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Is there a simple strategy to make money with Amazon?
You can also try as much as possible to also to consider the Amazon's Fulfillment by Merchant program as well, it's another way to make money there too.
It is possible to make money on Amazon by leveraging their advertising options. This will help you target the right audience and it will also increase the visibilities too.
Selling Amazon gift cards on eBay could be a very surprisingly and a very profitable venture for you. All you need is to find the opportunities in unexpected places.
Utilizing the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform is another viable option to pick from . It makes it extremely easy to self-publish books and reach a wide audience too.
I know that you can find utilizing the Amazon's dropshipping options has one of the simple way to start selling products and make money without holding any inventory.
I have work on Amazon but affiliated program I run dosnt work because of poor traffic quality so I believe that you will need good traffic to make money on Amazon as affiliate or you can just sell e-book there to earn decent amount
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