Does it make sense to remarry three months after your spouse died?


Very Familiar
Sep 19, 2022
Raw Dex
I have seen cases whereby some people don’t wait up to two months before they get married again after their spouse died and it really makes me think a lot maybe that they never loved the deceased because they were supposed to wait maybe a few years before getting married again or how do you feel?
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Complete Stranger
Jun 2, 2024
Raw Dex
Remarrying three months following the loss of a spouse is often regarded as being too soon. Grieving is a complicated, individual process that frequently calls for more time for introspection and emotional recovery. Entering into a second marriage too quickly could result in unresolved sadness and other problems in the new partnership. It's critical to allow yourself enough time to grieve, work through your feelings, and make sure you're not just jumping into a new relationship to make up for lost time. By taking your time, you may respect your late spouse's memory and make well-informed decisions about the future.


Sep 2, 2022
Raw Dex
That's sad to know if someone remarries three months after the death of her husband. She might be suspected as the cause of the husband's death especially if he died due to accident. There might be foul play. That wife might have played fire with that man while her husband was still alive. She will be cursed by her in laws as no respect to the grieving souls of the relatives.


Very Familiar
Sep 4, 2022
Raw Dex
A lot of people might say this is too soon. Some would even go as far as saying you probably killed your partner just so you could remarry.


Well Known
Dec 22, 2022
Raw Dex
I personally think it's a bit too soon. If you loved your spouse very much, it would take you some time to heal from the pain losing him/her. It's difficult to enter into another relationship so soon.


Jan 25, 2023
Raw Dex
This point of view has too much to see with each one's cultural background and I think no decision of this kind should be criticized, until taken under good faith. I know I'm placing out of the pack: but think of people who find themselves in a complete solitude after becoming a widow, especially if a childless woman. Think of a life of loneliness of a woman (or a man too) that suffers from a chronic disease like diabetes and no family member is alive or showing the least concern. Or this other circumstance: grieving for the spouse's death is so hardship that remarriage (with the right second spouse, obviously, not a remarriage without following any criteria) means a return to life for the widow.
In the Latin America countries, out of such a circumstance, is very common to remarry after 2, 3, 4 months after becoming a widow. The widow of my deceased brother-in-law- encountered a new fiancée after 4 months she became a widow, despite she has 3 children (but the eldest is very seriously disabled, both physically and mentally and she needs a 24 hour caregiver, so not a big deal for a single parent who needs to care about other teenagers) and her parents alive.
In my case, I'm an orphaned of both my parents, no sibling at all. And I'm not a native of the country where I live, so my position here would become weaker than it is yet. My couple is childless. I also suffer from chronic diseases (not serious at the point to become disabled, nor physically nor mentally and it's not a diabetes, it's a severe IBS, but I need my husband near to me as he needs me too, as in his turn, he suffers from chronic diseases). Despite I love my husband (my desire is me to die before him, but I know very well it can't be my decision at all), I know very well, in the case I'd become a widow, I'll try to remarry as soon as possible, cause both of the reasons above explained: a consuming grieve and loneliness.
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May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
No, it's not advisable to remarry three months after your spouse's death. Grieving takes time, and rushing into another marriage may not allow for proper healing or reflection. It's essential to process emotions and adjust to life without the previous partner before committing to a new relationship

King Belieal

Oct 26, 2023
Raw Dex
This point of view has too much to see with each one's cultural background and I think no decision of this kind should be criticized, until taken under good faith. I know I'm placing out of the pack: but think of people who find themselves in a complete solitude after becoming a widow, especially if a childless woman. Think of a life of loneliness of a woman (or a man too) that suffers from a chronic disease like diabetes and no family member is alive or showing the least concern. Or this other circumstance: grieving for the spouse's death is so hardship that remarriage (with the right second spouse, obviously, not a remarriage without following any criteria) means a return to life for the widow.
In the Latin America countries, out of such a circumstance, is very common to remarry after 2, 3, 4 months after becoming a widow. The widow of my deceased brother-in-law- encountered a new fiancée after 4 months she became a widow, despite she has 3 children (but the eldest is very seriously disabled, both physically and mentally and the need a 24 hour caregiver, so not a big deal for a single parent who needs to care about other teenagers) and her parents alive.
In my case, I'm an orphaned of both my parents, no sibling at all. And I'm not a native of the country where I live, so my position here would become weaker than it is yet. My couple is childless. I also suffer from chronic diseases (not serious at the point to become disabled, nor physically nor mentally and it's not a diabetes, it's a severe IBS, but I need my husband near to me as he needs me too, as in his turn, he suffers from chronic diseases). Despite I love my husband (my desire is me to die before him, but I know very well it can't be my decision at all), I know very well, in the case I'd become a widow, I'll try to remarry as soon as possible, cause both of the reasons above explained: a consuming grieve and loneliness.
I am so touched. I just wish you the best of everything.

That's why I have taken the path not to judge people when it comes to romantic decisions because one is not sure what they have been through.


Jan 25, 2023
Raw Dex
My big concern is for the widowed women in the Western countries, because in those geographic areas, even to engage in the first marriage is extremely difficult. I remember a friend of my mother. She became a widow after only 10 months of marriage and she met her second husband only 30 years later. She spent all her youth with no partner, after becoming a widow😢

King Belieal

Oct 26, 2023
Raw Dex
My big concern is for the widowed women in the Western countries, because in those geographic areas, even to engage in the first marriage is extremely difficult. I remember a friend of my mother. She became a widow after only 10 months of marriage and she met her second husband only 30 years later. She spent all her youth with no partner, after becoming a widow😢
So many young guys don't want to marry a lady that has previously been married or had children. They prefer to get a "fresh" girl to marry.


Well Known
Oct 24, 2022
Raw Dex
I need some time before considering remarriage. It is not easy to lose a loved one, and trying to replace them won't help me move on. It will take some time for me to heal.


Sep 2, 2022
Raw Dex
If I were that wife, I'll never remarry. I have to treasure those sweet moments when my husband was still alive. It hurts but that kind of wife doesn't want to live in loneliness, well that's her principle.


Jan 25, 2023
Raw Dex
So many young guys don't want to marry a lady that has previously been married or had children. They prefer to get a "fresh" girl to marry.
In such a case, I suppose my mother's friend didn't lose anything really important, if young guys weren't able to appreciate her good qualities and temperament.