You might have failed to analyze your idea as bad or not. There are some common factors that can help you decide whether your own business idea is a bad one. The first is you are not passionate about it. If you lack passion for your business, you won't have the courage to take it to the next level. Never forget that if your idea does not execute you, it does not end well. The other one is you are not making any sales. If you sense you don't have a sale in a day that means that your idea is bad. Your customers do not like to enter your business center. It might lack taste to them, products not of good quality and disorganized. Further, you don't listen to feedback which is very important to correct your mistakes. Lastly, you might have too small or non-existent market needs. This means that your target does not match your products, you need to change everything, listen to feedback, and accept advice to profit.