People are out to make money and they don't mind selling fake products at the price of the original ones to make high profit. it is up to you the buyer to know these fake products so that you don't waste your hard earned money. So how can you easily detect these fake products.
First for me is the wrong spelling of the product. The fake ones copy the name of the original but intentionally spell them wrongly.
The design would be different with the real one
The price sometimes us lesser
Then the description also give them away . As a lot of fake products don't carry the original description of the original copy
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First for me is the wrong spelling of the product. The fake ones copy the name of the original but intentionally spell them wrongly.
The design would be different with the real one
The price sometimes us lesser
Then the description also give them away . As a lot of fake products don't carry the original description of the original copy
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