Recent content by Ofonime

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Ofonime

    Can you share your online earning experience?

    Before I was able to make success with my online earning it's tools me alor of stress but I never mind I keep sharing my work experience online with folks
  2. Ofonime

    Are you a member of Afri Peeps forum site?

    That is another good forum but I don't think it will favour me at all the website seems to be selecting people around the globe so my country of residence has bad reputation
  3. Ofonime

    Are you a member of the site where you began your online journey?

    Frankly speaking I would have love to be but some of those websites runaway with our any positive notification so really serious am not working on some of the website again
  4. Ofonime

    Do you remember when you earned your first dollar?

    That means you are a new comer I has over 14years of experience working online and I believe that I still get more stronger working online everyday
  5. Ofonime

    Can you do anything for money?

    I will do anything for money but I can tell you that I can't kill for money so it's not wise to stain human blood for money so I believe it's not good for me that way
  6. Ofonime

    Is there anything changed with your finances since you started working online?

    Since I started working online I have observed so many things on my list my financial state has increased and I believe that it's better for me because I can focus and fully concentrate
  7. Ofonime

    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    Its really been so long since I went to far place I only go to shop buy things and return home hope to get a car before I travel far place
  8. Ofonime

    What was the last website that you visited?

    I visited so many websites everyday but the last website which I visited was trendri it's one of the best website which am working now thou the last time I visited it was today early
  9. Ofonime

    which site was not your favorite?

    I hate iforumtalk and speakchatforum this two forum run away with some of my money after months of working with them
  10. Ofonime

    Making a Living By Working Online

    If you want to earn a living working online then you need to be productive and never relent there are alot of ways which you can make alot of money online you need a good skill to do just this
  11. Ofonime

    Have you ever been successful in performing any transactions regarding the cryptocurrency.?

    Back then I use to trade crypto currency I use to conduct excellent trade until early this year which I recorded some loss and decide to give it a break
  12. Ofonime

    Have you ever been to the herbalists?

    I have never been into any harbalist before but I have accompany someone who told me he want to visit a friend and I go with him till he drove me to the herbalist place I have no option than to force myself out if there
  13. Ofonime

    Have You Ever Been Rated Badly By Your Client

    I have not done anything that requires someone to help me rate my activities but seriously I can tell you that most of my clients will never give me nagetive rating for no reason
  14. Ofonime

    Have You Been Scammed By Your Clients?

    Seriously I gave someone my cash to help me do an e-book cover for me I was scam and the fellow disappear this is one of the scam I get into
  15. Ofonime

    Do you remember when you earned your first dollar?

    I believe that was back then in 2023 when there was a good paying forum it give me joy to post and earn them we use to have forex forum
  16. Ofonime

    Legit 👍 Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    I have not cash out from this website but my balance now is close to $1 5 definitely before the end if next month I will reach the $5 minimum
  17. Ofonime

    Legit 👍 Make Money Writing For Wattpad

    I Have not heard about this forum else were I only see the thread here and I joined after joining the website I was able to know it's not easy to get started but definitely with time you will excel and I don't know if they accept member worldwide
  18. Ofonime

    What's your most go to earning forum

    For me I visited index forum and I love the forum the most I also visit dbuck but index forum give me joy to navigate
  19. Ofonime

    Any forum gives money for reply to our thread?

    I don't think this is possible now but back then there was many forum that use to do this you can also check biZsustry they use to do this ifam not wrong
  20. Ofonime

    Legit 👍 Forum Filler

    Am not a member of this website yet but I believe that any moment from now I will join the website I don't know if they have required qualifications needed to work here
  21. Ofonime

    Damaging laws that should be abolished in your country

    In my country there are alot of them you will need to know one thing you will need to pass through the due process before you are able to do this so it's not always easy
  22. Ofonime

    At what age do you think a teen should start driving

    Driving is not something you should rush into so I believe if you live with your parents you will need to take the advice from them they are the people that will decide the right age to do that
  23. Ofonime

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    There are so many factors which you need to look at first so you will need to confirm if the website is truely legit and how long they have been in existence check their payment gateway as well
  24. Ofonime

    Reasons why dream big in business

    In any business if you dream big you will be able to think and expand your business it's going to motivate you to bring out the best in you in that business
  25. Ofonime

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    There are so many reason why you don't need to rely on paid to post forum it's not really reliable you can sew reduction of post rate often and as well they can go at anytime
  26. Ofonime

    Making money on your site vs. making money on someone else's site

    You can make money from your blog through ads network you can also use your website to earn through ads space if you had an advertiser it's much more better to do it your own than relying on someone website
  27. Ofonime

    How else do you all make money online?

