Search results

  1. NurseFlo

    Do You Watch Asian TV Series or Dramas

    I love watching and following TV series. And there was a phase in my life where I binge watch a lot of it specially the Asian ones. I love Korean Drama. But as life progresses I have diverted to English TV series as my boyfriend is Italian and well I didn't think he would watch Asian drama with...
  2. NurseFlo

    Are you clingy?

    My boyfriend is away for an exam. It's not even a day since we have been away but I am feeling very lonely and and unreasonably insecure. I have been known to be clingy and it annoys me. Are you?
  3. NurseFlo

    Prompt First Payment

    I got my first payment today in an impressive less than 24Hrs of requesting. It got automatically converted to pounds by paypal.
  4. NurseFlo

    Do you practice waste segregation?

    In UK yes we do but back in Philippines we don't really so I had to actually learn how to segregate here. How about where you live do you segregate rubbish?
  5. NurseFlo

    Which TV/Movie Series Are You Currently Watching?

    Well let me start. I'm currently watching "Better Call Saul" with my boyfriend. We are in season 5. It is about a criminal lawyer who is sort of a crook too. It is very entertaining. How about you?
  6. NurseFlo

    What is your favourite photography focus or subject?

    I love photography and I love photographing nature but most particularly sea gulls. How about you?
  7. NurseFlo

    Eczema Treatments

    I get eczema when I am stressed and during change of weather. I usually get rid of it by applying hydrocortisone cream. And taking antihistamines. Do you know any other treatments?
  8. NurseFlo

    Tell Me an Animal Which is Not Very Common

    Today while watching "Better Call Saul" I heard of an animal called "Coati". First I thought that maybe the subtitle is misspelled but then I googled it and it does exist. It is family of the raccoon. Do you know any other strange animals?
  9. NurseFlo

    Where do you go when you zone out?

    Some people tend to zone out or day dream a lot. And some are just absent minded. I often do wonder where they go. For me, I tend to day dream of home and of my mom's home made cooking. How about you?
  10. NurseFlo

    What's your pet peeve?

    Pet peeves are other way of saying annoying. Do you have any pet peeves? For me it's when someone ignores me or does not listen to what I say. I remembered punching my brother for it back when I was a kid. He ended up with a black eye 😂
  11. NurseFlo

    What's Your Favourite Flower

    My nickname is Flo but I am actually named after my grandma Flora which means flower. That makes me love flowers even more. My favourite flower is sunflower as it is very cheerful and reminds me of the sun itself. How about you?
  12. NurseFlo

    How Do You Show Someone You Love Them?

    Well since I am a foodie If I share my food to someone I do have a certain degree of love for them. Furthermore, I usually cook for them. And if I love them very much I'll even wash the dishes afterwards. 😂 Maybe the occasional cuddles and words of affirmation too. How about you guys?
  13. NurseFlo

    Nurse Flo in the House

    Hello lovely members. I less than a day old here in RIF. This is a short segment just to introduce myself to this community. Well my name is Flo. I am from the beautiful country called the Philippines but I now currently reside in the UK. I am a registered nurse so it gets me to travel places...