Recent content by Starmix

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  1. Starmix

    Why do you visit a persons profile?

    I only visit a person's profile if I like if not I fi not visit.
  2. Starmix

    Do you easily get influenced by advertisements online

    No, I never get influence but the ads displayed on line. They are tricks only wanting to victimised the innocent customer.
  3. Starmix

    Do you work better on forums with your PC or mobile device?

    In the day I use laptop but in the evening it exclusively use my mobile phone. My laptop needs rest.
  4. Starmix

    Free TapSwap Coin

    This is my first time hearing about the site. It seems a good site. I check the web tomorrow.
  5. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Money making online is not easy. It requires considerable attention, planning, innovation and inventory to avoid losses.
  6. Starmix

    Nothing can stop a person hungry for a better life through business

    Before you decide to put up your business it is assured the location is strategic easy for the customers up reach.
  7. Starmix

    What Is The Oldest Piece Of Clothing In Your Wardrobe?

    It seems I do not have oldest clothes 😁I always donate my clothes to victims of storm.
  8. Starmix

    Low customer value

    There are customers blessing in disguise. They shy away their millions. They cannot be judged as customers having low value.
  9. Starmix

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    I dream the travel abroad and I did accomplish my dreams. Let's execute our dreams to make them come true.
  10. Starmix

    Have friends who discuss about self-development

    You can also sense a friend or friends having the same interest as yours especially in bonding with a topic on self development.
  11. Starmix

    Be the best friends of your kids

    It is idealistic if parents are the best friends of their kids. There is no awkwardness or a gap between parents and kids.
  12. Starmix

    I never dreamed about success, I worked for it

    Dreaming without executing will be useless, we have to make a dream to happen successfully.
  13. Starmix

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Yeah, it was a wonderful afternoon , rain poured heavily for some minutes , but it caused flood in our yard. After some minutes, flood subsided.
  14. Starmix

    Have you started investing this year?

    Wow, that is so good of you. In my case, I am afraid to invest on crypto, I am still an amateur crypto holder,
  15. Starmix

    Who financed your college education?

    Most parents are the ones financing the education of their kids, but this time there are colleges and universities tuition-free.
  16. Starmix

    High school kids, to work as a gasoline boy, good or bad?

    Yes, that is true it depends also on the financial situation of the family. those rich never have kids work as a gasoline boy. Most kid' doing this are struggling finically for their education. 1722426739 Working as a, gasoline boy for a high school kid is not against the law as long as there is...
  17. Starmix

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    The people here in my place are busy working, finding money and cleaning the house, so no more time to have a nice talk with them only to some friends on-line.
  18. Starmix

    Does everyone have the right to make noise?

    I hate incessant noise especially if it is an irritating noise, It is better if the noise is from a sweet music.
  19. Starmix

    Not everyone will like you

    No mater how good we are, still , our goodness is not perfect for them and the reason is when you do not let them borrow money from you.
  20. Starmix

    Have you experienced a perfect moment?

    I always have perfect moment and one of it is when I am alone, no disturbance and I can plan well about my life.
  21. Starmix

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    There is also a big mirror at home but it is not installed in my bedroom, it is there in our living room near the exit door.
  22. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    If the husband is the sole earner, the wife is also busy attending to the kids and her hubby, so there is a give and take of tasks.
  23. Starmix

    Reasons why dream big in business

    It is very inspiring to dream big in business because that dream of yours is the strong drive to realize and materialize your dream.
  24. Starmix

    Importance of Customer Service Training in Business

    Customer service representatives must undergo training before starting their post. It is very important for customer satisfaction.
  25. Starmix

    The importance of customer service to the success of your business

    Customer service is very important in business, absence of this, the customers will not come back. The customers like friendly employees. 1722426182 Customer service makes the customer keep on coming back. Bad services might discourage a customer. They don't like to come back. 1722426186...
  26. Starmix

    Conquer your dream whatever it is

    Chase only the dreams you can afford to reach . Do not dream of something impossible like buying a new car when you do not have a business yet.
  27. Starmix

    Time is like a dream

    Time is like a dram apart from being comparable to gold, soo let us all utilize time abundantly.
  28. Starmix

    Be the best friends of your kids

    I see parents here in my place happily bonding every weekend, they are friends with their kids. They look so perfect in my eyes,
  29. Starmix

    Have friends who discuss about self-development

    Self-development is also taught in school , but some of the young people do not like to improve their personalities.
  30. Starmix

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    There are many things I inherited from my parents not only material things but the good values that they instilled in all their children.
  31. Starmix

    How to create a budget that works

    Do list before shopping. When cooking, cook only minimally to avoid waste. Refrain buying not needed at home.
  32. Starmix

    Do you believe in excuses?