    Affiliated program is another good way which you can use to make money online it's depend on the level of traffic which you had that determines the amount of money which you can make you can also go into dropahiping
  28. Ofonime

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    Yes you can earn from your blog it's another good way which you can use to earn aside from forum posting you can also do affiliate marketing this will give you some extra cash
  29. Ofonime

    Do you get bored posting on forums?

    Same with me I post when I have time so for this aspect I believe it's reduce the level of my boredom but sometimes it's boring
  30. Ofonime

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    What is your experience with picoworkers that is sprougig how about their payout for each task I have an account here but I never start working on the websites it's like what they offer is too low for each task been completed
  31. Ofonime

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    It's obviously against my actions I don't join any website that lack information about the admin what if you have issue regarding payment who will you contact so it's not wise doing this
  32. Ofonime

    Not Paying 🚫 Speak Chat Forum (SCF)

    The website is no longer active so don't just bother yourself to sign up I received payment with them but they later stop paying the admin disappear
  33. Ofonime

    New 🚩 Are you an article writer at Writer Bay?

    Actually am not on writter bay but I have heard of it the website has tough registration process you will need to pass so many stages before they can approve your registration
  34. Ofonime

    Legit 👍 Make Money Writing For Wattpad

    I have not heard about this website but I believe they supposed to work similar like iwritter since am using Mobil not yet join when my PC arrived next month I will add many articles writing to my list
  35. Ofonime

    Legit 👍 Riveiw: Scam or Legit?

    The website is a very good websites but the thing here is that they have to reduce their minimum payout am a member there and I also had about $1.3 hope to cash out soon
  36. Ofonime

    New 🚩 What's the update on Postloop?

    It's been so long since they stop operations in fact I lost about $23 before the website go scam they are no longer in service and I think they won't come back soon
  37. Ofonime

    Learn from your mistakes

    In our day to day life we are bound to make mistakes it's normal life issues but our ability to identify and organized our mistakes solve it make us more mature
  38. Ofonime

    Learn to sleep alone

    That is a very good development if you can sleep alone it's for your own good because you will be able to wake up think properly and organized yourself but that doesn't mean you don't have to be close to your spouse if you had one
  39. Ofonime

    Is investing interesting and challenging?

    Investing is interesting and also challenging if you have an investment you need to work hard towards it because there are alot of chalenging you are going to meet along the way that is why it's always advisable to attend seminar
  40. Ofonime

    What are the best pictures you saw today on social media?

    The best pictures I see today on social media is pat crying for his master it was a very funny pictures not doubt I have downloaded it for screen server
  41. Ofonime

    What is the Best Investments to Build Wealth

    Frankly speaking the beat investment to build wealth is what you are knowledge about if you have knowledge on crypto then I will advice you to go into crypto trading it's one of the best way to trade
  42. Ofonime

    Can you open a business for your friend?

    What do you mean by that what I know is that if a friend is not good to me I can never open a business for my friend what I can only do is go into agreement with him once that is done I will get my cash once he start yeilding interest for that business
  43. Ofonime

    are you open to changes in your business?

    Right now in my business there are alot if changes which I want to embrace at first I want to expand the business and put all the necessary measure to make it work
  44. Ofonime

    Should you invest money in silver in 2024?

    I don't know anything about silver but I heard people trade it with gold the only commodity which I know how to trade is stock and forex I don't have any knowledge on silver trading or gold
  45. Ofonime

    Why you should invest your money but not save it

    Investment is the best alternative if you invest your money you will at first be on the right track you will hope of too but if you save your money it's not going to increase at no cost so investment is the best option
  46. Ofonime

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    I don't know anything about this website but what I know is that if your content is of good quality you will definitely make something good out of it
  47. Ofonime

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    I will never joined any website that has no much information about the admin it's very bad to do this because the website can vanish at anytime and if you don't have information about the admin all your earnings may go
  48. Ofonime

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    You must be right but for me I think completing work on gpt website is one of those ways mostly now there are alot of new got website paying and having better rate so an using got website to earn
  49. Ofonime

    Are you really being afraid of failing?

