You are right and that is why we need to go back to having a skill if we want to make reasonable money online because your skill is what you will fetch you money and the better you are the more you get paidOne thing for sure is that if you say you can't you are right and if you say you can then you are right again.To be honest if you can raise a $100 to $500 then you have basic capital.Now the question is what do you realy want to start exactly?Is it something online or offline.When you identify what you think will work for you then the other thing is the strategies you will put up that will make it work.
The beauty of online work is that you can start with zero capital and all you will need is a workstation or space,a good gadget preferably a computer,a cellular phone and a good network device of which even your cellular phone can do.
Now working online is at levels and that is either as an amatuer freelancer or pro freelancer with skills,you can start small then build up to the level you desire.It is not easy but others are doing it and it is working perfectly fine.Just know that when you stage at beginner level then the aim is to grow and not be a beginner for a long period of time.What it means is that you can start working on sites but eventually you must evolve into having something of your own or what you will be selling with minimal effort.To your success champions.