Recent content by eldavis

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  1. eldavis

    Book or Podcast Club which one do you prefer?

    I have never actually tried a podcast before so I can't really say. Books on the other hand? I do enjoy books.
  2. eldavis

    Learn to say "NO" to things which are insignificant to your business

    The age that I am in right now, I should be doing something meaningful with my life rather than putting my focus on things that are not meaningful.
  3. eldavis

    Living long on earth

    Indeed, it won't be fun to live a long life only for it to be filled with sickness. This is one of the reasons we need to start taking good care of our body.
  4. eldavis

    Is gift wrapping a good business this Christmas?

    I feel this Christmas, it will only be a good business in selective areas like government residential areas and the like, due to how the economy is.
  5. eldavis

    Do you eat RICE and STEW?

    Seeing this thread again made me realize that it's been a while since I had rice and stew. Would like to eat it with chicken 😄
  6. eldavis

    Your neighbourhood inspiration

    Besides my family, there are a few persons one can draw inspiration from in certain areas, but the majority of the people who live here are nothing to write home about.
  7. eldavis

    Making Money as a Copywriter?

    I have heard a lot of people talk about copy writing before, and from what I have heard, it seems like a lucrative way to make money.
  8. eldavis

    Is it possible to make money on Twitter?

    It's possible to make money from Twitter, and there are different ways. Most people just focus on content creation as a way to make money.
  9. eldavis

    Can I make money from gaming from home?

    Yes it's possible, but as to how much you can earn from it, am not so sure about that aspect.
  10. eldavis

    The end of every useful and valuable information is applying it.

    Like they say these days, knowledge is not power, but knowledge used is what actually gives you the power.
  11. eldavis

    Do you believe good investment place is a luck?

    Though there are some cases where luck might have a little hand in it, but investment is not about luck or proper planning.
  12. eldavis


    The weather over here is beautiful and sunny. The sun came out early and strong this morning.
  13. eldavis

    Is dogecoin Profitable?

    I might be wrong though, but I don't think dogecoin is profitable right now, unless you just plan to hold with the hopes that it might go up in the future.
  14. eldavis


    It's a good idea though, but it is very demanding, probably that might be one of the reasons he did not continue?
  15. eldavis

    Ensure to have a first aid box.

    Having a first aid kit is extremely important in any environment be it a working space or at home. This would help to treat minor injuries.
  16. eldavis

    Minimal future planning in business

    Every business owner needs to make provision for the future when it comes to running a business.
  17. eldavis

    Do you know about Sony brand?

    I don't know if they are the best but I have used a few of their products before, and I think it's an okay brand.
  18. eldavis

    What keeps you excited at work?

    Indeed it a joyful thing when you see that your hardwork is generating good and positive results for you.
  19. eldavis

    online games

    I might be wrong though, but I think this only has to do with games you play online with your PC or smartphones.
  20. eldavis

    Business motivators

    Indeed we have to look for ways to motivate ourselves as business owners, especially when things are not really going as planned.
  21. eldavis

    Create a business plan

    Having a business plan plays a very important role in the business on the long run.
  22. eldavis

    Everyone wants to make money online

    True, which is one of the reasons why we have so many people who start online but end up falling or giving up half way.
  23. eldavis

    What drive you to make money online?

    This is definitely one of the best thing about working online. An online worker can be anywhere and still carry out their work with complete ease.
  24. eldavis

    How do you cope with the inflation on your personal finances?

    I don't really have a choice in this case, all I can do is cut down on my expenses and how I live my life.
  25. eldavis

    Get up to 3 USDT free in your Binance account, 19% APR

    Am sure this offer is no longer available right? I can't even remember my login details for my Binance account.
  26. eldavis

    Bitcoin or Altcoins?

    I read somewhere some time back that it is better to invest on altcoin presently compared to investing in Bitcoin.
  27. eldavis

    Do you like Baseball game?