    There are excuses fabricated just to escape from something assigned to them. Some excuses are lies.
  33. Starmix

    Do you believe that a devoted worker is always a good worker?

    I don't think so that because the worker is devoted to his work is a good worker. Who knows nobody knows the truth.
  34. Starmix

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Yeah, let's not give ourselves room for idleness. Nothing good happens to us only regrets.
  35. Starmix

    Delegate work and responsibility

    You cannot achieve more if you do not delegate the tasks to the workers responsibly. It's a smart way.
  36. Starmix

    How did you get over your ex

    The best remedy is to forget the past by making the self busy with something like cleaning my room.
  37. Starmix

    How do you describe yourself

    I am an extrovert. I hate loneliness though it cannot be avoided but I strive not to feel it.
  38. Starmix

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    At least you still feel your dad's presence. He's happy watching you inherit his clothes.
  39. Starmix

    What makes you happy?

    Eating my favorite ice cream makes me happy. Having money all the time adds up to my happiness.
  40. Starmix

    Describe your crush when you were in high school,LOL

    Wow you got different crushes during high school. It cannot be avoided having many crushes being a teenager.
  41. Starmix

    Borrowing money for investment

    It's best save and wait your money is qualified for a desired investment. Don't invest from a loaned money, risky.
  42. Starmix

    Invest only in something that makes you happy and what is that?

    I recently invested in local stocks. I bought 4 stocks. The owner migrated to the United States of America.
  43. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    That's good try to check the price however do it only when you already have a driver's license.
  44. Starmix

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    This day Tuesday becomes my best day. I am so relaxed and stil on my summer vacation.
  45. Starmix

    Delegate work and responsibility

    In a business there are departments task as accountant, bookkeeper auditor, sales managers and sales workers. The owner cannot make it alone.
  46. Starmix

    Alternatives to homework

    A home work is not anymore a compulsory in the DepEd. Students must rest. They're tasked in the classroom during their activity time monitored by a teacher like workbook.
  47. Starmix

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    I have business online and that makes me happy and living comfortably. At first it's hard but patience is needed to persevere and succeed.
  48. Starmix

    How did you get over your ex

    It was not easy for me. I felt all alone and saw only voud places but I strived hard. I involved myself with many activities to forget the past quick.
  49. Starmix

    How did you manage to repay back your last loan?

    It might not be easy if there is a loan. You always feel restless how to pay it. I don't have a loan and never had.
  50. Starmix

    How did you manage the multiple earning websites?

    I do not have a multiple earning sites. I only do activities on two forums the Index Forum and DBucks.
  51. Starmix

    How do you describe yourself

    That teacher was a discreet what kind of place is that trees never move. It's a weird answer.
  52. Starmix

    Delayed delivery

    If there's a storm expect a delayed delivery of your order. Flights are cancelled when there's a storm.
  53. Starmix

    Who financed your college education?

    I was a resident scholar and my parents never spent money for my tuition only my daily allowances.
  54. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Me too, and it is tiresome to think earning very small but effort made not easy. I sometimes feel do not anymore like.
  55. Starmix

    Making money

    Making money is not easy but if you won't try nothing happens. We must execute to know the results.
  56. Starmix

    Always believe in your abilities

    I believe in my ability if it's worth to believe, if not I have to master it more.
  57. Starmix

    Can you still memorize fast this time?

    When I was in college, I can memorize the whole contents of my notebook in two days, and mastered them all, but this time, I am not used to memorizing and I believe that our memorizing ability declines if not always put to use.
  58. Starmix

    What's your favorite day in a week?

