Search results

  1. TeeGee

    Playing videogames or watching movies?

    I enjoy playing videogames as much as I enjoy watching movies. But on some days I just sit at home and see a really interesting movie it helps me to relax better. Videogames requires both my mental and physical indulgence so it wouldn't be a good option for resting. What's your preference?
  2. TeeGee

    Which music are you listening to currently?

    I'm listening to "be who you are "by Ava Michelle ft jacaranda
  3. TeeGee

    Are happy at your current job?

    It is important to note that we might be at jobs we aren't really happy with or derive any form of satisfaction from only waiting anxiously for the next pay day to reward you for the emotional stress. I know money is important in all we do but our overall happiness too can't always be solved...
  4. TeeGee

    Meet Tee!

    Hi , everyone I'm TeeGee but you can still call me Tee. Glad to be here and ready to take this community to the next level. If you are active just drop your comments here let's get to know more about ourselves.