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AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. P

    Which device do you use for working online ?

    I use my phone when working online and sometimes when my laptop is on I switch on my laptop.
  2. P


    The last time I took myself on a treat has really been long all I do is to lock up myself up at home.
  3. P

    What was the last thing that made you laugh?

    The last thing that made me laugh was the movie I see it was amazing movies.
  4. P

    What was the last website that you visited?

    For me I visited so many websites every day but the last one I visited was index forum.
  5. P

    Are you Planning to Buy a New Phone?

    Yes that is one of my major plans for next year to buy a new phone before the year runs down.
  6. P

    What is the most life changing book you've ever read?

    The most life changing books I have ever read is the word of God which is the Bible.
  7. P

    Have you ever read the bible?

    I read the holy Bibles daily and pray with it every day it is my daily guide.
  8. P

    Ensure to have a first aid box.

    Having first aids box is very important at least it will help sustained some injury before the doctor arrived
  9. P

    How to handle rude students online?

    If you have an online rude student all you do is to avoid the individual or better still pull them out.
  10. P

    How do you handle rude clients?

    How to handle a rude client is by putting them in the right place where they belong.
  11. P

    How do you handle people that take your things and use without your permission?

    I will first of all give them their last warning never to take my things again .
  12. P

    What Are The Things You Mostly Talk About?

    The things I mostly talk about is how to make money ,do food business and pursue my career dreams.
  13. P

    How well do you talk?

    I talk so well interact with so many people both the ones I know and the ones I don't know.
  14. P

    How do you manage your angers in case of anything?

    How I managed to anger issues I case of anything is that I try to over look everything that comes my way that time.
  15. P

    What do you look to have?

    What I look to have in years ago is money enough money I can buy whatever I desire.
  16. P

    What do you do when some of your coworkers are difficult to get along with?

    When you have a co workers that is difficult to get along with all you do is to avoid them.
  17. P

    Now it's difficult to earn online

    Now is so difficult to work online and earn money you will have to press all the buttons daily to have a little to survive with.
  18. P

    Money is everything

    I agreed with you that money is everything everyone must desire and work hard to have.
  19. P

    One thing you are passionate about aside work

    One thing am passionate about aside work is things of God going to church and keeping his commandment.
  20. P

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    As money the other thing that motivate me to work is the things I will buy with the money .