    I enjoy playing open world fantasy games more than anything else. I have never really been much of a sports gamer.
  28. eldavis

    soccer game on PC

    Not a huge fan of soccer, but I have played football on PC before, and even on phone. It is indeed a wonderful feeling and it can be fun when you play it with others.
  29. eldavis

    I have found out how to make RIFs tonight!

    I have been with the forum for a while now, and I do hope it continues to grow, and give way for more opportunities.
  30. eldavis

    online games

    I have never really played much online games before, but I did enjoy play Genshin impact and solo leveling. 1729320767 I have never really played much online games before, but I did enjoy play Genshin impact and solo leveling.
  31. eldavis

    Console Gaming VS PC Gaming

    I have not played on console before though, but from what I have heard, it seems most people prefer playing on PC, especially those who want to add mods.
  32. eldavis

    Can We Get Rich Earning Online?

    Exactly, there are people who are making good money online, but to do this you need the right set of skills to work with.
  33. eldavis

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    Multiple streams of income is the best way to go if anyone wants to really make money these days, especially with how the current economy is right now.
  34. eldavis

    Business motivators

    At the same time, one must look for ways to motivate themselves from time to time, rather than rely on someone to motivate them.
  35. eldavis

    How Do You Stay Upto Date With Latest Trends

    I normally don't put in effort when it comes to latest trends, but these days I have started putting in a little more effort than I used to.
  36. eldavis

    What phone do you use right now?

    This is one of the reasons I prefer an android phone, I feel the iphone is just limited in certain areas, and not just in the area of the apps you can download.
  37. eldavis

    Brave Wallet Reviews

    I downloaded the brave browser some time back but did not really use it for long before deleting. There was no serious reasons in particular though.
  38. eldavis

    Android or Iphone

    Android have great phones, and to be honest I think they are way ahead of the iPhone, I don't know why people tend to look down on Android phones.
  39. eldavis

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I don't think there is anyone who actually enjoys paying bills, but one can't avoid it, so we have no choice but to pay them.
  40. eldavis

    Do you easily react?

    I think at the moment there is a lot of improvements, I rarely react compared to the way I do back in the days.
  41. eldavis

    Let us share ideas for online businesses

    I am thinking about going into a print on demand business, but I am having some issues with the platform I am using.
  42. eldavis

    Do you throw your leftovers?

    Over here we keep left overs in the fridge and eat it another day. As long as is still good, we will surely eat it.
  43. eldavis

    Man purse

    I think I am seriously in need of one, or a wallet. There are so many things I need carry when going out.
  44. eldavis

    Shifting careers

    It's not really a complete shift though, since she is still into health. Am sure she must have thought about it carefully before making the decision. That by the side, a lot of people actually rely on supplements these days.
  45. eldavis

    Pi Network: Legit or Not

    Is this pi project still going on? I have stopped mining a long time ago, I don't even know what's going on right now.
  46. eldavis

    Who is the best person to get advice from?

    It depends on what you are looking for advice on. The best person should be someone who has more experience than you in that particular field.
  47. eldavis

    Pasta with or without veggies

    I actually enjoy eating both, so I don't really care if it's with vegetables or not, as long as it is well cooked, am good to go.
  48. eldavis

    Does a business have the right to give its employees a code of conduct?

    Yes the business have every right to give the employees a code of conduct, after all the reputation of the business matters as well.
  49. eldavis

    Have you lately made any significant lifestyle changes?

    I have made a few recently which is living a more healthy life. I now do periodic workouts and eat more healthy.
  50. eldavis

    Playstation VS Xbox

    I have never had anyone, but I have played a lot of play station games with various emulators, so my choice would be PlayStation because it is what am used to.
  51. eldavis

    Is it possible for us to recover stolen or lost bitcoins?

    I might be wrong, but from what I know I don't think it is possible for you to recover it back.
  52. eldavis

    Is it true that bitcoin is used for illegal activities?

