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Does any one know any legit crypto cloud mining site?

I have been looking legit and trusted online crypto cloud mining platforms since i start online money passive income options, but still i never come to find any legit and trusted cloud mining platform, the only cloud mining i used to know is genesis and they are not available for new users and they don't accepts new users any more.
If you have any legit and trusted crypto cloud mining platform can you share it?

The higher you rise in arrogance, the harder you fall in business

When your business booms and expands you will never expect it to fall. You trust that it will never experience something that leads you an extreme regret of negligence. It is not enough for a businessman to see his business rise without doing something to protect it. There are many factors that a business fails to notice like too much spending and dating especially if the businessman is single. He will never have a second thought that his business may fall gradually.It may not be so suddenly but after some months he will notice that his capital generally gets smaller. That would be the downside of being a reckless businessman, he will have a hard fall.

Employee abuse

An employee could face administrative sanctions for the abuse ranging from warnings to termination It also depends on the severity of the abuse, the employer could file a criminal and civil case. Another sanctions are verbal warning, written reprimand, suspension without pay, and ultimately to dismissal from employment. The abusive employee might have planned or attempted to put the company on fire, selling the tools or stealing company equipmemt.

Is paternity leave with pay?

When it is made into law, automatically both the husband and wife can file for maternity or paternity leave with pay. This happens when the wife underwent delivery or sudden miscarriage, so she must rest and he husband takes care of her and their home. The benefit applies to all male employees regardless of employment status. The benefit consists of seven (7) days of leave credits with full pay. Does it happen to your country? It happens here in my country.

How much known is Bitcoin in your Country?

Bitcoin is one of the most well known cryptocurrency in the world and it have many users and investors who are holding bitcoin for profit, and their are some peoples who are getting payment with bitcoin, in most Europe countries and US and also Asia countries some stores accepts payments with bitcoin and also they have wallets that can send money exchanged from bitcoin, but in most country in the world don't know what bitcoin is and some peoples know it but the country banking system don't accept bitcoin and the transaction for those peoples will be hard.
So in your country how known is bitcoin and s it accepted in the banking system?

Bringing a toddler in the business center

If you are managing a business and having an employee or employees with toddlers, what must you do, are you going to fire them or give them a chance to continue working? Some moms bring their newly borns to the business center without asking permission, and of course, it is very unethical, so the business owner may call the moms' attention for retracting the business policies. But there is a company in the city where I live allowing them to bring their newly borns to the center and the management hires nannies for the babies. The nannies were paid through payroll deduction and they were given one room for the nannies and babies. How nice if all the companies are like that. There will be harmony, peace and love overrules.

Lip Mask

I just finished doing dinner dishes now I am doing a lip mask since it is colder weather time where I live my lips always are dry so I done a lip scrub and now I am doing a lip mask can’t wait to feel my lips nice and soft. Have you ever done a lip mask?

Which is better paying for google advertisement or paying for influencers?

When we run a business all we think about is getting many customers and letting know peoples about our business and our products that we are running and in order to reach to the society and get many customers we use different types of advertisements and from those advertising options we have paid google advertisement that google will advertise our products on many platforms, and also the other advertising option is paying social media influencer to advertise our products.
so which do you think good way to reach to customers?

Impact of hiring family member to our company?

Hiring our family members in our company or in our business will be a good thing and it will help us in many aspects like we can trust them in many things and we can relay on them without any doubt, and we can let them have some managerial spots to lead other workers and they also replace our place and work like us without any problems, but there are some problems with hiring our family member on our business and some of that is we can't let go them if they maid a mistake because they are our family member, and some personal fight will have some influence on the work area and some times it is very hard to order them like other workers.

Effective strategies for small businesses to increase their online presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any small business. It not only helps you reach a wider audience but also allows you to engage with potential customers and build brand awareness. So, let's discuss effective strategies that can help small businesses boost their online presence. Share your experiences, tips, and advice to help each other thrive in the digital world.

