Recent content by Sanjeev

  1. Sanjeev

    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    Our company's owner lives in Australia and has kept senior staff to supervise his business. He is just interested to check the profits.
  2. Sanjeev

    Do you play indoor games?

    All board games are considered to be indoor games so it is fine to play them if you like to stay inside and play.
  3. Sanjeev

    Did you do a genotype test with your partner/ spouse?

    Now I realise it's important to do that before marriage as it's better not to repent after marriage.
  4. Sanjeev

    Shifting careers

    It's hard to change career for a person. I am also thinking to switch on to some business after the retirement.
  5. Sanjeev

    Social media sites

    Not everything we read or see on the social sites are not to be believed 100%.
  6. Sanjeev

    Breast Surgery

    I don't think it right to do that , one should accept how God has made him/her.
  7. Sanjeev

    Are you afraid of walking alone on the lone paths ways?

    Yes, I am because of the rising criminal cases here and people must take care of themselves.
  8. Sanjeev


    Yes, I am afraid of the forest at night because of the wild animals as they mostly come out at night.
  9. Sanjeev

    A boss is not a king so never be afraid

    But that's sad that most of bosses here think to be an owner. I hate this attitude of the boss.
  10. Sanjeev

    Are you afraid of walking in the dark?

    I am scared of the dark as most people are , as they think they may not face a ghost but I don't.
  11. Sanjeev Reviews

    I have not tried it but beermoneyforum is a legit site and you may try it.
  12. Sanjeev

    Do You Have to be Loyal to Your Employer?

    I have always believed in it. In my previous employment I was not satisfied with them so left the jobs.
  13. Sanjeev

    Keeping money in house

    I would like to hide it in my wardrobe as I guess it is the safest place for me to hide money.
  14. Sanjeev

    Do you like Eggplant?

    No, I don't like, I feel I am allergic to them as I feel acidity when I eat it at night.
  15. Sanjeev

    Do you like to plant lemons and tomatoes in your garden?

    I wish if I have a garden. I would love to grow lemon, tomato, chilli, pomegranate and many other things in the garden.
  16. Sanjeev

    Do you plant trees?

    Yes, I do as I have lots of potted plants on the terrace. We should plant trees to make our environment fresh and clean.
  17. Sanjeev

    Do you often feel bored?

    Yes, I also feel bored sometimes and when I feel so, I make a plan for a trip somewhere.
  18. Sanjeev

    How do you feel when you dont see your online friend on a site for a long time?

    I have few online friends who are missing and I am worried for them. I can't contact them because I don't have their Facebook or any other id.
  19. Sanjeev

    Do you own a Fruit Juicer?

    Yes, we have a fruit juice maker and I like to make fruit juice at home itself.
  20. Sanjeev

    Is money the not important thing?

    If you want live a good life them you must have enough money otherwise it is not easy to live.
  21. Sanjeev

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    That's what my plan is. I want her to excel in the online business , I know she will do it.
  22. Sanjeev

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    Yes, if you have a large business then you may require an accountant to keep the records otherwise not.
  23. Sanjeev

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    Yes, she also wants to have some work to make money. She is bored of doing house hold chores only.
  24. Sanjeev

    Do you like to play with Kids?

    I used to play with my kids—badminton, cricket—in the park a few years ago, but not now as they are in to their higher studies and get little time.
  25. Sanjeev

    Favorite dish

    I don't like potatoes so anything in which these are added, I don't like. I like Rajma Chawal an Indian dish.
  26. Sanjeev

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    I will try it for sure after sometime, may be after few months. I will try to train my wife in to it.
  27. Sanjeev

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    @Starmix when you talk about your online business I always get motivated and wish I may also start some business soon.
  28. Sanjeev

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    Apart from the financial problems, people also change their attitude when they don't achieve the things they have thought they would.
  29. Sanjeev

    Have you ever tried out the business for selling shoes?

    I have not tried it but I know it's a good business and there is good margin of profit in it.
  30. Sanjeev

    Do you like Mango shakes?

    Yes, I like mango shake more than eating raw mangoes. In the season we daily have mango shake.
  31. Sanjeev

    Mango curry

    It's a very common dish here in North India and in every season we make it at least once a week.
  32. Sanjeev

    Do You Have to be Loyal to Your Employer?

    I am always loyal to my employer. It's surprising why some people cheat their employer when they know that their employer is feeding their family.
  33. Sanjeev

    Are you an absolutely loyal person?

    I am a loyal and an honest person with everyone I know, this is what others say about me.
  34. Sanjeev

    Have you ever saw a ghost up close?

    Did you ask someone? Has anyone else saw this white lady there in the past?
  35. Sanjeev

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    As I don't own a business so never found a need to hire an accountant ever.
  36. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    Except my daughter we don't like to eat non vegetarian here. We consider pig unhygienic so don't eat pork.
  37. Sanjeev

    Do you think forums are dying off?

    Yes, I think the forums are dying of because the rates of the post have reduced to minimum of all time and people now a days are not getting interested in them.
  38. Sanjeev

    Do you like Prepaid or postpaid?

    I like prepaid plan , may be the call rates are more on the postpaid plans.
  39. Sanjeev

    Twitter Vs Threads?

    I am not on thread so don't know about it. But I personally feel Twitter is a good place to know about the world.
  40. Sanjeev

    Do you like sending text messages or making phone calls?

    If there is no important work I would like to converse with the text messages instead of a phone call.
  41. Sanjeev

    Do you like Facebook or Instagram?

    I like Facebook more than Instagram because may be most of my friends are on FB only.
  42. Sanjeev

    Are you Part of any WhatsApp Group?

    Yes, I am a member of many WhatsApp groups of family, company, department, school mates and many more.
  43. Sanjeev

    Do you like to play Chess?

