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Do you easily make friends?

When I’m asked if I’m an introvert or extrovert, I usually find it hard to give a response. Well, I am very good when it comes to making friends and it is very easy for me but when making ends friends, I always make sure that I respect myself to the point that I don’t start getting extremely close to them.

How about you? Do you find it easy or hard to make friends?

Do you give your neighbors discount?

Two days ago, I made my hair in my neighbor’s place and she left for her house because she was in a hurry. Today when she came back to the shop, I asked her how much money she wants to collect for an ordinary all back and she told me a thousand naira.

I asked why and she was giving flimsy excuses but it’s sad because I give her discount anytime she wants to buy something from me. It’s getting me annoyed and I already vowed not to make my hair from her again. Is it a good idea?

EV or Hybrid Car

When it comes to buying a car, what would you choose between EV and hybrid car? Well, as far as I am concerned, I will go with hybrid. I would not choose EV for a couple of reasons, and one of them is related to how they are exploiting Africa to get trace minerals for EV batteries.

