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  1. U

    Why did you choose your username?

    My username is my real name. It is a Nigerian name that people have always known me with and I can't drop the name.
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    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    I didn't use to take forum posting seriously before but I do now because it pays.
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    What is your money-making online?

    I earn money by posting on index forum and that is all I do to earn online.
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    How much to charge for online tutoring?

    Charging $3 for an hour of online tutoring for a language course seems to be ideal.
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    Business questions to answer

    All of these questions when asked and answered properly would convince a business person whether to start or not.
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    Have You Used Wise Payment Method?

    I have heard about Wise payment method but I have never used it because I don't have need for it.
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    Never expose your next move in your business

    Business strategies are not things you leak to public domain. Only few staff should even know it at the strategy level.
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    Book or Podcast Club which one do you prefer?

    I prefer podcast. They seem to have more traction than books now. It gathers more audience now.
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    Do you or do you not use a case on your smartphone?

    I use a Cinderella casing for my phone. It helps me to protect my phone.
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    How often do you go on evangelism

    It has been a really long time since I went on evangelism. I don't have time for that since five years ago I entered college.
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    What do you look to have?

    One of the things that I desire to have right now is a laptop to help with my online work.
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    How can I grow my money?

    Growing your money involves taking up the right investments and combining it with a good active income source.
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    Biggest mistake in financing

    The biggest mistake in financing is giving out financial assistance to those that don't have integrity to pay back.
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    Reasons why dream big in business

    Dreaming big in your business keeps you on your feet to forge ahead and achieve greater things.
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    Do you ask for the change from your spouse after the shopping?

    I would naturally inform my spouse if there is any change from the shopping. No need to sneakily keep it.
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    Ask referrals from customers to grow your business

    Businesses grow when the news about that business is spread abroad by people that have patronized the business and had good reviews.
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    Private Limited Company or a Partnership Business

    I don't think it is easy to create a limited liability company in any guise.
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    Offering discounts ONLY to regular customers

    Many businesses just give some concessions to customers that have been consistent in patronizing them.
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    You would only grow in the area of your life that you develop.

    Any part of your life that you are not intentional about growing would not see any kind of improvement.
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    Hardest Major at University?

    Don't take me to anywhere that you would have Maths as a major. I would never make it there. It is my hardest major.