    Yes there have been lots of cases like this. Since it cannot be traced, a lot of hackers and people into illegal activities makes use of it.
  53. eldavis

    Night routine before bedtime

    I do not have any night routine, if there is anything I need to do before going to bed, I simply do it.
  54. eldavis

    Why do you think startups fail?

    Poor management is also another reason. A lot of startup have failed because they lacked proper management.
  55. eldavis

    What are the downsides of computers?

    The computer is not immune to viruses or even faults. From time to time it needs to be maintained.
  56. eldavis

    Repairing a laptop

    I have faced a lot of issues with my laptop and I have had it fixed. The fan had an issue, and even the screen. I am hoping to buy a new one though.
  57. eldavis

    Do you think water purifier machines are safe

    Most health experts says it's safe but at the same time I can't really say since am not using anyone right now.
  58. eldavis

    Android or Iphone

    I am an android user, I prefer using an android phone rather than an iPhone. The iPhone feels too limited in certain areas to me.
  59. eldavis

    What phone accessories do you have?

    I have a power bank and a Bluetooth earbud. Those are the only things I need right now.
  60. eldavis


    Every fruits has its benefits, this is one of the reasons why some health experts would always advice to take fruits.
  61. eldavis

    Home made cashew apple wine

    I was not even aware they could make wine from cashews. I would like to give this a try though.
  62. eldavis

    Where did Big Brother TV Show start and what is it's real aim?

    The way i see it, the original aim is to bring different people together, living in the same house. Back then there where a lot of reasonable and educational games being played by the housemates, and even a full family could watch it together, but these days its something else.
  63. eldavis

    Did you believe in Santa clause when you where little?

    From what I could remember I have never thought as Santa clause as real. I have always known there was someone behind the mask.
  64. eldavis

    Can You Work As A Hypeman?

    Lol am not so sure I can work as a hypeman though. I am usually the quite type.
  65. eldavis

    Do you like tomatoes?

    Am not crazy about it, but I do eat it a lot. I enjoy adding it to most dishes, especially when frying eggs.
  66. eldavis

    What was your strategies for accomplishing the saving goals?

    For me, it's working on my self control. No matter what, I do not want to touch my savings.
  67. eldavis

    Do you embrace going for the medical check up after atleast six months?

    I think it's a good practice to go for checkups on a regular basis like every six months. This gives you a better idea on how to take care of your body.
  68. eldavis

    How can you rate your hard working level

    For me, I feel I am still below average because there is still so much I have not been able to do or am hoping to include to my work schedule.
  69. eldavis

    Gratitude Practice

    The act of gratitude is something I believe everyone needs to learn and cultivate to become a better person.
  70. eldavis

    Do you engage in self medication?

    I mostly take natural things like boiling pawpaw leafs that I know are very good against Malaria and so on. I don't take drugs for self medication.
  71. eldavis

    How do you deal with lousy people

    Dealing with lousy people can be very annoying and stressful most of the times, the best thing to do is to just ignore and do your work.
  72. eldavis

    What countries do you most want to visit for their food?

    I have never really thought about it though, but I think it would be nice to visit Mexico. I heard they have great food, especially the spicy types and their pasta.
  73. eldavis

    How do you discipline an apprentice that comes to the shop late?

    I think it depends, I do not have an apprentice, but over here some persons do make their apprentice sit or kneel outside for some time before they bring them in.
  74. eldavis

    Let's greet Happy Valentine to our beloved site owner, Jordan

    Lol, same here I didn't see this post back then, was even surprised to see a Valentine post this time of the month.
  75. eldavis

    Going out your way to be nice to?

    For me it's my family and best friend, then there are times I still go out of my way to be nice to others, depending on the situation at the moment.
  76. eldavis

    Do you greet everyone you see on the way when you are walking!?