    I used to play it in the childhood but find it boring now a days. I play it with my son sometimes now also.
  44. Sanjeev

    Do you like to add tomatoes in every dish you prepare?

    No, I don't like to add tomato in every dish because of its sweet taste. I don't know how people have them.
  45. Sanjeev

    What is the Easiest Platform to start selling Online?

    I never tried selling things online so I cannot say but people say OLX is a good site to sell second hand items.
  46. Sanjeev

    Do you play indoor games?

    I still play them with my kids, as we don't like to go out and play in the park except sometimes.
  47. Sanjeev

    Do you like to play with Kids?

    Yes, I do and find it the best way to relax my mind and relieve stress. Most of the time I play UNO or Ludo with them.
  48. Sanjeev

    Do you like eating grilled fish?

    I have stopped eating non vegetarian food from last few months. I don't what made me to leave it.
  49. Sanjeev

    Do you like to make Ice cream at home?

    Everything made at home is good provided you know the way to make it. We used to make icecreams at home years ago but recently didn't try it.
  50. Sanjeev

    Do you like comedy movies?

    Yes, the motive of watching movies for me is fun and we can have it when we watch a comedy movie. I don't like action or romantic movies.
  51. Sanjeev

    Which do you prefer beef or pork?

    I don't like both of them but chicken and fish. I have never tasted any other meat ever in my life. We don't eat port here.
  52. Sanjeev

    Here is my payment proof from indexforum

    Congrats on getting paid. I still have to accumulate more to request for the payment.
  53. Sanjeev

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    I am quick to apologise with a person if I know or realise that I have committed a mistake.
  54. Sanjeev

    If you were a vegetable what would you be and why?

    I wish I could be a ginger as it has lots of health benefits and can be mixed to anything to make it tasteful.
  55. Sanjeev

    Why So Many People Fail With Affiliate Marketing

    That's what the people experience its not easy to convert potential buyer in to actual buyer in affiliate marketing.
  56. Sanjeev

    Have you ever studied the finances on your schooling days?

    No, as I was a science student so studied maths, physics, chemistry and biology and not finance.
  57. Sanjeev

    Do you use the energy saving light bulbs or the normal bulbs?

    We use LED bulbs here because they consume less electricity and cut electricity bill. Normal bulbs are expensive to use
  58. Sanjeev

    Do you like strong coffee or normal coffee?

    I don't like coffee but milk tea, sometimes I drink coffee at office without adding milk in it. I prefer normal coffee.
  59. Sanjeev

    Normal tap water or purified water?

    Direct water is contaminated so we have to use water purifier here. We used to drink direct tap water around 20 or more years ago
  60. Sanjeev

    Do you eat pork?

    No, I never tasted pork in my life. We just eat fish and chicken and sometimes mutton in non vegetarian food.
  61. Sanjeev

    Going On A Trip

    Yes, month ago we went to trip for a week to a nearby state. It was a good trip we enjoyed alot.
  62. Sanjeev

    Do you have fear of dark?

    No, I don't have a fear of dark. I used to scare of the dark in childhood but not now when grown up.
  63. Sanjeev

    What's the weather over there?

    It's hot here. It rained heavily yesterday but not today. Hope the temperature goes down in coming days here.
  64. Sanjeev

    Your favorite tourist place?

    Yes, Nepal is a good destination. I have visited Lumbini and Mount Everest. I went to visit Pashupati Nath temple but visited several other places in Nepal.
  65. Sanjeev

    Reasons for doing part time Jobs

    I don't do any part-time job because I don't get time to do that. Moreover I get sufficient money from the regular job.
  66. Sanjeev

    Do You Think The AI Is Snatching Our Jobs?

    Yes, AI is taking away the jobs of people and the time will come when we will see the use of AI everywhere.
  67. Sanjeev

    A real man looks for a wife, not another girlfriend

    I am not that type. I never had girl friends in my life. I am married and happy with my wife and don't want to have an extramarital affair.
  68. Sanjeev

    What do you think of snatching another spouse

    I won't say it is right but that's their own choice. Such cases are normal here and who cares may be the couple don't have an affection as husband and wife.
  69. Sanjeev

    Why So Many People Fail With Affiliate Marketing

    And that is the reason I am not in to it. I want to learn basics of affiliate marketing first and will then start. I don't want to be like others who leave because they don't earn from it.
  70. Sanjeev

    Why do many people fail to earn money online?

    For me time management is the major reason. I am not dependent on online earnings so don't spend time on the sites or write blogs. But I know if I will start it as a regular job I may be able to earn better
  71. Sanjeev

    Secret love

    I had a crush on one of my teachers in high school but never let her know about it. She was a maths teacher, she was so beautiful and intelligent.
  72. Sanjeev

    What is the Best way to Build Views on Youtube?

    But how to get so much subscribes. You need to post something unique and good to attract audience.
  73. Sanjeev

    How can I make $10 consistently per day online?

    It's not for everyone. Everyone cannot earn $10 per day. For that a person has to be skilled at least in few things. Just posting in the forum sites is the way to earn much online.
  74. Sanjeev

    How do you generate passive income from dividend stocks or rental properties?

    I don't get much dividends from the stocks I have bought. I sell the stocks once I see I am getting profit of 8-10% and then buy some other stocks.
  75. Sanjeev

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    Not apologizing is the sign that you have ego issues which is not good for a person.
  76. Sanjeev

    Mushroom with Great Peas

    This is one dish I prefer to order when I visit a resturant. I like the combination of its spicy.
  77. Sanjeev

    What do you prefer the most? Night shifts or day shifts?

    I don't prefer night shifts because after working for whole night my body seems to be tired all the time.