Recent content by Smalto

  1. S

    What is your strategy for the repayment of loans?

    First of all, my concept of taking loan is, I must have somewhere to invest it into, I don't take loans in order to spend them, rather I take to re invest in some business then I can now use the proceeds of the business to pay off the loans.
  2. S

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    Same here, it seems very boring for me, I prefer getting paid either onna weekly basis or on a daily basis, don't like cashing running out of my hands at all.
  3. S

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    The most expensive dress I have currently in my wardrobe is a Gucci shirt o purchased last year, cost around $25, I don't joke with that dress at all.
  4. S

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    Currently in my country, the price of almost everything has rapidly skyrocketed, most especially food, people are now starving to death, because majority of them can't afford to get good food to eat.
  5. S

    What is the most expensive thing that you achieved through saving little by little money?

    When I wanted to get a mobile phone, I had to patiently and consistently save for up to 2 months before o could complete the money to purchase it.
  6. S

    Do you like religious movies?

    Very well, I do love religious movies a whole lot, because they come with great lessons and you get to be morally edified, it's a form of training, because you get to see things play out.
  7. S

    No matter how much you try, someone's child would never be your child.

    Same here with me, so far you're staying under my roof, I will give you the same treatment I give to my children.
  8. S

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    t Big congrats to you for the successful setting up if your businesses, truly said, anyone can dream but only few people have the courage and audacity to go for what they truly want instead of day dreaming.
  9. S

    Which coin helped you earn a lot?

    Wow that's a very massive profit, mine was notcoin, when it dipped I invested few dollars and make almost times5 of my initial capital.
  10. S

    How to stay up to date in cryotocurrency.

    Sure, that's when the fundamental analysis comes to play the most, because most times news greatly affect the price or performance of the crypto world at large.
  11. S

    Earning Free Crypto

    Definitely, the only payment you have to make is just to sacrifice your time and internet, then you post consistently, forums are the sure best ways to earn free cryptocurrencies.
  12. S

    How do you invest in crypto market?

    My favourite has always been bybit exchange due to their low fees and how simplified and easy to use their interface looks, and they accept minimum balance or deposit of $2
  13. S

    How Are Nigerians Dealing With Cryptocurrency?

    Definitely, they are just pained that crypto has become an escape route for the youths, they always want to control and impoverish people, but they can't stop us, the more they keep trying the more stronger we keep becoming.
  14. S

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    In as much as sometimes after companies train employees, the employees get to run away to seek better offers or opportunities somewhere else, is still doesn't give a justifiable reason why companies shouldn't train their employees, at least it will help to add value to the company.
  15. S

    Are you still being entertained by the radio?

    Few years back, I never missed any radio programs from my favourite radio stations then, but now, I'm always glued to my phone, I have actually lost count when last I tuned in to a radio station.
  16. S

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    People who have their grandparents alive are very much lucky, as for me, Iost my grandparents long time ago, both from my maternal home and paternal home.
  17. S

    Do you still holding your bitcoins currently?

    That's why they say, the market is unpredictable, what you feel might play out, unfortunately might not do the way we all expect it to do, especially in this crypto space, I'm currently not holding any bitcoin as I sold off few weeks ago.
  18. S

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    That was actually my thoughts initially, at a time, I got very scared thinking it was going to affect my Device greatly, but it turned out not to, but I was able to mine and hot the airdrop, so not all airdrops usually damage devices.
  19. S

    Hiring Forum Poster

    Kindly let me know if this offer is still available, I could fit in real good, I can make quality posts for your forum, lemme know if I'm a fit for the position.
  20. S

    In how many days do you cut nails of your feet?

    My nails grow so quickly, in a week I get to cut it once or twice, but I always make sure they are clean and very free from dirts
  21. S

    How many days does SocialSeos take to pay?

    A very big congrats to you, actually getting to hear about this website for the very first time, how do they operate? Is it something similar to index forum and what is the minimum point one can withdraw or request.
  22. S

    So many airdrops these days.