    If you are not afraid of failure you will never succeed so am always afraid to fail this make me so careful with my finance and ensure that I work hard towards security of my money to avoid failure
  50. Ofonime

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    Yes irrespective of what I think I have pleasure to making good money online now ranging from forum work to complete task on micro website even if the rate has been reduced
  51. Ofonime

    Changes in making money online

    The only way which you can earn money now online is through gpt website completing offer and make good money but it's going to consume you alot of time thou I know some offer rate has been reduced I don't just know what come up now every thing has change
  52. Ofonime

    Making Money From Ads on Your Website

    There are alot of ads network which you can use if you want to make money online you can use it's a good ads network better than Adsense in terms of approval time if your website is not good enough Adsense will reject it
  53. Ofonime

    Making money on your site vs. making money on someone else's site

    Frankly speaking generating money from your website is the best if you have a good website and nice traffic you can use Google Adsense or promote your affiliate link on your website Better than using someone website
  54. Ofonime

    How else do you all make money online?

    There are so many ways which you can make good money online but the best way am using now is the paid to post forum I also use blogging but some of my blogs does not generate good money due to insufficient traffic
  55. Ofonime

    Making money as a writer: what are your issues?

    As a writer you need to know that you must have a good writing skill if your skill is not good enough you won't be able to make much money for now all the website which am working with are so professional sadly all my content is been rejected
  56. Ofonime

    Making Money as a Freelancer: What are your issues?

    The issue am having now making money online is the process of skill I have a skill which I have develop but actually it's no longer in trend If you go on fiver you will see that many skill like e-book cover is the skill that is trendy now
  57. Ofonime

    Are you making money as a freelancer?

    Am making money as a freelancer I do alot of work I also try as much as possible to bid more projects with some of those freelance website it's one of the way to make money online
  58. Ofonime

    Difference between saving and investing?

    Yes that is true but investment is the best if you invest your money definitely you will get good roi but if you save your money it will never increase its going to remain there for your future use
  59. Ofonime

    What is Your Best Passive Income Source

    There are alot of passive income source which you can chose from you can go into blogging or chose content writing you can also choose blogging it's one of the best profession which I have chosen but am planning to go in affiliate marketing it's another good income source
  60. Ofonime

    What is the best passive way to make money online?

    The best passive way to do this is for you to do what you love to do and develop passion towards it never there are a lot of passive income stream which you can join but you need to do what you love how to so best content writing is one of them
  61. Ofonime

    Why some people may find it difficult to make money online

    They don't trust the program which they are working on so it's not that good you need to develop passion to whatever that you do online so it's not a difficult ways to earn if your passionate about it
  62. Ofonime

    How do you find the online Earning to be, ls it a pleasure or a pressure?

    I see online business as one of the best business anyone can do be operate it's a potential way to earn It's a pleasure working from your home with no distractions so it's not good to rate your work online nagetively people are looking for such opportunities
  63. Ofonime

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting an online business?

    The advantage is that you will be able to operate the business from the comfort of your home and as such you will need to try your best to identify scam programs because this is what make people see it as one of the dangerous way to earn which may not really be good enough
  64. Ofonime

    Is starting an online store a good option?

    I wanted to go into this niche before but it's required alot of experience and thus this make things difficult for me at the start that was how I stop it so online store seems to be a very good and lucrative business but you need someone to help teach you better
  65. Ofonime

    Starting an Online Business with Little Money

    There are so many benefits of starting an online business be it with money or not there are alot of business which you can start today online with little amount so I think it's all depend on your budget and how you plan for it if you can afford to start the business with good amount it's for...
  66. Ofonime

    Starting an online business

    Online business is one of the best business which anyone can do its a business model which I have considered best but before you get started you need lesson that will guide you properly in your field of discipline
  67. Ofonime

    Can you do anything for money?

    Let me tell you life is just once so I will never do anything that will claim my life because of money so now I always be careful with any website I work with
  68. Ofonime

    Is there anything changed with your finances since you started working online?

