LoukiaCharilaou

    Which do you prefer working for someone else or building your own business?

    I do not prefer working for someone else because it is very stressful for me. I prefer building my own business because ,in this way, I will be more relaxed and I will arrange my daily schedule as I wish.
  5. LoukiaCharilaou

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    Yes, Bisolami. I agree with you. You must be very careful and not put all your money into passive income because you never know what happens. You may lose everything. For this reason, it is better to save some money or invest it somewhere else.
  6. LoukiaCharilaou

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    Yes, of course. Passive income definitely requires some research before starting it, otherwise, your business may not succeed or you may lose all your money. It is important to make a very good plan for every business we are going to start.
  7. LoukiaCharilaou

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    You are right. I agree with you. Knowing how the scheme works is essential before deciding to invest. If everything is fine, then trying this scheme and making some passive income from it is a good idea.
  8. LoukiaCharilaou

    Earning money from russian sites vs global sites

    I have tried several Russian sites so far and I am really very satisfied with them because they are legit and they pay their users. I would like to try more Russian sites because I trust them.
  9. LoukiaCharilaou

    What paid to post forum pays more

    There are so many paid-to-post forums online that I am unsure which forum pays more. For me, R.I.F is the best forum site of all and you can make a good income if you focus here and work every day. I would not change R.I.F. for any other site because I feel so welcome here. Mr Jordan is the best.
  10. LoukiaCharilaou

    You need money to make money

    This is true. I agree with you that you need money in order to make money. If you want to make an investment or start your own business, then it is necessary to spend some money. There is not any other way. :)
  11. LoukiaCharilaou

    Do you feel Anxious before any Doctors Appointment?

    We agree. I think that these appointments are really very stressful for everyone. It is a very good idea to take with you a person who cares about you. In this way, you will feel more relaxed.
  12. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, positivity is essential. To be honest, I am also worried about the bad situation all over the world but I try to stay calm and help psychologically my family and all people around me who are even weaker than me. :)
  13. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    It is so nice to hear that you are a positive person. I am a positive person too and I try to give hope to people around me who feel sad and disappointed. I hope that the situation all over the world will improve soon.
  14. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    I agree with you, Chibson. A lot of things look very uncertain at the moment indeed. However, we must never lose hope. It is important to be positive and hope that everything will be fine again.
  15. LoukiaCharilaou

    Not Paying đźš« Bizdustry

    It is so sad that this site stopped paying. I am a member of Bizdustry and I really enjoyed posting there. I hope things will get better soon and the forum will start paying its members again.
  16. LoukiaCharilaou

    Why are internet forums dying?

    I agree with you. Perhaps, these are the two main reasons why PTP forums are dying. Of course, this is very unpleasant and very disappointing for the users because they have to move to other earning sites to boost their income.
  17. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, this is true. The economic situation around the world is very bad. Fortunately, in some countries, the economic situation is not so bad. Well, I am not sure what will happen in the future. I hope that things will improve soon.
  18. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    It is so sad that the situation is getting more and more difficult every single day. It seems that all of us have made mistakes and now we have to pay for all these mistakes. I believe that we must be less selfish and more sensitive, otherwise, things will not get better.
  19. LoukiaCharilaou

    Is working Online profitable without skills?

    It is true that there are many earning opportunities online today. The internet has made things easy. In my opinion, you can make money without any special skills but the earnings will be low. For higher earnings, you must have some skills.
  20. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, Chibson. I agree with everything you say. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse every day. To be honest, I am not sure if things will get better soon. Life was much better some years ago.
  21. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    That's right. We must be organised and patient if we want to succeed. People are not very patient today. They want to finish everything quickly and of course, they want to make money fast. They are so impatient. :)
  22. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, Chibson. I agree with you. The economic situation is so bad worldwide. Even in my country, I can see that a lot of people have economic problems. Some years ago, everything was fine for everyone here. Now things are different.
  23. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    Thank you, Chibson. I like your way of thinking too. It is true that nothing is easy if we do not work hard and make some effort. Additionally, we must be very well organized and patient in order to succeed.
  24. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, this is true. Especially today, the number of people in need has increased a lot. For this reason, we must do our best to make some money quickly in order to help them as soon as possible.
  25. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    It is so nice to hear that you care about other people. I wish all people were just like you. Unfortunately, there are so many people who need our help. Hope that we will be able to help them soon.
  26. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    You are right, Chibson. I believe the same thing. Whatever is very lucrative, it is not very easy to achieve. Never mind, we must be positive all the time because something which is difficult for us now can be easy later on. :)
  27. LoukiaCharilaou

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    I fully understand. I agree with you that it is better to have several sources of income and not rely only on one site because you never know what happens. I hope that we will all have the time and energy to work on as many earning sites as possible.
  28. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    Yes, as I understand, being a truck driver is not very easy because this type of investment requires a lot of money but at least, it is very profitable. Those who have the capital could try it.
  29. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, I really believe that we will be able to help people in need soon. In my opinion, if someone has very good intentions and they are willing to help others, then God helps them to succeed in that.
  30. LoukiaCharilaou

    Are You An Article Writer on Forum coin?

