Passive income is not inevitable as it requires some initial effort and investment to set up the income stream. However, passive income has become increasingly popular because it offers many benefits, including the following:
Time Freedom: Passive income provides time freedom as it allows you to earn money without having to work actively.
Financial Freedom: Passive income can provide financial freedom by creating a steady stream of income that is not tied to a regular job. This can help to reduce financial stress and provide more stability in your financial life.
Scalability: Passive income streams can be scaled up over time to increase your earnings.
Diversification: Passive income provides a way to diversify your income sources
Time Freedom: Passive income provides time freedom as it allows you to earn money without having to work actively.
Financial Freedom: Passive income can provide financial freedom by creating a steady stream of income that is not tied to a regular job. This can help to reduce financial stress and provide more stability in your financial life.
Scalability: Passive income streams can be scaled up over time to increase your earnings.
Diversification: Passive income provides a way to diversify your income sources