AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum

When did you start making money online?

I started earning money online in 2008. At the time, my ex was tech-savvy, and we experimented with different approaches, such as creating blogs and forum websites. Although we attempted both, we were unable to give enough attention to the forum websites due to our busy schedules. Therefore, I focused solely on blogging, which proved to be a rewarding venture. How about you? When did you start earning money online?

Investing in paintings

I am not talking of well known painters but those who have just about made their presence felt in the art world. Their paintings are cheap but in course of years they could become famous and the paintings could fetch a good price. I have one that was presented to me by the family to celebrate one of my milelstone birthdays It is now hanging in the guest room.

I must look for the name which is normally seen at the bottom of the painting and make enquiries. Wish me Luck

Hidden costs

When what we earn is seen in our PayPal account the immediate thought is that we earned some money but little do we realise that to earn that money there are hidden costs such as what we pay for our Internet connection, the wear and tear of the gadgets we use to get there and the precious time we spend. Rather than earning it should be the joy one gets to learn and share knowledge.

I enjoy interacting with friends and that puts a spring in my step.

Cumulative bank deposit

Cumulative bank deposits normally mature in five years and the interest is compounded. The other advantage is that even when banks announce decrease in bank interest rates cumulative deposit interest rates stay put.

I have several such deposits. They are also called term deposits where the capital is exempt from tax.
What are your methods to increase your savings?

Relocating to Countryside to Cut Lifestyle Costs

If you are unable to manage your lifestyle because of low income, or because of inflation or recession, consider relocating to the countryside. There are two significant benefits. First, the cost of living is lower, enabling a decent life with a smaller income. Second, you escape the constant bombardment of ads enticing you to spend more. Relocation to countryside will be possible only when you work remotely and have passive income source. In the countryside, there are not many income opportunities, except for farming, therefore if you do not work remotely it might not be possible to relocate

