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  1. S

    do you listen to music while working?

    Depending on the job you are carrying out. If the jobs or tasks are very sensitive, one needs full concentration and music must be switched off..
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    Can you do anything for money?

    Every one actually needs money to solve problem. Most people that are not discpline could actually do anything to earn money. But personally I have my limitations..
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    Women as Leaders: Are They Better than Men?

    Anyone can be a leader, irrespective whether they are male or female. It depends solely on the individual state of mind and leadership qualities. Both men and women can fail when given such opportunity..
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    Do you use to cry while going to school in childhood?

    I never fell into the category of kids that had to cry when they had opportunity to go to school. My own was the reverse. In this case I was really excited..
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    do you think it's real to listen to music and make money?

    I also think that it would be possible to get such apps that offer such opportunity but the rate would be very low. I would do some good research about the thread..
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    Should employees listen to music while working?

    Depending on the kind of job that you are doing. If listening to music could not interfere with the job. There are nothing wrong with listening to music while you work..
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    Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Investment

    One disadvantage of online business and investment is that you do not have Total control of your funds. There are possibility that you might loose them.
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    What kind of less risky investment options do you use?

    I never like to put my money in any high risk investment. I always prefer investment that I can do no matter how little the return on investment. I do not invest in any hyip projects..
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    What kind of car are you looking for?

    Congratulations to you for acquiring a new car. The car that I fancy most is any Mercedes Benz car. They give me the right vibes I like..
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    How many phones do your have?

    When mobile phone was cheaper people could afford about two android phones but now the prices are not friendly. So must people have just one phone..
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    What do you think makes a good manager?

    Good communication skills and ability to carry his team along is what makes a good manager. He must be around and able to take responsibility when it arose..
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    Have you ever thought of the celebration of your birthdays?

    Birthday comes once in a year and if someone is financial stable should be able to celebrate their birthday with family and friends.
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    Have you ever thought about leaving your job due to a conflict at work?

    I have had confrontation with colleagues at workplace but never took them so serious to make me to think of quitting my job. I always overcome them..
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    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    It is unthinkable and never thought of such evil thing. It is very bad for someone to sell his body parts because of money or any other thing.
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    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    Several times I have thought of quitting my present job because of poor pay. Though getting a new job is difficult. Working with poor salary could be very frustrating..
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    How did you managed to overcome the hard and humiliated life in the past?

    It takes a lot of determination and courage to overcome depression and frustration . We have to accept any disappointment we have in our past relationships and experience..
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    Lessons learnt from your past relationship

    We never cherish what we have until we lost them. Most people do not value their partner in their relationship until they loose such person..
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    Practice makes perfect

    It is very true that practice makes one master and perfect in the job. When you keep practicing one thing everyday definitely you would be perfect in such tasks..
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    I often take myself out on daily basis especially when I am on break at workplace. I always want to spend my money on myself before anyone else..
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    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    Weekends is the only time to go outing with my family and friends. It gives me time to be relax and refresh after the week jobs..