    I try my best to greet them, but there are times where I am not in the mode to greet.
  77. eldavis

    The Golden Rule

    This is one of the reasons why I am always careful as to how I treat those around me, I want to be treated well as well, so I should treat them the same.
  78. eldavis


    When they say laughter is the best medicine, it does not mean that it would automatically cure you, but the truth of the matter is that being happy those make you healthier.
  79. eldavis

    How often we should get our full body checkup done?

    I think it mostly depends on an individual financial capability in most cases. Some people go every six months, then there are those who go for checkups every three months, then I have seen some who go whenever they feel like.
  80. eldavis

    Do you have a nickname!

    Back then in school, I used to have a lot of nicknames, but at the moment I do not have any.
  81. eldavis

    Do you like to have a muscular body?

    I have never really been a fan of being muscular. Yes I would love to be slim, but am not really crazy about muscles.
  82. eldavis

    Have you courted a boy?

    Over here most girls feel if they do this, they are degrading themselves or the boy would see them as cheap, so most of them do not do it. Only very few.
  83. eldavis

    From Whom You learned cooking?

    I mostly learnt how to cook from watching those around me cook, and from watching and reading several things on the internet.
  84. eldavis

    Do you like to shop online or offline?

    I do not have a specific place where I shop, I can shop anywhere and at anytime. It depends on where I can find what I want at a more cheaper rate.
  85. eldavis

    Can you stay for 24 hours without your phone

    I doubt I would be able to stay for 24 hours without my phone. I use my phone for almost all the work I do today.
  86. eldavis

    How much are you close with your sibling(s)?

    Me and my siblings are quite close, we usually talk from time to time, and come together to celebrate certain holidays.
  87. eldavis

    Should extended family asked for a DNA test on a child

    I guess it depends on the situation. If there are reasons why the grandfather has doubt, then I guess he has the right to request this.
  88. eldavis


    Customer experience is what makes up your business, based on your customers experience, your companies will be rated.
  89. eldavis


    I love them but am not crazy about them. I only buy shoes and sneakers when I believe I have need for it.
  90. eldavis

    Small business to start in 2024: Car Washing

    The car wash business is a very good one. I have seen so many people make money from car wash business.
  91. eldavis

    Christmas party at a business center

    The last place I worked, we did not do this, but now I have started a small business of my own. Maybe in the future I might start doing this.
  92. eldavis

    Attract your customers through the power of first impressions

    First impression plays a major role when it comes to what your customers think about you. This is why you need to do your very best.
  93. eldavis

    How do you recharge a mobile sim?

    I simply recharge through my bank app. It's a lot easier and faster. I can recharge at anytime and any day.
  94. eldavis

    Do you prefer a Laptop or desktop computer?

    I prefer a laptop cause I find it a lot easier to setup and carry around, especially for traveling or working outdoors.
  95. eldavis

    Smartphone or Dumbphone?

    I have just one phone, which is a smartphone. I might buy a smaller phone in the future though.
  96. eldavis

    How are you using your phone to make money

    I also post online to make money with my smartphone, I am also making plans to start other online things to make money.
  97. eldavis

    What do you think about having an ewallet online

    Yes I have an online wallet I use for saving money, and so far I believe it is safe for use.
  98. eldavis

    Is Perfect Money A Safe Payment System?

    I have used perfect money to receive payment before, I think it's a very reliable payment processor.
  99. eldavis

    Which goals have you achieved so far this year?

    There where some things I needed to buy, and I have been able to achieve that, but I still have so much I was hoping to do this year, if am not able to, i guess I will push it to next year.
  100. eldavis

    Campus life?

    Campus life can be really fun though but at the same time it can be stressful, anyways hope you have a wonderful time.
  101. eldavis


    Though I am into photo editing, and I have even snapped some pictures, but I have never had a Photoshoot myself.
  102. eldavis

    Do you like to watch back to back movies?