    I like Monday, it is also a market day here where I can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts.
  59. Starmix

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    My family owned 10 hectares coco farm and I inherited one hectare. It was subdivided among us siblings and 4 hectares were sold when our dad got sick of cancer.
  60. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    The worst past one cannot forget is if they were impregnated by someone who only enjoyed himself for self's satisfaction and the woman believes the man was true to her, only to know that the man was married, jobless, and had no degree.
  61. Starmix

    Do you believe in destiny?

    You will remain poor if you have no education and family roots are poor but those whoe were born with a golden spoon they never experience living in poverty, so those poor may have a chance to elevate their lives by working hard but smart.
  62. Starmix

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    I have posted my reels on Meta. I was dancing TikTok , in fact, @Hate2Wait saw me dancing via the video:giggle:😁.
  63. Starmix

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    No idea in business is like walking in a long-lost road. the business order must be committed to his ideas and stick to it if it's so gaining.
  64. Starmix

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    It is better to have love and loss than never to have love at all. Let's always love our family for the love we give bounces back to us.
  65. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Time is gold and it is the one that gives us the hour as when to stat the most important business or investment in our lives or get married.
  66. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    There are second-hand cars that are good though cheaper. All you have to do is check its engine, Engine is the most important part of a car.
  67. Starmix

    Labor Union in a workplace

    If the company has a huge capital in billions, like multi-national companies, there's always a labor union for all members or workers.
  68. Starmix

    What makes you happy?

    Many things make me happy but first is good health , money all the time and nice food.
  69. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    Let us never give up helping our family . It isn't all the time that we shoulder all things for them all.
  70. Starmix

    Cash on delivery

    Cash on delivery gives assurances the order will arrive but of course, we have to open the parcel first before paying. It might be fake
  71. Starmix

    Describe your crush when you were in high school,LOL

    We always have a crush when we were in high school, that is what call high school life, oh high school life.
  72. Starmix

    A must for a mental distraction in business

    Listening to music is one mental distraction. Our mood can shift to the wonderful music that carries our emotions and calms the mind.
  73. Starmix

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    A zero capital business seldom happens. Only a very few are gifted in singing , dancing, or painting.
  74. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Let's all leave the past behind. Let tye past serve as the shadow of the present. Past is lifeless.
  75. Starmix

    Do you still watch TV?

    Many rely in TV news being legit. The whole family can bond when there is a television at home.
  76. Starmix

    Business Related to Tissue Manufacturing

    Tissues are very important at home, in an office, schools all offices restaurants hotels, airports almost everywhere including personal use. It's therefore a very lucrative business.
  77. Starmix

    Do you look at brands before buying an Electrical appliance?

    Of course, it is very necessary unless the store is faking the original brand. A brand is proven best according to the users.
  78. Starmix

    Christmas bonuses

    In the Philip0jes, giving of a 13th-month pay during Christmas is made into law. Another kind of bonus is the Christmas bonus ,In the government sector, there are 4 kinds of bonuses.
  79. Starmix

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    Feeling like a loser is a normal thing. There is no perfect human so we can never expect all the time success and perfection.
  80. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    I started making money online through my small business which is selling printed T-shirts All I can say is, it is exciting and thrilling,
  81. Starmix

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    Not all can invest their potential. Only a very few are gifted, so money is needed. It's better to save first then use the saving as capital for a small business.
  82. Starmix

    Business partnership for beginners

    As of this moment, I do not need a business partner My two staff are credible partners and they deserve an increase.
  83. Starmix

    Labor Union in a workplace

    I am also afraid to join a labor union. There were labor union members who opposed the new salary rate and only the employees with the highest EQ were granted an increase, so they made a strike, but they were not regular employees, so they were kicked out.:cautious:
  84. Starmix

    A must for a mental distraction in business

    Our mental health is necessary. Our brain is the center of our lives. We need to rest it as much as possible.
  85. Starmix

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    Indeed, let us commit to our ideas and change or add an idea only after experiencing the results either good or not.
  86. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    This time, I do not finance someone like a college tuition fee or a store for a sibling, but I am only paying the bills.
  87. Starmix

    The most powerful in business

    Having a CEO in business implies that the business is iconic, and huge and it made its right as having built a business empire where a CEO is needed.
  88. Starmix

    Do you believe in destiny?

