Recent content by Sanjeev

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Sanjeev

    What paid to post forum pays more

    As far as I know, RIF is the best platform as you can earn better than any other site. People are talking about BMF but as they have stopped paying for the comments so I don't think it's better than RIF now.
  2. Sanjeev

    RIF Target

    I wish you may be able to achieve your target. I have not set the target here as I know I am not able to spend time here. Last month I took gold membership in the hope I will earn better but I could not able to achieve it.
  3. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I didn't know it. I hope they start paying for the comments soon. I used to earn from the comments only on that site.
  4. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    That's fine. It all depends on the time availability. Frankly speaking I get bored of RIF as there are limited posts to respond on unlike mylot.
  5. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    But now I read somewhere that they have stopped paying for the comments so I won't be able to earn from there as I like to comment on the posts not starting a post.
  6. Sanjeev

    Let's help RIF

    I agree I took good membership once and it was waste of money as I was not able to manage to earn money I spent in buying the membership. I won't be repeating this mistake in future now.
  7. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    Yes I am not on this site these days. I have been spending whatever time I get, on mylot these days. The things are getting tough at work now a days.
  8. Sanjeev

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    I never heard of this site ever. I will check it out and see if I should join it or not. Are you are planning to join the site? How is your business of milk tea going on?
  9. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer, focus on 1-2 sites, or be active on more than 3 several paid sites?

    It's all about the availability of time. If you can spend more time online then you should work on more sites otherwise it's good to spend on few sites only.
  10. Sanjeev

    New site making a dollar per day

    I don't like survey sites because most of them don't work here . I wil stick to the forum sites only as I find them easy to earn. I wish if I may know a site where I may earn a $1 or more in a day.
  11. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I agree with you when such things happen , it's sort of a warning for the users. I have stopped working there who knows in a month we get an announcement there that they are going to stop paying the people.
  12. Sanjeev

    which is best website to earn?

    I have always preferred RIF to earn but from last few months I was bored of the sites because everytime I see the same posts and the same comments, there was no new post/thread on the site but I am checking it if I can find my interest here again.
  13. Sanjeev

    New site making a dollar per day

    Is it a new site? Can you tell me more about it. I will join it if I find it easy to work like RIF. I am searching for few more good sites now.
  14. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I also tried to check whether they still pay for commenting on the post but I did not find anything in written but my comments were not paid there. I only used to earn points through comments only and I think I will have to stop working there now.
  15. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    @riberet19 I see. I am not active these days on BMF as I am not getting time. I am mostly devoting my time on mylot as that is the site which I like the most
  16. Sanjeev

    6 Types of Passive Income

    @Susye yes I am on mylot and I know you there. How are you doing here? It's a better place if you want to earn better. Yes the passive income from property is one of the simplest and a good way people use
  17. Sanjeev

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    @moneywise2021 here in India because of the demographic , surveys are not available and on most of the surveys we are disqualified unlike the people from the countries like UK,US and Canada.
  18. Sanjeev

    Chit Chat Thread

    Having a cup of tea now.
  19. Sanjeev

    Do you tell your family if you fail in an investment?

    It will take time for me to tell them. I will do that when I feel it's the good time to do that. That's true it's hard to tell them about it especially when your family is going through a difficult time.
  20. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    @arunima on any such site you will require to give your back account number and PAN as you need to link it with your account number but what I feel is the app is safe.
  21. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    You can open an account on zebpay and transfer crypto there and then from there you can convert them in to rupees. It is the simplest way to get paid.
  22. Sanjeev

    Do you like to compete with fellow workers at workplace?

    I don't compete with the people at work because I also believe everyone is different and have his/her capabilities and skills , you cannot compare a person with others. But you can not avoid it as bosses always do that and you cannot stop him/her from doing so.
  23. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    @Chibson yes I also find it easy to use . I bet BMF is the best site but one needs to know about the topics , if you post irrelevant posts there are chance you may get banned there.
  24. Sanjeev

    Do you have a smartphone

    Yes I have a smartphone but do not have a computer or a laptop so most of the internet related work is done on smartphone by me. I always prefer a phone having a good camera as these days no one owns a camera but likes to take pictureby the mobile only.
  25. Sanjeev

    What determines the salary structure of workers?

    It is determined with their experience, qualification , leadership, skills, communication and the last is the job profile they are being offered to. Also it depends on the responsibilty and authority of the person at job.
  26. Sanjeev

    Are you working on BMF ?

    I am there on BMF and it's a good site and if the person is serious to earn online then he/she may be able to earn well from that site