Running phone maintenance business,

In my country there are a lots of phone repairing shops, and they are still opening a new phone maintenance shops in the city, since the business is in big demand even if there are a lots of repair shops the business is profitable and lucrative, all it need is a shop and a good skill with the right tools and equipment, the old repairing shops was based on experience and not on learned skill, but now their are a lots of peoples graduated with maintenance and they have good skill and they know many things about the new technology so they will get good profit from it.
What about in your country does running a phone repair shop profitable?

Filing loans to start an investment

Is it a good try to apply for a bank loan to push through a plan to invest something? I think it is not a good idea to invest through a bank loan. You may not be able to pay the loan. After your loan is approved and released by the bank, the next month after you have to start paying. Just imagine if you haven't started your investment yet and here comes the loan that blocks your interest and plan that needs a payment. If you can't pay, the interest surcharges double in the next month. Therefore, it's not safe to apply for a bank loan to finance your first investment. if you are smart, better save first or seek an investment that requires a small capital.

Is manicure/pedicure banned in your business center?

It is terribly wrong to allow a manicurist to enter a business center and perform manicure/pedicure to an employee or employees. It is very unethical to do it inside the business premise with people paid to work and not to stay idle by having a manicurist perform an act. I witnessed it through my two naked eyes a manicurist performing an act to an employee inside a bank and people were watching the employee giggling while the clients were waiting patiently for their turn to be entertained. And then so suddenly, the bank manager arrived and so away the manicurist and the employee's attention was called and after some minutes the employee stepped out from the bank. I think that employee was fired because of misconduct during office hour and the clients felt disgusted and discouraged and of course, it will affect the business.

Staying in good terms with your competition

Most business owners today and entrepreneurs tend to have some sort of hate towards their competition in business. While i believe this is understandable, i also believe this is the wrong way to go about it. I think there is notting wrong about being in a good relationship with your competition, you could also learn a thing or two from them. Back then there where times our competition would refer some customers to us to handle a job they either cannot handle or too busy to handle it.

Sudden problem of fish vendors in my place

Fish selling is a very profitable business but they also face problems that may put their business at risk like the recent problem that they are facing this time. One hospital in the city was throwing the tubes containing HIV chemicals of their patients. Many died because of that criminal act of the hospital. In the city alone, 312 died after eating fish. Nearby towns also experienced the same, casualties in hundreds due to eating fish. The people here reached and petitioned the hospital and filed a case against the hospital. The fish vendors also stop selling fishes in the public markets and malls. This is a very serious problem the fish vendors are facing this time. They are at risk and may possibly experience losses. There is no go signal yet from the health department as to when to eat fish again.

Fruit-selling business

We can't judge someone selling fruits and think they are having a dirty business. We do not know how much they saved from their profits as fruit vendors. They also spent thousands just to have their dream business come true. My friend is a fruit seller and after three years she was able to buy a very nice apartment where she is living now. She has a big savings in the bank. She showed to me her bank passbook, She almost has 500,000 pesos money in the bank. It is a very good business and her fruits were stored in a place where they can't be easily spoilt. In my case, fruit =elling is not my taste.

Business Moonlighting

If you are employed in a private company or office, you are banned to do moonlighting. It is happening in my place and even throughout the country. Moonlighting means you are employed in a private company and then you also work as a part-time worker in other company which is against the company's rules and regulations, and policies. You need to be loyal to your company or seek permission if you are allowed to do moonlighting to be safe from getting fired from your job. It is better for you to work online than seek a part-time job that may cost your job especially f you are a full-time-regular employee.

Conspiracy theory

Those who are doing this act have a grudge against the company management. A conspiracy theory is a belief that a group of people is secretly trying to harm a company just to show their anger or revenge. Those perpetrators doing this awful act cannot escape from the law especially if there are witnesses and harm was done. If they o longer like the management, they better resign. The culprits doing this act will never find employment because of their bad record. They will be banned forever. Companies will get rid of this kind or people, who like to play havoc.