    Yes my finances have changed and I think it's change for good I have been blogging but never get any good result its this year that I have recorded tones of success with my blogging work
  69. Ofonime

    There is more to making money online

    Making money online is one of the popular way which people use now to earn but you will need to have good potential skill to discharge better function that can fetch you money it's better you chose one niched and work for it
  70. Ofonime

    How do you make more money from paid to post

    Using multiple forum is very good but you need to be consistent one funny thing is that you don't need to skip a day contributing the required post to the forum you are working with also have your aim on daily basis and work toward archiving them
  71. Ofonime

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    It's not wise to depend on forum because it's not stable you will see many forum come and go so it's not wise to depend on forum it's better you learn a skill which can fetch you money you also need to explore others potential ways which you can earn like working on gpt website they are even...
  72. Ofonime

    Would you like to tell people how much you’re making?

    Even through your bank you can disclose your earnings details to anyone or the amount of money you made its a confidential things but sometimes I do this with my friend that seems to be so intimate
  73. Ofonime

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    Yes I have done this with so many of my folks I tell them alot about this but only few of them show interest on it I have done this through forum posting and physical approach it's a way of encouragement
  74. Ofonime

    When Did You Create Your First Website?

    I created my first website 9 years ago and am still using the website it's a forum not doubt but If you have time and need the link I can provide you with it the forum is a free hosted forum
  75. Ofonime

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    Boarding school is good but sometimes it's expensive so for me I will send all my kids to boarding school because it's well secure for them and the decipline is good at first
  76. Ofonime

    Can you let your child inherit your business?

    Yes they are the reason why I sites those businesses is crucial If you notice this and I want to tell you any of your valuable property belong to your children once you let so it's virtal to chennel your business to your children
  77. Ofonime

    Which skill you want to learn that will help you in your business?

    Right now the skill I have is good to run any business but I want to learn how to exhibit good communication skills in the present business am operating it's what I lack within me before so am working tremendous towards it
  78. Ofonime

    Learn from your mistakes

    In life we are all bound to make mistakes so there is always a great need to learn from your past error it's going to help you correct them and ensure they don't repeat itself again, mistake can be dangerous but I'f you learn from it you can succeed faster
  79. Ofonime

    Learn to sleep alone

    Sleeping alone is one of the positive way to think we'll you will be able to make good thoughts that will contribute to the safety of your business you can as well rest your brain cell to get it back to its potential so there is always a great need to think and sleep alone but if you have a...
  80. Ofonime

    What is Your Best Passive Income Source

    My best passive income source is blogging I blog for a living I also do affiliate marketing I promise service from various URL shortens service to make some cool cash I also work on many forum
  81. Ofonime

    What is the best passive way to make money online?

    Have you tried affiliate marketing or crypto trading they are some of the best ways to make money you can use URL shortens service but your traffic must target top region country thou facebook don't allow the promotion of this service if you have another source of traffic you can easily do this...
  82. Ofonime

    What's the best online course you've taken?

    The best online course I have take so far is forex course I learn alot about how to trade in the financial markets through webinar I also take course on how to trade crypto online this is what am knowledge about
  83. Ofonime

    What do you think might be the reasons for your business failure?

    Lack of proper planning is one of those ways don't give out your item on credit and don't employ someone which you don't trust to manage your business it's going to contribute to your failure in business you are operating
  84. Ofonime

    Reasons not to skip breakfast

    You may develop ulcer if you skip your break fast continuely it's essential to take your break fast often it's part of an healthy lifestyle and it's help maintain immune system
  85. Ofonime

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    You will need to learn a skill which will help you to make good amount of money you can work on gpt website they can fetch you good amount of money with better offer rate one sign up job can earn you up-to 0.3cent
  86. Ofonime

    There is more to making money online

    There are so many ways of making money online you can chose the best niches for yourself if you work hard more money can be made you can blog for money and also do affiliate marketing this are some of the ways which I get started
  87. Ofonime

    How do you make more money from paid to post

    You can make money on forum in so many ways you can have out a strategy that ensure you contribute few post to forum on daily basis don't always aim to post consistent on one forum you will be considered post chase
  88. Ofonime

    Reasons Why You Get Disapproved By Adsense

    Low quality post and inadequate promotion your blog need to meet their requirements they have required rule everyone need to follow for supper and fast approval
  89. Ofonime

    Reasons why dream big in business

    Once you dream big in any business you are operating I believed you will be able to work hard for that business to grow so it can give you the sizeable amount of money you are in need of hard work pays
  90. Ofonime

    Reasons not to depend on paid to post task online

    There are so many other reasons not to depend on ptp it can go at anytime and the earning is slow it's better for you to opted for gpt and others gig website for money than relying on ptp
  91. Ofonime

