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  1. Niyi Briggs

    Knowing friends that are not loyal

    It is enema when a person is in difficulty that they know those that are loyal and can stand up for them.
  2. Niyi Briggs

    India is a global business hub.

    So many tech companies are setting up shop in India because it is a great business destination.
  3. Niyi Briggs

    Starting Tea Selling Business is in Trend and Profitable

    There are various teas that are sold. I think the best selling now is green tea.
  4. Niyi Briggs

    Should every business have a website?

    It is not every business that needs a website. Most roadside businesses would never have one patronage from online to need a website.
  5. Niyi Briggs

    Building Traffic on Your Business Website

    I believe that paid ads for search engine results would be the best way to build popularity for your business website and drive traffic.
  6. Niyi Briggs

    Impact of hiring family member to our company?

    Hiring family members for your business cab be advantageous when the family members are good people but it can be a nightmare when those family members are terrible people.
  7. Niyi Briggs

    Does fixed price on product have negative impact on our business?

    Those kinds of shops are supermarkets. They are the ones that have fixed prices and it is not by force to buy there. People that are buying are still buying.
  8. Niyi Briggs

    What makes you to cut a workers salary for punishment's?

    They used to deduct my salary for lateness and it was really annoying because there were days I was helplessly late.
  9. Niyi Briggs

    Become Massage therapist

    With the increasing awareness on physiotherapy, the need for massage therapists is increasing in the society.
  10. Niyi Briggs

    Do you use a menu in your household?

    I don't use a menu to decide what to eat. I just eat according to what I feel like eating at a time.
  11. Niyi Briggs

    Is snapping pictures the greatest method to preserve a memory?

    Pictures always preserve memories. There is no way that memories can be created without pictures.
  12. Niyi Briggs

    Would you like to reach the centennial age?

    I would love to live up to 100 years but I won't want to be ridden with sickness towards that age.
  13. Niyi Briggs

    Issues that occurs during business startup

    One issue that happens during business start up the lack of staff that believe in your business enough to agree to work for you.
  14. Niyi Briggs

    Turnover vs Profit: Which is More Important for Your Business?

    A higher level of turnover would always bring a greater profit margin in the long term.
  15. Niyi Briggs

    Can an illiterate succeed in business?

    I don't know what is defined as illiterate in this context but I know a stark illiterate can't coordinate to start a business.
  16. Niyi Briggs

    Sources to get employed

    To get employed in my country requires that you have connection even when one graduates with very good grades.
  17. Niyi Briggs

    Why Do Serial Entrepreneur Sell Their Business?

    Some entrepreneurs would have to sell their businesses because they find prospect in another business.
  18. Niyi Briggs

    Making Money Through Forum Posting Contest

    The forum owners all stopped those posting contests because it was not giving them value that they desired.
  19. Niyi Briggs

    Making Money on Facebook Through Video Content

    Reels are paying well but I don't think video contents are paying well on X than on Facebook.
  20. Niyi Briggs

    Does the raining heavily cause a lot of floods in your ares?

    Some parts of my country really got flooded in the last rainy season. It always happens like that every year.