AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
Joshua Farrell
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9:44 AM
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  • Just reminding everyone that you can use my loan service to withdraw to ForumCoin or Discussion Bucks! easy as eating pie!
    I sent you a PM. Do respond once you get the opportunity to reply.

    Ty šŸ˜Š.
    Joshua Farrell
    Joshua Farrell
    No need to "remind" me that I got a message, as it does appear in my screen as waiting to be opened.
    Enjoying some posting, and watching Lord of the Rings concurrently.
    Which episode are you in now?
    Joshua Farrell
    Joshua Farrell
    Oh, it was the movies. Got to the two towers.
    Jimmy Cannon
    Jimmy Cannon
    I never have watched those. I did watch all of the hobbit movies. Loved those a lot!!!
    Been doing most of the topic moving of topics that belong in new boards, from the business board, and boy have I made a pretty big dent in the total topics in that board. Still plenty of topics that need to be moved, but atleast 1353 topics are now relocated to a new location. Wowsers.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentines Day!
    Well am sure everyone is, as for me it's like every other day , eat work, eat ,work, sleep, repeat, though with the economy of my country presently am sure valentine is the least of their concern right now
    It was a happy singles day for me šŸ˜‚
    There is nothing wrong about being single,it is a very satisfying experience of the lifetime for a male or female as you are preparing how to treat her like a QUEEN or him like a KING for those who belive in this type of orientation.
    (Click status to see more)
    FYI, to sort topics from different boards with the weird new thing on the index, please click on the "topics" spot, as seen in this screenshot, and head to the filter sidebar to filter the topics by section.
    Looks like the create topic function isn't working, due to the addon that was installed to help sort activity from the forum index. Can't make a topic to report the bug.
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