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Taking a break most times help . Being able to rest, helo the body snd the brain to reset you would be able to function better. At least you have shake off the stress.
I have been looking at starting to plan on what topics and what content i would like to align with.I was on a site writing content and i have to read and understand what that subject is talking about.Just to make a 100 mcooments was a nightmare for me on various topics.I feel that if i just concentrate on business related writing for the entire week then it would save me some stress.
To remedy writer's block on pay-to-post (PTP) sites, try these short tips:
1. Take a Break: Step away from your computer and do something else to refresh your mind.
2. Change Your Environment: A new setting can inspire fresh ideas.
3. Write Freely: Start writing without worrying about perfection; you can edit later.
4. Prompts: Use writing prompts or brainstorm ideas.
5. Set a Schedule: Establish a routine to write consistently.
6. Peer Feedback: Share your work with peers for input.
7. Research: Gather information to support your writing.
8. Reward System: Offer yourself rewards for meeting writing goals.
Remember, practice and persistence are key to overcoming writer's block on PTP sites.
I deal with the writer's block to continue typing by first of all taking some time off and resting. Then i also try to motivate myself to continue typing so i can earn some money.
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