Recent content by enehemie

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  1. E

    Do you find it easier to make posts or make replies on RIF?

    I mean There are already so much thread on the forum that you cant answer all of them, so its very normal to not be able be able to make your own thread. Also all the subject are already being talked about here.
  2. E

    Account upgrades in PTP Forums: Is it profitable?

    I havent upgraded any of my forum pay to post account mainly cause I dont know the benefit of it or if it will be worth doing. If the upgrade can increase my earning I will try it out. I dont mind spending more of my time in a forum if I earm more.
  3. E

    Do you find it easier to make posts or make replies on RIF?

    I like answearing poeple on the forum mostly. I'm not that good at making thread cause most of the time I add unecessary stuff sometime.
  4. E

    Why do PTP forums pay a small amount to users?

    Users being barely active on forum is a good explanation on why. Some barely post twice a week or in a month which as a result limit the amount of trafic on the forum and by extension the income. In that kind of situation its hard to pay huge amount to the users.
  5. E

    Earning 200 Satoshi daily from Ptc?

    200 satochi is still too low to be honest, that is why I am not that much in ptc website anymore. I prefer pay to post forum lately with all the posibilities to earn on them. If they can increase the earming I will try it.
  6. E

    What's the best business idea?

    The best business idea is the one that take into account the person's skill, knowledge strenght and weakness. Its important to find the best business idea to sucess and not waste your ressource by trying something beyond your capacities.
  7. E

    Question Litecoin payment

    Thank You, I understand now. I was just disturbed when I didnt find any crypto option but with your link I get why there wasnt any. Now I know how to withdraw in litecoin.
  8. E

    Question Litecoin payment

    I dont find the litcoin withdrawal option
  9. E

    Question Litecoin payment

    Please help @Devin I cant find the litcoin withdrawal option.
  10. E

    I'm new here

    Hello, Im enehemie. Joined The Website Two Week ago. So far I will say the website is interesting both to learn new knowledge and also to be introduced to new way of earning. I am very glad to have been allowed to join the community.
  11. E

    Best way to promote YouTube channel?

    I have seen some website where streamer can pay to have more viewer for their video to earn more via youtube monetization program. You can also use discord channel to earn and get traffic for your video too if you are dedicated enough.
  12. E

    How to solve traffic issues.

    This is true, while I do not make video as a blogger I didnt earn anything yet because of the lack of traffic to my blog. Im also new a beginner writter and still need to better my skills to make great articles to my blog.
  13. E

    How easy to make $20 per day?

    Thanks for these suggestion. So far I was only into writting an articles or do typing jobs as a freelancer to earn online but I never found customer. I dont have many skills especialy in the category you are mentionned but I will try it out.
  14. E

    What led you into online business?

    I have learned about freelance in my school and started doing my own research on it that is how I got interest in online jobs. After many faillure at making clients online I got interest in bitcoin or cryptn overral and learned how to earn from it.
  15. E

    How to make a customer spend more on your product

    Basically by proving you are the solution for most of their problem and need. For example if you own a store you can ask them what kind of product they want and make sur to meet those requirement. You can also give them bonus if they buy many product.
  16. E

    Between crypto trading and forex trading, which one is better?

    I havent done crypto trading yet but Im planning to in the futur once I understand the rule and how it work correctly to earn as for forex trading I didnt even know something like that exist until I read this thread.
  17. E

    How long have you been making money online?

    I have been online for a long time and to be honest I havent earned anything for real yet cause the earning so far is very small. Obviously it took me long to understand how it work online to start getting reward but I cant say for sur yet.
  18. E

    Business Maneuvers

    There are obviously business tips that are used by businessman to handle their business better and improve their strategy you gonna need it to make your business great. The Strategy for alls business depend of their type.
  19. E

    Building a Business vs Investing in Stocks, Which Do You Prefer?

    Starting a business it definitely better not only for the long term but you know you are the owner and have the control. You will just need to dedicate more time in the business to earn and be good with the customers who are interested on your business.
  20. E

    Would you rehire a former staff who resigned voluntarily?

    Why not? if he had a good reason for leaving and is still good at his job I will have him return immediately. The only restriction I will put on him is that if he or she was payed very high I will use that oportunity to diminush the payment and cut off the number of job the later must do.
  21. E

    Skills needed to become a call center agent.

    call center agents need not only good communication skills plus manners but also very good voice and understanding of the english language. They murst be able to adapt to who they are talking too to be able to assist them.
  22. E

    As a business person, should you confirm all payments you receive to the sender?

    Definitely, just a single message mentioning you received the payment and will process the livration of the goods to the customers is enough this way not only you will be seen as legit and transparent but also very professional.
  23. E

    Listen to Your Customers’ Needs in your business

    Listening to your customer is definitely helpfull to earn and devellop your business. It help you know what they appreciate in your business and dont like this way you can improve it to meet their requirement and need.
  24. E

    Effect of tax evade on business.

    I say while evading tax allow businessman to keep most of their earning its a bad thing cause it can brink them into trouble with goverment and law enforcer. So Its better to pay tax overral even if in some case the money are detourned by corrupt government.
  25. E

    Should you try your business second time after initial failure?

    It depend if to start the business the first time you needed a big amount off investment that you lost after all its fine to stop for some period of time and analyse what has gone wrong until you find the solution its better to not start a second business right away at least dont invest too much...
  26. E

    What are the ways of evaluating staff performance in an organization?

    First thing to do is see if they are trust worthy amd if so you give them a goal that they murst aim too in a short period of time to see how effective they are allong their approch at dealing with the problem and handling situation.
  27. E

    The problem of procrastination in business development.

    I can confirm this, procrastating is bad it realy hurt someones business no one should postpone something that can be done instantly because it slow down progress and make you fall back into laziness while ruining your business.
  28. E

    How effective is online business?

    I have always though of online job as something easy than offline job but after spending so much time online I now think its not the case online job is actualy harder and need more focus and dedication to work out for the better.
  29. E

    Should you quit your job for online business?

    Na, That will be a very bad move unless the job is too hard for you its better to keep it or switch to an easier offline job while doing your online job. Online job are not always consistant there can be a time you will be without anything to do and its where offline job are helpfull. Vice Versa.
  30. E

    Have you ever got paid from a Link Shortener website?

    I think that yes some do earn money using shortened link but the earning is very small. Can Sommeone help me to learn how to earn and introduce me to group that can help me to share the links? Im thinking of a way to increase my earning.
  31. E

    Ever heard of Bitcoin cash giveaway app?

    Sadly there are many giveaways like that, the rewards is so low its very disapointing. You will have to do hundreds of giveaways like that just to earn 1 usd. Its why I stopped wasting my time on these giveaways it arent worth it.