    Why you should invest your money but not save it

    Actually I will tell you that the best option is for you to invest your money once you invest the money you are expecting something much compare to saving which won't grow anything 1716010529 Actually I will tell you that the best option is for you to invest your money once you invest the money...
  92. Ofonime

    Save or invest money made from online sites

    Even if you ask a newborn baby that question he will tell you that the best thing to do is for you to invest the money so that it can be multiplied saving will never bring profit but investment is the best
  93. Ofonime

    Starting a Catering business

    Starting this business maybe the best but you need to know that it's capital intensive so you need to plan very well before you go into this face of business am talking from experience
  94. Ofonime

    How do you avoid the business to go bankruptcy?

    You need to employ quality workers and apply the principle of proper planning it's one of the way which you can avoid business going bankrupt so I also advised you employ quality workers
  95. Ofonime

    Fast growing business at your location.

    In my location there are alot of ways which we do operate and I believe food business is the trendy business now in my location because people like eating often
  96. Ofonime

    How would you respond in an interview, when asked for the password of your email ID?

    No job interview will ever provide or ask you for your email password if am ask I will never give them such opportunities to access my email how can I give an outsider my email password it's not really going to work
  97. Ofonime

    A business strategy to earn 5 $ per day online

    The business which I know that can fetch you this amount of money is no other but affiliate marketing it's one of the business which you can do and earn this amount in as much as you have the needed traffic
  98. Ofonime

    How to make money with eBay?

    Its been long enough since I use eBay and Amazon to make money they are good place to sale any item thou it's been so long since I use them last but they are very legit
  99. Ofonime

    Yes that website use to work back then but I don't think the website is still working now it's an old website that use to work like the wheel forum back then I don't think they are still in operation
  100. Ofonime

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    If any of my payout is been delay for so long what I will do is to send the admin of that website a notification what ever he said I will be contented with that
  101. Ofonime

    Do you consider yourself to be working online while posting?

    Its nothing but work once I start posting online on forum I consider it as work it's nothing but work for me so I don't play with my work so I contribut my post here everyday
  102. Ofonime

    How much can you earn on this forum per day?

    That is why I only earn and aim to make only 25 post here after the 25 post I will go to others forum and work maybe tomorrow I will come back to make post again
  103. Ofonime

    How many posts do you have on your blog?

    You must surely be right what I ask now is how much money do you able to earn with your blog,I have three blogs and one forum, which I contacted you to sell all if them have more than 400 post but I never make a dime from them now
  104. Ofonime

    How many posts do you make a day on RIF?

    I make only 40 post here everyday because of my activities with others website so I only make few post here but when am done with others engagement I believe I will increase my activity level here
  105. Ofonime

    What is it supposed to be done to for you to succeed on the business.

    Busines need carefulness and adequate calculations if you calculate and know how to manage the risk that is involved in any business surely you must definitely succeed it's also requires good financial management
  106. Ofonime

    Do you make money through writing?

    I make alot of money through writing in fact most of my income come from writing it's one of those ways I earn both forum and article writing this make earning easy for me
  107. Ofonime

    What was the last website that you visited?

    The very last website that I visited was trendri thou I did not make any post here I believe it's a good earning platform which anyone can join if he want to make some good amount of money it's a good earning website strongly recommend
  108. Ofonime

    What is the last earning site that scammed you

    Same with me it's been long since I was scam because am always careful with any transaction that I carried out online so I don't easily fall victim to scam anymore its just about been careful
  109. Ofonime

    What is your favorite gig work?

    Fiver is the best website that O do offer services as gig if that is what you mean but for others work I use this forum and iwritter to earn considerate amount dramatically upwork is another good website for me
  110. Ofonime

    What is last earning site you joined?

    The website which you are talking about if someone join now can we see work do we have to pay any upfront fee to join
  111. Ofonime

    Which are the best sites for online money making in 2023?

    I believe that when it's come to earning forum is still one of the best way which anyone can use to earn thou if you know how to take survey it can also benefit you the more blogging work but you need traffic
  112. Ofonime

    Best Money Making Apps for iPhone

    If you are using an iPhone there are slot of app you can use to make money you can go play store and explore wide variety of it so I believe iPhone users has greater advantage of using money app RI earn
  113. Ofonime

    What are the best Money Making App?

