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Join the TGF Contest with $410 in USDT prizes
  1. K

    Are you a people-pleaser?

    Pleasing anyone is what I feel that no one can really achieve at the end of the day. Why put in so much efforts.
  2. K

    Why business must not be mingle with politics

    Businesses should not openly be political. We know Elon Musk did it and succeeded but it is very risky.
  3. K

    Why motivation is important in a business setup

    Motivation is important in a business because it can drive the business to achieve high output through the staff.
  4. K

    What is that one very business you thought of starting?

    I thought of starting a business that sells barbecue. I am still trying to learn and understand the workings of the business.
  5. K

    Fitness Center as a Business in Polytechnic

    I think that having a fitness centre in a polytechnic has a higher chance of survival because the students there always love to keep fit.
  6. K

    What is the Role of SEO in Marketing?

    SEO is always used for online marketing. And it is used to create popularity for a business in the online space.
  7. K

    A Planner's duties

    The duty of a planner is to arrange events and goals of the future and align them with the present.
  8. K

    Are you a minimalist or spend your the fullest?

    Am a core no minimalist. I always do lots of weighing before I spend any dime. I literally mean any dome.
  9. K

    Will competitions make you better?

    Competition brings lots of pressure to people. And I am not the kind of person that can really thrive under pressure.
  10. K

    How does the management skills affect the overall performance of the business?

    When the management team are highly skilled in every aspect of management, the business would grow and be stable.
  11. K

    Dark mode in apps

    I love apps that give the options of dark modes. It really helps to operate such apps at night.
  12. K

    Android or Iphone

    Even with all the advancement of iPhone, I would prefer an android phone over it because of the freedom to operate as you wish.
  13. K

    Financial Management

    Financial management is a skill that every business owner must have. It is not something that they can manage to do without.
  14. K

    Is it advisable to tune in loud music in the business center?

    Some businesses actually thrive on loud music while others do not. It all depends on the level of formality of the business.
  15. K


    We need to have the experience of customers in order to know if customers are satisfied or not. That is the ultimate business goal.
  16. K

    Elements of a Good Business Continuity Plan

    A business continuity plan must have forecasting that stretches into the long term. That alone shows the business is ready for long term.
  17. K

    Offering discounts ONLY to regular customers

    If the goal of discount sales is to reward customers, I think only long term customers deserve it.
  18. K

    Should employees listen to music while working?

    It depends on the kind of workplace. I see bankers always listen to music from their booths while working. It should not just disturb the workplace.
  19. K

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    To get an apartment to rent in my country, you would pay $350 for a whole year. And that is a family size kind of apartment.
  20. K

    Did you attend computer classes?

    I just did computer practical classes through my junior high and senior high schools. That is what has armed me with the knowledge of computers.