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8:01 PM
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  • Thanks God it's Friday. Up to some meeting with the league later. Looking forward to a great weekend.
    It's a sunny Wednesday at my end. Just taking a few moments to pause from work. See you later.
    Joshua Farrell
    Joshua Farrell
    Didn't realize you were 13 hours ahead of me. Hope work was good.
    Yes I had a great day today, whole morning was spent inside my office and I spent the whole afternoon for some outside transactions. Where are you located, I am in the Philippines.
    Pit Señor, it's a very mi popular chant for Catholics in today's feast of the Child Jesus.
    Good day everyone. It's a Friday but am up to doing lots of things today at work. I wish you all a good day.
    How's everyone doing. It's still a wet morning and I can hear drizzles this early.
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