    Destiny is what we make it, if we want something good to happen,let us hit it and if not, it surely disappears in our minds and others might land it not us because of fear of destiny.
  89. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Time flies fast and never care whether we are in a hurry or not, time just strike so we cannot hold it.It is all up to us to make use of the time.
  90. Starmix

    What do you notice to products that are on sale?

    The items that are sold on sale are not damaged, people will complain to the management or even blotter to the police. Those on sale are old stocks but of good quality because they were once expensive, and only a very few bought.
  91. Starmix

    Do you laugh aloud when you are happy or excited?

    When I am alone and not feeling inspired, I recall those past events where I was laughing aloud with friends and indeed, I caught myself laughing alone. 😁
  92. Starmix

    Can you still memorize fast this time?

    We have to practice memorizing some things and the best way to apply it is applying what Maslow said: Forgetting and remembering, Let us recall in 5 minutes before going to sleep our past experiences either last year or last month and even last week.
  93. Starmix

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    Oh, no, people may think I am crazy 😁. Well, anyway, I can dance in our yard, it is wide and fenced so no one can see me dancing. I have to tell myself to dance as if nobody is watching me.😁😁
  94. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Toyota Camry is a comfortable and refined Sedan that offers a balance of performance and fuel efficiency costs $ 75 , 000 more or less.
  95. Starmix

    Is money-back guarantee a fraudulent act?

    It happened to me, my money was not returned. The site disappeared after getting the money from the people. It was a site in the past that promised a money-back guarantee if not satisfied with the online busies platform. We paid $ 40 each.
  96. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Let us delve into the present and future because the past never comes back. It remains the shadow behind.
  97. Starmix

    Do you believe on destiny?

    Yes, we have to believe in God for He is the one who destined us to the right path that must all of us follow.
  98. Starmix

    Posting without thinking

    That is right mat, he he . At least there is a platform where we can write and with readers to view and comment.
  99. Starmix

    What a catch

    I appreciated so much the guy catching fishes in the mud. He was also able to catch two big fishes from different varieties. I like the courage of this man. He has a big disposition for his family. Try to watch the video.
  100. Starmix

    Flooding in a hot afternoon

    It was flooding here this hot afternoon in my place. The flood was so cute and the plants of my sister rejoiced. I wasn't able to make a 20 minute walk 😁. I want to dance in the flood but I am no longer a kid 💃😁💃💃
  101. Starmix

    Can you marry someone who’s too busy?

    Marriage will be lonely leading to break up. It's a useless marriage. Without a constant communication, no marriage to last.
  102. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Okay just wait for the right time. As long as you dream about owning it, the time comes luck just knock at your door.
  103. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Let's not the past to kill our dreams in life. Thinking about it may affect our future plans.
  104. Starmix

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    I joined many online organisations and being in a forum site allows us to meet and associate people.
  105. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    If we're living with our family and having a work we cannot avoid to volunteer to split bills payment.
  106. Starmix

    Online Tutoring Business

    If you're equipped with skill and certificates most likely you will be hired instantly. The salary is pretty big.
  107. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Time is like a dream, fast and cannot go back. It goes forward and if we're lazy and prefer to stay in a comfort zone, then you'll have life full of discomfort.
  108. Starmix

    Posting without thinking

    It's just easy to get ideas. I got ideas from reading and deep thinking. I always have nice ideas when my mind is relaxed.
  109. Starmix

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    It might not be now it might be soon. Just wait for the right time. Just execute what you dreamed of.
  110. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Money making online or offline helps a lot. There is always money for food, bills, medicine and more.
  111. Starmix

    Zero tolerance

    Those who changed their dealings with their friends will meet their karma someday.It's not easy to hurt the friends feelings.
  112. Starmix

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    Only talented people can invest without a cash capital only their talents and potentials. Only a very few are gifted.
  113. Starmix

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    Let us only change our idea if it does not give a good profit, we can change it with the one not yet tried but good to be tried.
  114. Starmix

    Is there someone you keep on thinking about?

