Recent content by Unyime

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. U

    How to make money on tiktok

    TikTok offers a chance for users to monetize their videos and start making money with them.
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    Your Best Beyonce song

    My best Beyonce song has to be "Girls". The song embodies the power of the girl child.
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    YouTube shorts

    It was adapted because TikTok made short videos popular. I would say that YouTube has done well to make it popular in a short while.
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    The 2nd failed bid to kill the former US President Trump

    And after all the haunting, Trump deservingly won the bid to become the American president.
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    In Japan they plan offices in a way to let their employees relax!

    I bet this kind of office setting would bring out the best in every employee.
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    Have you Ever Been To Japan?

    Japan is one country that I would really love to visit. I have heard so many good things about the country especially about technological development.
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    Indigestion and alcohol

    I don't know when the line would be drawn between addiction and a therapy for indigestion. But it helps in indigestion when taken in moderate quantity.
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    I think this recipe would be a perfect breakfast for a cold morning. I would love to try it.
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    Can long distance business relationships work?

    I have had a supplier who lives in another state who has been constantly supplying me products for two years now. I have never even met her. It works.
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    Selling fashion jewelry good or bad

    I actually tried the business of selling earrings. And it didn't really work well for me. Maybe. I targeted the wrong audience which was college students.
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    Are you Punctual?

    I am a teacher and it is part of us to always try to be punctual at all times to all occasions.
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    Learn from mistakes?

    I have made few mistakes in life and I learn from them everyday because I reflect on them daily.
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    Giving up

    For many years, I have been maltreated and battered by my aunt, could have given up and entered the street but I held firm.
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    I am not used to Telegram but it is the crypto mining games that take me to telegram.
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    Who do you talk to the most during the day?

    Ad a teacher, I talk to my pupils the most during the day. I spend almost 8 hours of the day with them.
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    Weight Loss

    Even when I have been starving greatly, I still find it hard to lose weight and I am tired of trying.
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    To be sincere, I don't spend any time to read any business book on a daily basis. I just read a few occasionally.
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    Have you ever thought of the celebration of your birthdays?

    I always celebrate my birthdays mildly. I just cook food at home and share with my friends and neighbors.
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    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    It has never occurred to me that I should sell any of my body parts. Hardship has not reached that magnitude for me.
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    How do you manage not to get burnt out as an entrepreneur?

    Proper time scheduling and integration of rest into daily routine would help a entrepreneur avoid burnout.