What do you avoid buying in order to save money?

To keep my spending in check, I avoid mindless impulse purchases and try to live by the mantra of "use it up or do without." I skip buying new clothes or gadgets unless I absolutely need them to replace worn out items. I bring my lunch to work instead of going out. And I cut out little luxuries like daily coffee runs or frequent Uber rides. While I do still budget for fun and leisure, I'm highly selective about non-essential spending.

What is your favorite easy way to save money?

My favorite easy way to save money is by automating transfers from my checking account into a dedicated savings account. Each payday, I have a set amount automatically withdrawn and stashed away before I even have a chance to spend it. This "set it and forget it" approach removes the temptation to dip into those savings. Over time, those automatic transfers really add up without any extra effort on my part. It's a simple, mindless habit that has helped me build an emergency fund and save for larger goals like a down payment.

How do you save money on utility bills?

One of the best ways I save on utility bills is by being mindful of my energy and water usage. I keep the thermostat at an moderate temperature and dress in layers instead of constantly adjusting the heat. I also make sure to unplug electronics when not in use and install LED light bulbs. For water conservation, I take shorter showers and only run full loads of laundry. Additionally, I thoroughly airsealed my home to prevent heated/cooled air from escaping. These simple behavioral changes and efficiency upgrades have really helped reduce my monthly utility costs.

Don't care about what others think

In managing a busiess, do not expect yourself to be wearing a tie and wear nice shoes but expect yourself to be rugged yet clean. This is the picture of a businessman unless your business is macro owming a corporation or a multi-million dollar company so you have to look great and iconic, which is why never mind the people surrounding you if see you rugged and simple. They do not know the figure of your wallet , likewise, the figure you save in the bank and how much millions you have as the capital of your business if your business is operating a trucking business. Always have focus on what you are doing because those who mock your appearance are poor.

You are poor because you lack self-discipline

Do not blame God for your situation living in poverty. Sometimes humans act like that without sensing it's their fault that they live in poverty. Yes, to be poor is not a sin but you become a sinner if do an act against the law just to have something for your caprice. That's one issue, a caprice that you intend to satisfy despite, being wrong. Self-discipline answers our woes and if we only pressure ourselves to act wise, then being poor is far beyond reality. What you lack is discipline, live within your means or live without means if possible.

When you're serious about your business, be ready to be alone

Things happen that way if you are building wealth through the business of your dream and because of that, people will be ashamed to approach you. Your family may also be hesitant to talk to you about something because you are always on the focus of your business. If this happens, you have to get ready to be alone, to face the reality that you are not the same you in the past. Though you consider your business a family, but you must never neglect your responsibility that a family is very important in building a business.

What travel hacks have saved you a lot of money?

One of the biggest travel hacks that has saved me money is being flexible with my dates and destinations. I use fare tracking sites and apps to find the cheapest days and routes to fly. Packing light to avoid checked bag fees is another simple way I cut costs. But my favorite hack is taking advantage of credit card points and airline/hotel loyalty programs to score free flights and accommodations.

Have you utilized your ESP?

Have you utilized your extra-sensory perception? If so, what have you experienced? For me, yes, I was able to utilize my ESP shortly. I was able to see the happenings at home and saw my ex holding hands with another gf. I also learned when my father to die and what was ahead of me.I was terrified that i rejected what I saw in my mind.

Have you reached the best version of yourself?

If we succeeded in something worthwhile, especially the finances, we tend to feel proud and confident. We feel we are not anymore among the list of sufferers of finances. You can breathe well and see your family happy too. That is what we call achieving a goal to change your life for the better through hard work . Then you can say to yourself and to those who know you that yu have now the best version of yourself.

