Info Some Changes to RIF


Former Owner - Surpreme Overlord
Nov 25, 2022
Raw Dex
Hi Everyone :)

Transaction Logs
Transactions relating to posting on the forums will no longer show in your alerts tab. Instead, head on over to the transaction log page to see your transaction history. I know seeing the alerts for every post can be useful in some ways, but it also makes the user "numb" to alerts. With new changes coming, we want the alerts to be useful information that you want to check.

You are still getting credited for your posts, it just won't show up under the alerts anymore. We were sending out over 100,000 alerts a month, and this will drastically reduce that!

Withdraw Dates
Previously I have been processing member withdrawals as frequently as possible, thus ensuring a quick turnaround rate for our members. It was what made RIF one of the unique forums in our niche. As of now, withdrawals will be paid on a new monthly schedule. More specifically the 15th of every month.

Now I understand that this may be upsetting to members who relied on the daily payments. This change is due to a few factors

1) By paying all the withdrawals once a month, I can allocate more resources and time into improvements, custom development, and other new features that I have planned for our community. I want to assure you that I am still committed to providing you with a better user experience, more opportunities for growth, and looking forward to releasing some new and exciting features for you to explore.

2) I also have upcoming work commitments that will require my attention, and prevent me from paying on a daily basis anyways. So instead of having people wait for me over the next couple months, I figured it best to just do one payment to everyone once a month. This will help me manage my responsibilities more effectively. I do understand the important of having good timely payouts, and by switching to a monthly payout schedule, I can have a more streamlined and efficient process. Allowing me to focus on other tasks at hand.

3) It will also help prevent scams from being getting away with. There will now be a longer wait for withdrawal, so more time to investigate claims prior to someone doing a quick washout and bailing.

I value all of you, and I remain dedicated to creating a thriving and rewarding community for you all. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please feel free to reach out to me.

With winter gone, it doesn't really make much sense to continue calling our secondary currency "Snowflakes". So, I am open to suggestions on what to call the currency going forward. I am currently thinking of simply calling it the basic coins, credits, or tokens. Let me know what you think! (New features are coming that will utilise this currency more)

Daily Login Bonus = Daily Activity Bonus
Unfortunately, due to abuse, the daily login bonus will now be discontinued. Instead, in its place, we are introducing the Daily Activity Bonus. You will now get $0.05 after posting your first 15 messages in the forums. This is in addition to your payment for making the posts. Currently, these posts can be posted anywhere in the forums.

This is to try and help prevent users from signing up multiple accounts just to get the daily login bonus, and then transferring it to their main accounts. Therefore, some effort will be required to get the $0.05 bonus.

Inactive Accounts
Accounts that stay inactive for long periods of time (Thinking 1 month+) is at risk of losing RIF.Cash with an inactive account tax. This will start to be applied on the 15th of June. This is so we can start to send out emails and warn users prior to this taking effect. If you know you will be absent for a period of time, you may reach out so your account doesn't get hit with the inactive tax.
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Jul 28, 2022
Raw Dex
Dear Jordan,
Thank you very much for the information about the changes to R.I.F.
Everything is fine. You are doing a great job. Thank you for making us feel so welcome here.
I wish you all the best. :)

Joshua Farrell

The Funny Looking Blank Avatar Guy
Nov 9, 2022
Raw Dex
Well, don't all freak out over the payment schedule. The adjustment actually gives the ability to plan out building RIF Cash to something that would be larger on a withdraw. Just from posting alone, a monthly schedule will allow up to 30 RIF to be withdrawn without trading for it.

The snowflakes? Could call them RIF Loot. Can't think of something fun for it. :D


Very Familiar
Sep 4, 2022
Raw Dex
Sounds nice though, but what about the issue of does who cannot make use of PayPal to withdraw? Any updates on that?


Somewhat Known
Jan 24, 2023
Raw Dex
At the moment, I encourage you to use our marketplace to trade RIF Cash to crypto currency.
Hi Everyone :)

Transaction Logs
Transactions relating to posting on the forums will no longer show in your alerts tab. Instead, head on over to the transaction log page to see your transaction history. I know seeing the alerts for every post can be useful in some ways, but it also makes the user "numb" to alerts. With new changes coming, we want the alerts to be useful information that you want to check.

You are still getting credited for your posts, it just won't show up under the alerts anymore. We were sending out over 100,000 alerts a month, and this will drastically reduce that!

Withdraw Dates
Previously I have been processing member withdrawals as frequently as possible, thus ensuring a quick turnaround rate for our members. It was what made RIF one of the unique forums in our niche. As of now, withdrawals will be paid on a new monthly schedule. More specifically the 15th of every month.

Now I understand that this may be upsetting to members who relied on the daily payments. This change is due to a few factors

1) By paying all the withdrawals once a month, I can allocate more resources and time into improvements, custom development, and other new features that I have planned for our community. I want to assure you that I am still committed to providing you with a better user experience, more opportunities for growth, and looking forward to releasing some new and exciting features for you to explore.

2) I also have upcoming work commitments that will require my attention, and prevent me from paying on a daily basis anyways. So instead of having people wait for me over the next couple months, I figured it best to just do one payment to everyone once a month. This will help me manage my responsibilities more effectively. I do understand the important of having good timely payouts, and by switching to a monthly payout schedule, I can have a more streamlined and efficient process. Allowing me to focus on other tasks at hand.

3) It will also help prevent scams from being getting away with. There will now be a longer wait for withdrawal, so more time to investigate claims prior to someone doing a quick washout and bailing.

I value all of you, and I remain dedicated to creating a thriving and rewarding community for you all. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please feel free to reach out to me.

With winter gone, it doesn't really make much sense to continue calling our secondary currency "Snowflakes". So, I am open to suggestions on what to call the currency going forward. I am currently thinking of simply calling it the basic coins, credits, or tokens. Let me know what you think! (New features are coming that will utilise this currency more)
I'm Sorry Mr. Jordan, I forgot to bookmark the rule where it explicitly explains the minimum number of words (or characters) to be written to be paid in RIFCash inherent in posts and threads. Could you please explain it to me again?
Thank you in advance.


Sep 2, 2022
Raw Dex
Thank you for this info. I am late to read this. I am always busy at work. Hoping for the best of RIF. Thank you for informing us of the changes @Jordan (y)(y)(y)
Post automatically merged:

I'm sorry, it's for me? And if so, what should I ask to @Starmix ?
Thank you.
You need a word count of 30 for a post reply and 60 words for a post thread once decide to write in a thread. .


Jan 25, 2023
Raw Dex
Do we have to use the withdraw function in a specific timing? For ex., between the 10th and the 14th of each month or we can use it since the first day of each month? Sorry for my doubts, but this month will be the first time I'll use the withdraw function and I hope to not make mistakes. Best wishes.


Former Owner - Surpreme Overlord
Nov 25, 2022
Raw Dex
Do we have to use the withdraw function in a specific timing? For ex., between the 10th and the 14th of each month or we can use it since the first day of each month? Sorry for my doubts, but this month will be the first time I'll use the withdraw function and I hope to not make mistakes. Best wishes.
You can use the withdraw feature at any time.


Sep 8, 2022
Raw Dex
Thank you Jordan for the updates. Scheduled payments is fine as it can reduce workload if payments are processed in one lot rather than everyday. Though I haven't used my snowflakes I love seeing it growing. I suggest to call it goldfish.


Former Owner - Surpreme Overlord
Nov 25, 2022
Raw Dex
Hey everyone,

I have updated the OP with two additional changes:
- Daily Login Bonus = Daily Activity Bonus
- Inactive Accounts

Be sure to go read the updated post which contains new important information.