    Yes I enjoy watching movies back to back, especially when I do not have much work to do for that day.
  103. eldavis


    There are some nollywood movies that are actually decent and interesting, but most of them are just too bad.
  104. eldavis

    Do you like Retro movies?

    To be honest i don't, unless the movie is really interesting, then I can actually watch it.
  105. eldavis

    Do you like to check movie reviews before going for a movie?

    I have never been to the movies before, but I always ensure i read the reviews before downloading the movie.
  106. eldavis

    Which book of the Bible do you read most?

    When it comes to reading the Bible, I do not really have a specific book I prefer reading. I read from books to books.
  107. eldavis

    Are you Planning to Buy a New Phone?

    Yes I am planning to buy a new phone, I am seriously in need of one. My old one has started giving me some issues.
  108. eldavis

    Unsubscribe Unnecessary Notifications

    The very first thing I always do is to unsubscribe from any notification I know I won't be using.
  109. eldavis

    How can self-employed individual plan financially?

    The best way for someone self-employed, or even anyone in general to properly plan financially is to manage what you have and have extra sources of income.
  110. eldavis

    How to show anger without burning bridges

    The best way to do this would be to give yourself time before you respond. You don't have to respond immediately.
  111. eldavis

    Can you still give a traitor a second chance?

    Even in a situation where I do give them a second chance, I will not be as open with them as once was, I we give them so space.
  112. eldavis

    Netflix or Hulu?

    I don't use either of them, I have always preferred downloading movies. This is actually cheaper for me.
  113. eldavis

    Favorite Netflix Movies or Series?

    There are lots of Netflix series I have watched, and I actually enjoy, but do not have any favorites.
  114. eldavis

    Do you have any Favorite Games?

    I do not have any favorite games, I usually prefer playing games like GTA though. Open world games.
  115. eldavis

    Do you make use of the Grammarly extension?

    I downloaded the app recently, and so far I think it has been a huge help for me.
  116. eldavis

    Do you have Android Mobile or iOS?

    I am an android user, and I prefer this to the iOS phones. I feel the iOS is too limited in certain aspects and there are android phones that can do better for a lesser price.
  117. eldavis

    Have you tried the telegram App?

    Telegram is a nice messaging app no doubt, though I feel Whatsapp is a lot more popular, there are more features on telegram compared to Whatsapp.
  118. eldavis

    Do you like walking in the rain?

    I only do this in situations where I do not have a choice, but other than that, I would rather wait it out till the rain goes down before I continue my movements.
  119. eldavis

    Do you have Netflix Subscription?

    No I do not have a Netflix subscription, I usually prefer downloading my own movies so I can watch them at anytime without worry about data.
  120. eldavis

    Do you own a Power Bank?

    Yes I own a power bank, and it has been a lifesaver. Over here we do not have a stable power supply, and not to mention the fact that my phone battery no longer last like it used to.
  121. eldavis

    Vegeta Ozaru "the indestructible" - Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

    I watch a lot of animes but I have not watched the dragon ball animes, just a few episodes randomly.
  122. eldavis

    Kanye west and kim finalize divorce

    Very true, marriage is way more than having money and so on. This is one reason we need to be careful when it comes to choosing who we marry. Marriage is not meant to be something people jump in and out of.
  123. eldavis

    Is it bad for a woman to be a bad cook?

    It's not a bad thing, but it also depends on the culture the woman is coming from. In Nigeria, it is expected that every woman should know how to cook.
  124. eldavis

    What do you think of divorce?

    I think the best is to try and sort out things, especially if there are already kids in the picture. These are some of the things you need to consider before getting married to your partner.
  125. eldavis

    Vegeta Ozaru "the indestructible" - Dragon Ball Sparking Zero

    Never played it before so I can't really say. I don't really play much or dragon ball games though.
  126. eldavis

    Do you have an Xbox?

    I have never had an Xbox or a gaming console before though, majority of the games I have played where through emulators.
  127. eldavis

    Do you own a Microwave Oven?