    Honestly, the airdrops are just way too much, sometimes I even lost count on how many are in my watchlist, sometimes I get to forget to do the daily tasks in order to earn points.
  23. S

    How many days you can wait if you are not informed about the payment delay?

    Same here, that is why I tend to be more active here and post more when I know I have enough funds with me, so that when it starts going down, I would have where to fall back to,
  24. S

    What's the best online course you've taken?

    There are millions of courses out there which one could enrol into, while some are paid and the others are not paid, but so far, the best online course I have taken this year is a crypto currency based course where I was taught the basis of crypto.
  25. S

    The best time for the online working

    Yea, there's so much fact in what you're saying, the early hours of the morning have been proven to be the best when it comes to efficiency, so one just has to maximize the time and use it productively.
  26. S

    How many days do you earn $1 in RIF?

    Definitely, it is not easy making upto that amount on a daily basis, especially if you have an offline job that takes much if your time and attention, bit if one can persevere and be consistent, everything is possible.
  27. S

    [] Anonymous exchange and clearing of crypto without AML/KYC

    I think you should take your time and do your due diligence before letting the cat out of the bag, so that people will get to know how the system works in order to avoid confusion and unnecessary questions My humble opinion though.
  28. S

    Ownership Change & Name Change

    Thanks a tonne for making things much more clearer and easier, I have been away from index forum for a little while now, but glad to be back, and I must really commend you for bringing back the various cryptocurrency payment options, because not all of us can access the PayPal payment method...
  29. S

    First payout

    Wow wow wow, this is very commendable, seems PayPal is really working super well for you guys, very big congrats to you, and also thanks for sending a screenshot, at least it would really help in motivating some members here to do more and be very active on the forum, index forum still remains...
  30. S

    Payout Received

    Congrats to you, that was a very smart one, gradually we keep moving, this forum has proven to be very trustworthy and has stood the test of time, it's been a while I actually logged into forumcoin, I feel super comfortable typing and interacting here on index forum.
  31. S

    My 1° Payout $10

    Wow, this is very massive, good to know you were paid via PayPal, though it doesn't work here or rather it is temporarily restricted in my region, hence we can't access it for now, but very big congrats to you, you deserve it and also thanks to the admin for swift payment.
  32. S

    Payout from Index Forum

    One thing I like about index forum is simply the swift payment method, you could request for a payment and you can get it within 48 hours, effortlessly, all thanks to the admin for making this a reality Congrats on your payout, hope to request for a payout real soon
  33. S

    DEX To Naira Exchange Services.

    This is highly commendable, thanks a million times for bringing up this service, and also all thanks to index forum for restoring back cryptocurrency payments, because I know few months back it was temporarily suspended, so happy the options are all back right now.
  34. S

    Index forum is sexy

    No doubt, the interface of index forum is very catchy, I had always liked the interface ever since I got introduced to index forum, very appealing colours, not too shiny or too colourful, just a moderate design, and I also love how responsive the website is.
  35. S

    Did you mine Notcoin?

    I was very fortunate and lucky to have mined notcoin, though I hoped in when it was about to end but was still able to gather some points, but not really much, but at least it is better than not having anything at all, so the best thing to do now is to keep mining any project without fading...
  36. S

    Earning Free Crypto

    Earning cryptocurrency now it's no longer an easy task, especially those coming from the third world countries, because some of the government of nations there have place a ban on any crypto related transactions, and the foreign exchange rate is on the very high side, while they also ban P2P...
  37. S

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    Though what the person took was a very high risk, not everyone actually has that amount of risk tolerance, what if the investment had gone South, but then he took a bold step, because truly, the future and wealth belongs to the brave and lion-hearted people, many people can stand investing very...
  38. S

    I received payment today

    Wow, big congratulations to you my dear, it's been a while since I went offline due to some urgent issues I needed to attend to, but, it's all good, because I'm very well active and back to base, let's do great things together, once again congrats to you my dear.