Recent content by NurseFlo

  1. NurseFlo

    Info Announcement on the Unscheduled Downtime

    Hello Devin I am so sorry to hear about the troubles and about people accusing you of scam. Some people do not understand how hard it is to start a new venture and the risk it pertains. I really do hope RIF can manage to stay afloat despite this.
  2. NurseFlo

    Are you clingy?

    Hahaha luckily my boyfriend is very understanding with my clinging during those days.
  3. NurseFlo

    Chit Chat Thread

    Have a goodnight lovely people. ❤️
  4. NurseFlo

    Do you practice waste segregation?

    I hope so too. It does make a lot of difference. It should really be a law. 1664925574 That is a bit disappointing.
  5. NurseFlo

    Do you practice waste segregation?

    Wow that is great to hear. In my town in Bohol it is not still well practiced.
  6. NurseFlo

    Are you clingy?

    Well it gets a bit intense on my red days 😂😭Hormones make me more clingy and moody.
  7. NurseFlo

    Chit Chat Thread

    Goodnight one and all. See you tomorrow :) 1664838133 It's my Biometric Residential Permit. Which I have been waiting for ages to receive so I can commence employment.
  8. NurseFlo

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning today I am chasing after my BRP. It is being sent to the wrong address.
  9. NurseFlo

    Points system disappeared?

    Happy to see it has been fixed and running again.
  10. NurseFlo

    One sad moment you can't forget

    My grandma's death on the motherside of the family. I was devastated as I was overseas and cannot get home.
  11. NurseFlo

    Chit Chat Thread

    Baking cookies today. We put coffee and granola there.
  12. NurseFlo

    Are you clingy?

    I'm normally fine being alone if I'm busy. I am overseas and without family here apart from my boyfriend so I become extra clingy.
  13. NurseFlo

    Your last Drink

  14. NurseFlo

    Do You Watch Asian TV Series or Dramas

    Well I can understand as they can be quite lengthy too.
  15. NurseFlo

    Points system disappeared?

    I have been out for a day in time for this. But I trust it will be fixed soon.