The Fear of the Emergence of AI in the Academe


Very Familiar
Sep 2, 2022
Raw Dex
There is a possibility of cheating to exist in all colleges and universities and even in senior high schools anywhere in the world with the advantage and introduction of artificial intelligence. It is also introduced recently of artificial learning. What will happen to the youths considered the hope of the nation when they cannot anymore function their own intelligence but rely only on artificial intelligence for fast and accurate answers? The more the young generation becomes mentally and physically unskilled; they will become lazy and never care the situations of the society.

Why I am saying this? It is because I downloaded the AI Chat Bot and we chatted about many things about lessons in Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, writing compositions, science and technology, and more AI Chat Bot perfectly answered all my questions, very well elaborated and facts supported very bright AI chat bot. And when I fed his written answers to Quillbot, Wordey, and Grammarly, the plagiarism tools, they cannot detect them as plagiarized, so students can easily do the cheating rampage. What can you add peps?