    This day, I am thinking about someone who always joked with me. I want to hear his jokes again, but he is now in other country.
  115. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    Only a very few people can sleep without a pillow, Those kinds will surely have a good body posture.
  116. Starmix

    Posting without thinking

    Maybe they are busy people and want a shortcut, lol. Somehow, they may shift and share their hidden talents once they are free to pour out their feelings.
  117. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Witwhewww, that is so awesome model:LOL: , indeed the engine is the most important part in a vehicle.
  118. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    Let us bury the past for they will never come back. No matter how sweet the past was, we can never bring back the hands of time.
  119. Starmix

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    I seldom like inviting people to my home. I prefer to let in my relatives not neighbors.
  120. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Time in the day and the supposed profit will not come back the next next day. It is not good to wait for tomorrow what we can do for toda.y Time is gold.
  121. Starmix

    Labor Union in a workplace

    In my country, one can apply solo in the labor union. I never had joined a labor union. Companies do not allow it.
  122. Starmix

    Is money-back guarantee a fraudulent act?

    I agree with you on that, they are scammers. There is no such thing as a money-back guarantee. We are talking to the wind.
  123. Starmix

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    We feel small and down when see our friends already at the top of their lungs screaming for success. I thankful though because I have a good job and business too. to avoid feeling loser.,
  124. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    Those married people whose wives stay home wives, so they were the ones shouldering all the expenses. But that is love.
  125. Starmix

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    That is right mate, he he we always update through the world news. Let us just hope and see.
  126. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Indeed, difficult for we are dealing with virtual people and we do not know their real attitudes if fake or legit.
  127. Starmix

    Toxic Customers

    Business owners and workers must not take this kind of customers seriously. They have to ignore that customer.
  128. Starmix

    Christmas bonuses

    Christmas bonuses are what workers are waiting for every Christmas but only in the government offices in the private only two kinds of bonuses.
  129. Starmix

    Why are you excited when Christmas is near?

    There are year-end parties during Christmas time.There are many gifts to receive and foremost, the release of the bonuses the most exciting part.
  130. Starmix

    Is gift wrapping a good business this Christmas?

    It is not anymore a hot business unlike in the past when gift bags were not introduced.
  131. Starmix

    Online Tutoring Business

    They need a teacher certificate like TESOL, TESL, or ESL, teaching demo via YouTube. You can choose your package .
  132. Starmix

    Can you invest with a zero capital?

    If you can sing well, you van won in a singing contets and if you can dance well too.
  133. Starmix

    What is the importance for a smile?

    When you smile the world will also smile with you cry and you will cry alone.
  134. Starmix

    Do you think it is easy to direct a movie?

    If you're not a high caliber director you will never get a client. It's best to enrol in a prestigious school that offers movie directing course.
  135. Starmix

    When is your side hustle pay you?

    Usually side hustle earners are paid monthly. It's better that way at least than nothing to wait.
  136. Starmix

    What is your customer attraction strategy for your business?

    My business is new but I gain daily. I rented a space in the mall. I advertise on Facebook.
  137. Starmix

    The business of tutoring online as a side hustle.

    I posted here tutoring sites, you may like to review should you like to apply as an online tutor.
  138. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    That's right, agree with you on that. We're the boss of our own. The control is ours to take and manage.
  139. Starmix

    Be valuable not available in dealing with customers in your business

    If you're always be available to whoever wants to see and talk to you, you will land miserable if their intention is to borrow money or buy through credit. Better alarm the employees you're not available if someone wants you.
  140. Starmix

    Making money

    My money making is done through franchising. I franchised a milk tea selling business in the mall. Other money making could be buy and sell of live stocks.
  141. Starmix

    Making money

    This time my website is still not finished. I am also writing blogs the contents of my website.
  142. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    Nah, me too cannot sleep without a pillow. It seems I cannot breath. I am not comfortable.
  143. Starmix

    Posting without thinking

    I like to write post. I want to share my thoughts and feelings. I can express what I like under the sun.
  144. Starmix

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    The actor I like was Vandam. I was young that time and he was so famous. Dunno what happened to him.
  145. Starmix

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    My brother always rented for his kids and sometimes bought CDs too to escape renting.
  146. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    It's not only online but also offline. The scammers are very good at convincing. Many disguise as dentist or doctor and people believe the faked people.
  147. Starmix

