Info New Advertisements


Somewhat Known
Jun 12, 2022
Raw Dex
Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that Referral Index Forum has been approved for Google Adsense. With this being said, we have transitioned from A-Ads over to Google Adsense. Google Adsense offers more earning opportunities for the website, gives up the option to customize advertisements and features, and is more trustworthy in forms of monetization than cryptocurrency (due to the crypto market falling in some aspects).

Google Adsense advertisements can be located at the top and bottom of the page, along with in-between posts in an existing thread. You may occasionally see an advertisement appear when you attempt to load a new page on the website (these types of ads will need to be manually closed before you can preview the page you are loading into).

I understand that some of these advertisements can seem repetitive and can be frustrating, so I do apologize in advance. However, advertisements allow us to do the following:
  • Pay members for their activity
  • Offer exclusive contests with monetary rewards
  • Pay for web hosting and domain name (yearly)
  • Pay for Xenforo licensing
  • Pay for new features and addons
  • Pay for advertising campaigns

As of right now, no one will be allowed to use an Ad Blocker to remove advertisements or you will not be able to access the website. If you would like to be paid for your activity, you must allow us to generate revenue so that we can pay you. Referral Index Forum is not a "for-profit" forum at this time but is rather building community relations and growing the website as a whole.

Thank you all for being a part of Referral Index Forum. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Warmest regards,