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VA Companies/ Agencies accepting applicants with or without Virtual Assistant experience (work-from-home jobs)
What course would you take? Are you still studying of what course? My students freshmen Civil Engineering most of them work part-time as virtual assistant.
Thanks for sharing some of these sites but I don't think I will join any now because of tight schedule. I have learnt one important thing about doing online work and that have been my guiding principle. The principle stated that to make money online, you have to stick to one method and keep on it until you start making money with it. Am sticking with pay per post for now unti further notice.
You're welcome, I posted 2 batches of sites you may like to find them. 2nd batch 12 sites and the 3rd 5 sites of different job descriptions. I found two hehe.
I have never actually tried becoming a visual assistant before, i heard they usually pay pretty well, but i do not really have much focus on becoming a visual assistant.
I plan to apply as VA during summer vacation. I will have ample time. I want to prove that they are really paying well. It must be to see is to believe.
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