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    It was many years ago. This time we can watch our favorite movie by just clinking our celfon.
  148. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Yes agree with you on that. There are many scammers just lurking around the web ready to attach the victims.
  149. Starmix

    Posting without thinking

    I know that our posts on the post thread get no pay, but for the sake of my love for you, here I am posting many posts under the post thread, so there is a topic you can rampage and earn. We are here as a team, so write posts too for the interest of all members here. I also like to write with or...
  150. Starmix

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    Yeah, I feel like a loser sometimes if sense that I am far behind others in terms of progress in life. How I wished to go to my dream place Las Vegas, Nevada, but I failed in my quest to pass on to the US Embassy interview but my friends passed the interview and they are there now in Vegas, so...
  151. Starmix

    What kind of car are you looking for?

    I have just bought a new car, it's Suzuki Swift, red and sexy like me, lol. I want to buy an electric vehicle but it seems that the city where I love has only one charging of EVs, I will try my luck in the next few years. However, the next generation car is a hydrogen car. What can you say, peps?
  152. Starmix

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    What is /are your impressions of money-making online? There might be many and of course for me, money-making online is crucial especially if we are not paid and the reason behind it, the site is a scam. I have an online business but feeling so desperate after the customer refused to pay. What ca...
  153. Starmix

    Who are you financing this time?

    If you are a sole breadwinner I am so sure of the struggle you feel that seems like forever. You might be the financier of all the people at home, paying bills, alone and sending a sibling to school. The food might be on your shoulder too, to carry. At home, I am the financier of the current and...
  154. Starmix

    Do you like to watch all movies of your favorite actor?

    Of course, I like but this time, my favorite actor, Coco Martin only as one show in another TV station.
  155. Starmix

    Have you ever rented a CD and watched movies?

    This time, no more CDs around. The CD businesses were outsmarted by free videos watching online via mobile phone.
  156. Starmix

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    I read the news and it was shocking news. The snake pet owner was sleeping, snoring, mouth open and his pet snake entered his mouth and the pet owner never woke up, suffocated. The snake thought the open mouth was a hole, grr.
  157. Starmix

    Do you think it is easy to direct a movie?

    Directing a movie requires a person to be skilled. Most directors graduate from prestigious universities abroad just to pursue their passions for directing a movie.
  158. Starmix

    Do you keep to promises?

    I am human so, I cannot avoid forgetting some promises but make amends after the failures of keeping.
  159. Starmix

    Do you play any musical instruments?

    I am a member of a rock band. We play in nightclubs with good pay per hour. We are all girls playing slow rocks. I am playing a bass acoustic.
  160. Starmix

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    No people on business, no business to thrive and you will never become successful. You will never reach your goals.
  161. Starmix

    Is Christmas Tree making a good business?

    Christmas trees and other related things to Christmas are only sealable on Christmas Day. Others keep their Christmas trees like what we are doing at home.
  162. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    The past served as an inspiring or destructive shadow, so we have to be smart enough to concentrate on the present.
  163. Starmix

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    Wow, that is a good deed, and God is happy with what you are doing. He will bless you more.
  164. Starmix

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    I am for Trump to be the next US president His call to the Ukraine President to cede land to Moscow is now on its way. Zelensky decides to end the war by giving what Putin wants.
  165. Starmix

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    It is a shame if sleep during work time. Our attention will be called especially f it is part of the work policy .
  166. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    Some people dislike a pillow during sleep time. My friend does it, sleep without a pillow,
  167. Starmix

    Agree or disagree that in true love, money is irrelevant?

    I'm afraid I have to disagree for sure, because no marriage or love that lasts without money. Money is essential.
  168. Starmix

    How best do you store your fruits?

    The best way to store fruits in ref is not to make them get closer and then, throw the ones that look about to rot it contaminates the good ones.
  169. Starmix

    Best fruits to eat for hair growth

    Eat fruits full of calcium, which enables the good growth of your hair. Google search fruits that contain calcium.
  170. Starmix

    If you want the best growth for your business, be fully committed to your idea

    If we don't fully commit to your business, then better not proceed with managing a business. Find another of your passion.
  171. Starmix

    What pet do you have?

