Recent content by Tracee1

  1. Tracee1

    Starting an online business

    yes I have it's financial freedom I tell you, have been into buying and reselling various items for 3 years now, from household items to electronics and gadgets, some seasons am into wears also, it has its ups and downs, there are seasons you feel on top of the world cause of how good things are...
  2. Tracee1

    Starting up an elderly care business

    yeah but for this business I believe you need ready hands for the elderly are like babies that needs a lot of care and gentleness to handle, at this stage in their lives they have a lot of needs as well as medical attention, so you also have to have a medical practitioner on ground.
  3. Tracee1

    Importance of starting a business in area where you have enough connection

    Totally agree, having clients/customers would be easier and faster, those you know might recommend your business to others, who in time will also become clients/customer to the business, it also gives a sense of security to the owner as they might not go through that long marketing season that...
  4. Tracee1

    what are the Potential Risks in Starting A Business?

    Another risk of starting a business aside from loosing capital is loosing your passion for the said business, that's one of the worse thing that can happen to a business owner.
  5. Tracee1

    What is your specs in the opposite gender?

    I should find him attractive both outwardly and in character cause he might be all that but don't know how to treat a woman right. A man who is not easily swayed under peer pressure, someone who is responsible, in if not all but at least some areas(spiritually, financially, emotionally).
  6. Tracee1

    Which gender of kids do you think are easiest to raise?

    I don't think there is a specific amount to devote to training a kid, I would say training a child depends on the environment, family history, personality and of cause financial status, so we can't surely say raising a male child is easier or vice versa.