    Sorry if I may ask the app which you are talking about I believe that it's for survey people so I think that it's not for everyone maybe those that reside in the United States will be of benefits
  114. Ofonime

    is Honeygain app a waste of time?

    Its never and not a waste of time if you use this app my fear is always that it's being bucks to someone system so I disable it but If you stay online for a long time you can try it definitely you can make something good
  115. Ofonime

    Honeygain earnings deleted if not used for 6 months

    This is one of the way which people use to earn but the issue is that the earning there is always very slow so I don't use that app earn anymore its time consuming
  116. Ofonime

    Do we have article earning site that allow us to earn without test?

    I don't think there is any article writing website that won't demand for test mostly the old once but you can chose those ones that dosnt required verification I dont think writerbay dose this
  117. Ofonime

    Do You Still Work on Low Paying Sites?

    Am still workingon low paying website because I believe advertisers have reduce their rate for advertising so it's affect many webmaster due to this all the earning website that pays through earning from advertising have also reduce their pay but this doesn't mean we Should stop working but it's...
  118. Ofonime

    Do you think we will ever have forum that pays 2-3 cent per post again?

    If that is the case then I will switch to micro jobs websites, I will spend majority of my time there because if I spend 9hours per day on micro job website I can make considerate amount like $4 there are some task that pays 20-30cent per task which may not take you up-to 1hours to complete...
  119. Ofonime

    Do you think we will ever have forum that pays 2-3 cent per post again?

    Please with the rate which advertisers offer now to webmaster it's very discouraged, this make many forum reduce their rate to only 1 cent per post, this make posting so bored, webmaster should try to lift the rate of advertising so they can offer better rate for poster, do you think we will...
  120. Ofonime

    Will it be possible to become a millionaire in adult age?

    You need to plan very well and invest your little capitals to produce you quality profit but if you can save some money in special bank account you can win at adult age
  121. Ofonime

    How can I make money if at PC every day 8H+?

    You can use those time to earn through gpt website like sprougig or micro workers they are the first two site when am on Pc timebuck is one of the website I do work with rif and bmf should be included
  122. Ofonime

    How can I make money by testing apps and website?

    Testing app can be a good job but I will advice you that you can do this work on gpt platform or ask a friend to suggest you the website that pays direct to complete this work type there are alot of websites that offer this type of job
  123. Ofonime

    Where can we promote referral links for forums and other websites ?

    There are so many ways which you can promote your affiliate link some of those ways is forum signature and if you know how to write good content you can also try seo it's what I use then but so keyword research to know the trend niches
  124. Ofonime

    making money on forums

    Forum is a good way to earn but I see it as a better place to learn and discover new things so ptp forum help alot we can rely on it is you stay long enough online to earn because it's required your time and patience to reach out to your goals
  125. Ofonime

    The Beginner's Guide to Sproutgigs

    Time is hard as we all know so you don't have to say anything or difficult, thou I know the rate per task has been reduced with then picoworkers but hopefully through hard work you can still get something good
  126. Ofonime

    What is your favorite freelancing platform

    I love upwork it's a good place which I have work for before they offer good and quality job but you need to bid on projects that match your skill so you can complete it easily
  127. Ofonime

    Where did you first use a computer or laptop?

    I have a computer and I have been using it so it's been up-to 7years now since I started using computer but now I don't have any with me at home I use the one at business center
  128. Ofonime

    Where did Big Brother TV Show start and what is it's real aim?

    I believe that those TV program you mention here are to educate the youth and help enlighten people on things they need to know I do like this TV shows
  129. Ofonime

    Where To Know About All types of Paying and Non paying Forums?

    Even in this forum you can know all the paying and none paying forum in fact before you join. any program you will need to try asuxh as possible to know the paying once Bro this forum and bmf is the best forum so far
  130. Ofonime

    Do you use any forums where you don't get paid?

    There is nothing wrong doing this what I do with those forum that are not paying is for me to go there and promote. Y service I spend less hours there compare to here
  131. Ofonime

    Where can I promote my affiliate link?

    To promote your affiliate link you will need to try as much as possible and have active social media accounts with good audience it's one of the way I use to promote my affiliate marketing product back then but you must have a good communication skills
  132. Ofonime

    Where can we promote referral links for forums and other websites ?

    There are so many ways by which you can promote your referral link you can use seo or try pic website even forum which we are posting here is a very good way to get referral