Recent content by arunima

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  1. arunima

    Do you spend some time daily online to earn money?

    @Sanjeev . Smartphone is handy everywhere even when we are on a go. Earlier, I was not comfortable with smartphone. I struggled with typing and even small screen was not convenient for me. But with practice,it has got better. I am very comfortable with smartphone now and even my typing speed has...
  2. arunima

    Dealing with boredom

    These days, it's not only adults who complaint about boredom, we keep hearing young children complaining about the boredom. They are surrounded by options and choices, but still feel bored. Sometimes having too many choices can be overwhelming and things loose their charm very doon.
  3. arunima

    Dark Chocolate or milk chocolate

    I requested my husband to get me the same pack of Lindt chocolates from the airport..He returned from the US after two weeks of business trip. Just now I had one dark chocolate from that after my dinner. I like the bitterness that it has left.
  4. arunima

    Do you spend some time daily online to earn money?

    That's my plan..I try to come online regularly to make a few extra cents. I don't get much time between my chores and job..but whenever I fet some free time, I try to make best use of it. Earlier, I used only my laptop for online working. But now, I am comfortable with mobile phone and that...