    No we don't, but we where actually thinking of getting one some time back, maybe before the year runs out.
  128. eldavis

    Can you develop an App?

    I would love to develop an app, there are times where I have even thought about it, but I do not have the skills for this.
  129. eldavis

    do you like to wach movies with friends or alone?

    I mostly watch alone, but I do not mind watching with friends and families once in awhile.
  130. eldavis

    do you have video game addiction?

    I don't really have an addiction, but I have my moments. There are times where I can just choose to leave everything else and focus on playing games.
  131. eldavis

    What video game you play right now?

    I am currently playing ravensword shadowlands. It's an old mobile game though but that's what am playing right now.
  132. eldavis

    Do you get haircuts often?

    I find going to the salon to get a haircut tiresome, I am really impressed with how most ladies would stay there for hours doing their hair. To make matters worse they just increased the price again for a hair cut.
  133. eldavis

    Normalize apologising

    Thats a good one, it shows you are willing and ready to accept you faults and your ability to do the Right thing.
  134. eldavis

    Nail technician business- Have you patronized one?

    I have never patronized one myself, but a lot of my siblings have meet them to have their nails fixed or cleaned.
  135. eldavis

    Monetizing Your Skills

    I am into graphics designing, and I have started monetizing my skills but most times it can be really hard and challenging to find clients.
  136. eldavis

    Study centres

    We have a lot of them here in my country, and they are very lucrative. It has also helped a lot of students, especially those preparing for external exams.
  137. eldavis

    Life partner in business

    Depending on the kind of partner you have, there might be no cons in this aspect. Having your life partner be your business partner means there is trust and understanding.
  138. eldavis


    Family will always be family no matter what. Yes I do feel happy, even when they stress or annoy me I am still happy to be with them.
  139. eldavis

    What is or was your favorite subject in school?

    One of my favorite subjects in school back then was literature in English. It was mostly fun because of the books we read.
  140. eldavis

    Ladies, how often do you buy new clothes?

    I have a lot of female friends around me who don't always buy clothes unless they really need to get a new one.
  141. eldavis

    What are the problem of workaholism

    Your mental health might be at risk, or you might have poor social relationship skills due to the fact that you are always working.
  142. eldavis

    Pains of love

    I have experienced this before, and it actually took me years to fully recover, I don't think it's something I would want to talk much about these days.
  143. eldavis

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Word of mouth is still one of the most effective ways to advertise and promote your business today.
  144. eldavis

    interfering in parent's conflict

    If they want me to be involved, then that's fine but I won't take saids I we simply state what both parties did right and wrong.
  145. eldavis

    What is the purpose of your investment?

    Besides all the things I need to buy right now, another reason for my investments is because I want to have financial freedom in the future.
  146. eldavis

    Suggest the online skills a child can learn

    Yes coding is a great skill for kids to learn, learning how to do graphic is also another good one.
  147. eldavis

    How do you quench a need when there's no money

    In situations like this I tend to focus on something else. This is one of the reasons I always ensure I have enough movies on my phone, or even games. I just focus on this for now.
  148. eldavis

    Is soliloquizing soothing

    It does help to some extent. I have done this several times in the past before.
  149. eldavis

    Is it fair not to hire an over qualified applicant?

    There are different reasons for this, to some companies they feel they won't be able to pay these candidates what they are truly worth.
  150. eldavis

    What Are Your Views on Abortion

    In terms of my religion, abortion is wrong, then looking at it ethically, it is also wrong. I do not support it because I see this as taking a life and the process is just too gruesome. I watched a video that explained how the process is done, how they actually pieces the child in the womb...
  151. eldavis

    What do you think about other religion?

    I can associate with them to certain extents like do business with them or even be friends with them to an extent. I don't go about judging them simply because they do not belong to my religion.
  152. eldavis

    Are you trading cryptocurrencies?

