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One of the biggest mistake in financing is not having an emergency fund. This can lead to debt and financial stress. Another one is not diversifying one's income. It is not right to always put all of one's in one basket as the saying goes.
The best way to avoid big mistakes is to take things seriously and be discipline always, especially in spending funds and not forgetting, being consistent in anything you do for money.
We cannot avoid to commit mistakes in the future especially financing. We might be overwhelmed with our income forgetting the self control of spending.
Yes, I made the mistake of not saving and investing at a young age because I thought they were unimportant. However, as I got older, I realized their importance, especially when I hit rock bottom.
It is not good to be wasteful especially if the money originated is from financing There is interest to pay and if you intend to have it as capital make sure to gain.
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