That's a cultural point. I come from a country where people is used to be very strong savers, even at the cost of living in extreme downshifting. Now I live in a country (better said, my specific area is so) where being spendthrift is routine. No mind if they are lower middle-class or (relatively) poor, but habits like to go to a shopping mall out of their city, hairdresser every week, very expensive parties (yes, it's very common to spend the double that cost my second degree in a single day for a birthday party), taking a loan to go abroad to see a football match regularly happen. So no surprise if the currency account or better, the savings and investment account of many people is always empty. They simply don't save. They think a Netflix subscription is of the utmost importance. Now, in my former country, people that only earn a minimum salary can't save because they earn too small and it's 20 years there isn't a salary increasing while inflation is skyrocketing. But since I have memory, a lot of people (especially of the old guard) always preferred to save instead of purchasing in the consumer discretionary, expensive brands, etc.