    I don't really trade in crypto, I only receive most of my earnings through crypto then exchange them for flat currency.
  153. eldavis

    Firing an employee with bad manners lawful or not

    If his or her mad manners is affecting the growth and sales of the business, then I do not see this as unlawful or illegal. The health of the business has to come first.
  154. eldavis

    Have You tried Threads?

    I tried threads when it first came and and that was it. Since then I have not used or tried it again.
  155. eldavis

    Do you have meatless meals?

    Same here, there are times where I do not use meat or fish for my dishes, due to how expensive it is. Then there are days I opt for eggs over meat.
  156. eldavis

    Do you face any challenges in your work life daily?

    The major challenges I am facing at the moment is having a stable power supply to carry out my work, and to get customers.
  157. eldavis

    Celebrate Achievements as A Business Owner

    A lot of businesses are mainly focused on their big goals, but the truth of the matter is that the little wins are what make up the big one.
  158. eldavis

    Do you eat outside on weekends?

    At the moment the cost of transportation alone is something else, not to mention eating out. I have never been a fan of eating out.
  159. eldavis

    Moving in with a partner before marriage

    We are not really that much of a traditional family, but we do not allow this. It's better to get married before staying together. There is nothing wrong with coming to visit one another though.
  160. eldavis

    Do you leverage on the discounts and offers given on the shopping malls?

    If I come across a discount price on something I need, then I will definitely take advantage of it, but I don't go about looking for one.
  161. eldavis

    Do you work on Beermoneyforum ?

    I don't know if things have changed now, but back then their customer service was very poor, they hardly listen or interact with the members.
  162. eldavis

    Have you ever taken An IELTS Exam?

    I have never taken one before, but in the future I might have to take one though cause I know I would definitely be traveling.
  163. eldavis

    Bad effects of worrying

    There are a lot of young people with high blood pressure, this is as a result of worrying themselves unnecessarily.
  164. eldavis

    Do you manufacturing your own products

    Since I am a graphic designer, I think it's safe to say I make my own products, since I do my designs and all myself.
  165. eldavis

    Have you tried Threads Already?

    I tried threads the first time it came out, but i did not really like the app as i felt there was no need for it back then.
  166. eldavis

    Is it better to get finance for your business from loan?

    It's the easiest way in some cases but might not always be the better option. Personally I am not a fan of collecting loans.
  167. eldavis

    What is the importance of business consultants?

    Their major role or importance is to advice, they give you the needed advice on the steps to take in other to get the needed results.
  168. eldavis

    How should a business handle its losses?

    To be honest, handling losses is never an easy feat, I think to be able to do this, there needs to be a change in the mindset. You need to view how you see looses, instead of seeing it as a stumbling block, see it as a medium to learn and grow.
  169. eldavis

    Improvised products and their effects

    This is like a common strategy most brands use today to improve or increase their level of sales.
  170. eldavis

    Beyonce's curse

    Why is the Lord's prayer edited in this way? Is this like a religion or something?
  171. eldavis

    Crypto Mining- Is It Worth It?

    True but even when you invest a huge amount of money, especially in buying gadgets and the likes suitable for mining, what you mine is usually not up to what you have invested, this is one of the major reasons why so many people do not mine these days.
  172. eldavis

    Bear and Breakfast free on Epic Games

    The game sounds kinda fun, though I know I might not have enough time to play the game due to how busy I am this period.
  173. eldavis

    Crypto Mining- Is It Worth It?

    From what I have heard, mining crypto currency is now a huge waste of time, since you can no longer make much as you use to in the past.
  174. eldavis

    Are you aware of your Credit score?

    I am not aware of my credit score since I have never really taken any loan before, and I don't plan on taking one anytime soon.
  175. eldavis

    Do you like the plastic made kind of utensils?

    I don't hate them, nor do I like them, I make use of them if that's what is available. Though I think it is better to use them if you have kids around.
  176. eldavis

    Do you believe that online loan is good for business?