    I have a beloved pet cat named Meowie. He is all white in fur and he is so sweet purr baby.
  172. Starmix

    How do you know your pet loves you?

    My pet loves me when it gets closer to me and never wants to leave me .
  173. Starmix

    How do you know your pet loves you?

    My pet loves me. My pet cat Tiktok always wags its tail when I'm around. He wants cuddle.
  174. Starmix

    Are you a pet lover?

    Only a very people like pets. They do not like to. add their responsibilities. Once you have a pet s cat or dog you have to handle it like a family member.
  175. Starmix

    People are the most important in a business to succeed

    We need people in our business, we will be worried if no people are coming around our business center,. There might be something wrong with our services. They're our hopes to profit in our business.
  176. Starmix

    How many rainy seasons in a year do you have in your country?

    My country usually has months of July, August and September considered rainy months. It's not only rainy likewise , stormy months.
  177. Starmix

    How many years interval do you think is best to increase the employees salaries?

    The policy for a salary increase is already stated and defined by the management or president.
  178. Starmix

    Is Christmas Tree making a good business?

    When the 'ber' month starts it's observed here Christmas Trees are on display in malls. The price is higher compared to the month closer to Christmas.
  179. Starmix

    Research and validation

    We have to make research before starting a business to be sure of its profit. You will also know the capability of your target customers economically.
  180. Starmix

    Not paying enough for retirement

    Though we are deducted automatically from our salary for pension deduction but it is not enough. We need backup to have a huge pension during retirement.
  181. Starmix

    Is smart watch allowed in the schools at your place?

    There's no problem wearing a smart watch in school as long as the students follow the rules and regulations.
  182. Starmix

    Are you a smart type of person?

    The successes that we have served as proofs that we are smart. We cannot do business and invest if we're not smart.
  183. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    No matter how painful our past was, we have to accept it and move on.
  184. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    My siblings at home also cannot sleep without a pillow and like me, they also have three or four pillows.
  185. Starmix

    Have you thought ways to bring more social interactions into your home life?

    We are human beings, we need social interactions. Let's get commented with our neighbors or friends on line.
  186. Starmix

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    As per survey in polls Harris tops the survey. I hope the next US President will be strong.
  187. Starmix

    Do you still wear a watch?

    Yeah, I wear a watch at work. We are not allowed to keep on glancing at our mobile phone for a time.
  188. Starmix

    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    We do not have aback and white TV, maybe in the past when I was not yet born.
  189. Starmix

    Black cat as pet?

    No, I do not like to pet a black cat, one time I had one but when it's evening and no current, my sister stamped at my cat and got hurt.
  190. Starmix

    Do you keep to promises?

    I keep promises of course, but there was a time that I failed it because of a problem.
  191. Starmix

    Modern cooking utensils to own

    We only have the cooking utensils that need current to cook like rice cooker, oven, blender, gas range and more.
  192. Starmix

    Can you keep the snake as you the pet?

    No way keeping a snake as a pet, what for? What is the benefit ? You might be eaten by your own pet snake.
  193. Starmix

    Are you a smart type of person?

    Let us be smart in our ways . By not allowing others to trample our rights and dignity.
  194. Starmix

    Do you own a smart watch?

    I have two smart watches as of this time all gifted to me by my bestie who has just arrived from California.
  195. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    It is indeed hard to sleep when sleeping without a pillow. I used it when I was a teen and it was right for me, but it is better to have it.
  196. Starmix

    Would you restart a business if it fails once?

    I will not start but revive my failed business. It could be remedied by adding a capital.
  197. Starmix

    Are you a pet lover?

    I also love animals. I feed the stray dogs and cats along the road. They are pitiful, hungry and sick.
  198. Starmix

    Are you a smart type of person?

    We are smart because we were able to graduate from a university and get a good job.
  199. Starmix

    Who do you think would win in the US presidential election?

    I hope that the people in the USA will vote for the right candidate worthy to man the tier 1 country with a billion population.
  200. Starmix

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    Some people cannot sleep with a pillow, the reason behind it, they do not like to ruin their posture once they grow old. They need to maintain their straight bodies. In my case, I cannot sleep without a pillow. I have 4 pillows with me every sleep time, one for hugging😁, the other two for my...