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I’m sitting in my chair relaxing with my feet propped up. I got a lot accomplished this morning and now I’m going to have some me, myself and I time. It feels so good to have washed the kitchen counters and cabinets. Also, I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed and dusted my living room. The...
Cold weather is coming at the end of the week. We are expecting to get into the teens. The weatherman said that we may get some snow flurries, but not much accumulation. It will be less then an inch. Have you recently had any snow ? Do you enjoy it ? My family and I love snow. When I was younger...
I loved the movie Avatar and I’m really looking forward to the new sequel to it. I’d like to go see it in the movie theater, but I’ll be waiting to watch it at home. Are any of you Avatar fans ? Are you looking forward to the new movie ?
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