    I think it depends on each individual, personally I do not have the time for an online loan, I would rather work and save then take a loan.
  177. eldavis

    Senior Discounts

    I wasn't even aware there was anything like senior's discount. Anyways I think 65 to 70 should be an okay age.
  178. eldavis

    Trivia Games, or Board games?

    To be honest I have never really played much of both, I played some trivia games in the past and they were fun though but i have never really tried board games.
  179. eldavis

    Cash out proofs motivates new comers.

    Yes cash out proof is a great way to motivate new comers, and it can also be used to motivate even the old ones to keep putting in more effort.
  180. eldavis

    Is threads worth it?

    The platform is still functioning but I don't think it's that popular compared to platforms like x and the likes. I have an account there but I rarely make use of it.
  181. eldavis

    How can you rate the cops performance in your country

    The performance of cops in my country is extremely bad, most of them are simply after the bribes they can get and not actually focused on saving lives.
  182. eldavis

    What's that culture in your country you want abolished

    I think the culture of children getting married should be completely abolished. There are still some places that still strongly does this.
  183. eldavis

    Is the earth round or is it flat?

    The earth is round but that perfectly round, I believe this is why they say the earth is ellipsoid.
  184. eldavis

    Do you like Telegram and what is the thing you like about it?

    I don't really have anything specific to say as to why I like television, but one thing I know they have an age over WhatsApp is their ability to carry many members on a group.
  185. eldavis

    Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?

    I am not a fan of either of them, so I can't really choose based on my preference but I think Britney spears should be a lot more popular around here.
  186. eldavis

    Are toothpicks bad for teeth?

    I think it can have a negative effect on your teeth when you use them too much, it could create space between or something like that. I read something about it some time back, but can't really remember.
  187. eldavis

    Business questions to answer

    Whatever business you are starting, needs to be able to sort out the needs of the people around you, this is why you must know what the people needs before starting he business. Another question you should ask yourself is the level of risk the business carries and if you can handle it.
  188. eldavis

    Importance of Sending a Welcome Email to New Employee

    Sending a welcome email is a way to show you love and care for the new employee.
  189. eldavis

    Finally,rain came

    We also had a heavy rain pour in my location yesterday afternoon, I don't know if it will be falling today again or not.
  190. eldavis

    Temptation, you are...

    As humans we easily get attracted to things we do not need or that are bad for us, hence the temptation.
  191. eldavis

    Do you do water fast for good health

    No i have not really done water fast before, but I have done intermittent fasting, and I do drink water during this period.
  192. eldavis

    Do you like your mother or your father?

    I love both of them, though my father is late now, so I have just my mother with me.
  193. eldavis

    What time do you wake up every morning?

    When it comes to waking up, I do not have a specific time, but I am usually an early morning waker.
  194. eldavis

    How do you choose your friends?

    Though I would love to have friends who have more experience than me so I can learn but I do not put this first, the thing I look out when it comes to making friends is their character and beliefs.
  195. eldavis

    Do you go to a doctor when you have cough?

    No I don't, I either wait it out, or I simply make use of natural remedy like using ginger and garlic or taking paw paw leaf.
  196. eldavis

    How costly is beauty services in your country?

    I have never been to one, so I don't really know how costly it is, but it usually depends on the grade of the place you choose to do it.
  197. eldavis

    What will you do with $1 million dollars?

    Right now I have so many expenses I need to sort out, not to mention the investments I have in mind to try out.
  198. eldavis

    Korean Drama and Mexican telenovels

    That's nice, I also enjoy watching kdramas, so you have a specific genre you watch or do you watch all types?
  199. eldavis

    Online Radio station Vs On-site Radio stations - Which is easier to run?

    Online radio station should be easier since it does not really require you to have a physical official setup.
  200. eldavis

    Which 100% music TV station do you watch?

    I have never really been a fan of watching music stations, I don't really enjoy it. Though I do listen to music.