    It is great that you have found a website that really pays its members and that you enjoy working there. It is also important to have as many sources of income as possible.
  31. LoukiaCharilaou

    Earn money by playing games: Possible or not?

    It is possible to earn money by playing games. The problem is that it is very difficult to find legit sites. You may waste time and effort and not get paid in the end. For this reason, you must do a very good search in order to find a legit site and start earning. The earnings may be low but...
  32. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    It is so nice to hear that you are a kind person and that you care about people in need. Unfortunately, there are so many people around the world who are very poor and need our help in order to survive. Dear Chibson, I hope that we will soon find the money to help these people.
  33. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    Oh really? I did not know that it costs so much to buy your own truck. In this respect, although this type of investment is very profitable, it is not for everyone since it requires a certain amount of capital.
  34. LoukiaCharilaou

    Are You An Article Writer on Forum coin?

    It is nice to hear that it is one of your favourites. Do not worry about the payment since you know for sure that it is a legit site. I am sure that you will receive your payment. Happy earnings. :)
  35. LoukiaCharilaou

    Get paid to answer questions

    It is very interesting to get paid to answer questions. I know some of the sites mentioned. The truth is that some of them are not available for all countries around the world. Anyhow, I will check the ones that are new to me and I hope that they will work for me. :)
  36. LoukiaCharilaou

    Are You An Article Writer on Forum coin?

    This is very good to know. It is very important that there are still some forums which are legit and really respect and pay their users. Maybe the earnings are not very high but at least you get paid. :)
  37. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    It is very important to be positive in life. Yes, why not? Of course, we can become millionaires one day. In this way, we will make our lives easier and make all people around us happy too. :-)
  38. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    I fully understand. The truth is that I had no idea about this trucking business. Perhaps, this type of business is not very well-known. In my country, I think that people do not know about it.
  39. LoukiaCharilaou

    Are You An Article Writer on Forum coin?

    I have heard very good comments about this forum. It is nice to hear that you try to be active there too. The truth is that forums require a lot of time and it is a bit difficult for busy people like you and me. Anyway, we try to do our best. :)
  40. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    I wish we could become millionaires one day, Chibson. It is not that I love money. Health and happiness are much more important to me in life. It is just that with this money, I would make the lives of the people I love much easier.
  41. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    To be honest, I did not know about this type of investment. I thought that investing in real estate is the best type of investment. Thank you for sharing this useful information. I will check this out.
  42. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    This is very good. It is so important to be positive and open to many opportunities, otherwise, you will never know which opportunities are workable for you and which ones are not.
  43. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    I absolutely agree with you. Perhaps, investing in real estate is the best type of investment because it is not so risky as other investments. However, it is important to have the capital for this type of investment.
  44. LoukiaCharilaou

    6 Types of Passive Income

    Passive income is a dream for most people because you earn money without making any special effort. All types you mention are very good. My favourite type of passive income is investing in real estate.
  45. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, it is nice to be open to every kind of opportunity that will be profitable for us. We must be positive and try to learn new things. Only in this way, we will succeed in making a good income online.
  46. LoukiaCharilaou

    Have You Used Any Survey website that pays directly to Paytm or Bank transfer?

    I have no idea about a survey website offering these payment options because survey sites usually do not work for me due to my location. If I have any information, I will let you know.
  47. LoukiaCharilaou

    Do you have open markets in your country?

    In my country, there are some open markets. I enjoy buying fruits and vegetables from open markets. However, most people here prefer shopping at the malls because they can spend the whole day there. :)
  48. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    I absolutely agree with you. It is highly important to learn as many things as possible because, in this way, you will have more earning opportunities and of course, several income sources.
  49. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    Yes, financial freedom and independence are essential. If you have money, you do not have so much stress and you can make plans for the future. So, having multiple sources of income is necessary.
  50. LoukiaCharilaou

    Is it wise to invest in gambling?

    I agree with you. Gambling is not an investment. Yes, as you say, you must be ready to lose everything. In my opinion, people should stay away from gambling and search for better earning methods.
  51. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    You are right. It is important to have as many sources of income as possible. As far as I am concerned, I like both. I find investing and starting my own business very interesting ways to earn some money.
  52. LoukiaCharilaou

    How do you feel motivated to keep earning online?

    I like working online because it helps me relax after a busy day at work. Online earning is like a hobby because I also have an offline job. The payments I receive from my online job keep me motivated.
  53. LoukiaCharilaou

    Why surveys are not available for Tier 3 countries?

    Yes, I agree with you. The main reason why surveys are not available for tier 3 countries is that these companies do not operate in tier 3 countries. It is really sad that surveys are not available for us.
  54. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    I agree with you. If it is possible, we should do both. We can invest and start our own business as well. Both ways are profitable. It is very important to have as many sources of income as possible.
  55. LoukiaCharilaou

    Investing Vs. Starting Your Own Business

    In my opinion, it is a good idea to try both. You can invest in someone else's business and you can also start your own business. Both ways can be very profitable for you.
  56. LoukiaCharilaou

    Would you find it comfortable selling cigarettes?

    It is true that selling cigarettes is a very profitable business because most people around the world smoke. Personally, I do not feel comfortable selling cigarettes because cigarettes damage our health.