Recent content by fcbetting

  1. fcbetting

    Does your Job Combat Discrimination at Work?

    I don't have it to. Most time we work good and almost all are good looking. Only sometimes women complicate things to much or can't decide what they want. That is problem since it can affect on entire process.
  2. fcbetting

    How do you feel about sharing ideas in a business meeting?

    This is classic story from teacher. No matter do you improve your class or not, your salary is same. If you want get more money you must work on additional projects. In that process work with kids have smallest value.
  3. fcbetting

    The job of a truck driver- Well paid or not?

    Best paid truck owners are in US and Germany. US always need truck drivers. But when you are truck driver you must also fill trucks and unload cargo. It is not just driving. Many truckers are against this rules. They want only drive and not unload cargo.
  4. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning. Tea time.
  5. fcbetting

    Factors to consider before taking part time job

    It is not easy call. I had two part time jobs. For first I had to drive 50km in one directions. I was all day on my feet teaching people how to use computers. I hard and it last full month all day double shifts. Second was easier since it was 10km away and it lasted little longer. We had...
  6. fcbetting

    Save money on internet connection

    I had idea taking lower data bandwith package but I give up. My brother spend entire package before month finished but he don't use internet much. I spend much more traffic so I need unlimited bandwith.
  7. fcbetting

    Do you move around with a weapon in case of violence

    I don't have weapons. I don't like it in my home even I live alone. If I notice my country will become unstabile in that way I am going somewhere else. I will always have money for such things.
  8. fcbetting

    Do you like to have New year resolutions?

    Not anymore since almost every time I change my decision or don't achive it. I can see that in my projects or love. I am single for longer time even my new year decision I will be more open to people.
  9. fcbetting

    How can you encourage one that is grieving

    I suck in those situations. I don't know what to say or to do. I can only give some hug but I always stay rather at some distance. I am introvert and I hold back from all such situations.
  10. fcbetting

    Do you like faucets that have faucetpay payment option?

    Faucetpay have great api system and good faucet script so you can become webmaster easy. Using api system I will turn my site into faucet system. Combination betting system and lower payout should attract audience.
  11. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Soon time for third beer.
  12. fcbetting

    Investing in Cryptocurrency

    I am still holding to my plan. Get 3500 BFG tokens. I will invest some money from PTP forums. For next goal I am not sure. Buy some some more SPACE tokens or invest into cryptowin site.
  13. fcbetting

    Have you joined Professional Forum Posters?

    @Starmix why didn't you join? I also have questions. Why this forum don't have professional domain than use free subdomain? Also rate is to high against other forums but word count is same, 25 to 50.
  14. fcbetting

    How do you feel about sharing ideas in a business meeting?

    Lately I am in some process of quiet quitting. I don't share any ides, except necessary. Everything else I just don' suggest anything since it don't bring more money, just more obligations.
  15. fcbetting

    What fresh initiatives do you believe would benefit your existing workplace?

    I need little bigger salary but less paperwork. Also we need have resposability for crazy kids. Example: even we talk them not to run trough halways, they do almost every day some kid broke some bone or get injured. In all those moments first question is where we were, did we talk with them...
  16. fcbetting

    Does your Job Combat Discrimination at Work?

    In my company there is only 5 men and rest of crew is woman. 30 of them. We don't have much choice since boss is female. Also most candidates are women so we don't have much choice.
  17. fcbetting

    The job of a truck driver- Well paid or not?

    Do you truck drivers are most often people who got divorced? Reason is they are almost all time at road and not at home. Especially those who drive long roads. You can't go at goal and get back if you destionation is 1500km in one direction.
  18. fcbetting

    How do you deal with poke- nosing coworker

    I work with 30 womens. All of them are poke nosing. Maybe just one is not. I still didn't estimate her. It is not good situation for me since I don't ask personal questions and don't like be asked.
  19. fcbetting

    Does your Office Charge any Penalty if you are late to work?

    No it does not. Thank God! I don't late. I did it two times in my 10 years career but my salary is not good for such restrictions. Also to many stuff is bad at work and many other bigger examples late and don't have any penalty. Why would they charge me for it?
  20. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Second beer on table.
  21. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Back from work. Time for beer and dinner.
  22. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    It is sunny day. Worst day for second shift.
  23. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Croatia. Every user have country flag below avatar. Bring mouse over flag and country name wiill show.
  24. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Europe, south east.
  25. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    When I am done with my shift, it will be morning in your area.
  26. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I should go at work soon.
  27. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    It is just early afternoon.
  28. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    In around 50min I am going at work.
  29. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Workout done
  30. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Drinking tea
  31. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Middle of week.
  32. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello to you!
  33. fcbetting

    How employers can reduce time theft in the workplace

    If your workers use computers you can install program for remote control. There are programs which measure activity of user, send warning if you exit from work software. Upwork, site for freelance, have offer such software for employers.
  34. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching game Turkey vs Croatia.
  35. fcbetting

    Bought a second-hand TV

    I got second hand TV in apratment when I bought it. It didn't have remote control. I bought unviersal and it end up broken. It had overheating problems. I guess previouse owner know such stuff but it scamed me.
  36. fcbetting

    Which ad networks allow visitors from traffic exchanges?

    None. Those visits don't have any value for their advertisers. If they don't have value, they will not deposit money for ad campaigns and network will go broke. If they allow, soon it will go in scam.
  37. fcbetting

    Which exchange will you recommend as the best?

    Best for small amounts are Final AutoClaim by Dutchy. As regular users you can exchange 25$ daily with 5% fee. As premium member, limit is higher (not sure how much) but fee is 1%.
  38. fcbetting

    Starting your own crypto exchange

    Exchange service is not way to promote crypto. Crypto projects are. Exchange service should only provide service of exchange if you want leave some project and go into another. For crypto promotion, crypto projects owner must make simple and wide use crypto tokens. If you can't use Bitcoin...
  39. fcbetting

    Argentina crackdown on BTC miners

    I could not find more informations but maybe they stole energy. Often miners connect computers directly to power grid and stole energy. Second reason can be to much drain energy even if they pay bills. Each home have limit and if you want bigger you must report it and probably open company for...
  40. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Lunch and afternoon sleep done. Time for work.
  41. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am going shave my beard even it is 23h.
  42. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for early lunch.
  43. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Last coffee for today.
  44. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    First coffee drinked.
  45. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    It is sunny this morning even weather prognosis say rain.
  46. fcbetting

    Electric cars

    Do you know battery from electric cars are not possible recycle? What will happend with all those battery nobody know. Currently more reports say electric cars left even more CO2 fingerprint in production than diesel cars.
  47. fcbetting

    Working hours and the Job

    I have some freedome creating my schedule. I got part from team manager and some I create my self. I still must be in some limits and corespond with others. If you ask me it is best work from 8.30h - 15h.
  48. fcbetting

    New Business Opportunity: Artificial Intelligence

    Did anybody try ChatGpt? I didn't and I hear free version become to slow since everybody use it. If you already want see how AI affect on fake news check Trump arrest images. Everything was fake.
  49. fcbetting

    Automotive shop mechanic: A survivor business

    Automotive mechanic must start update his knowledge to electric cars. Classic cars on diesel and gas will be replaced by electric or maybe hybrid cars. Those have different technology in it.
  50. fcbetting

    Is seliing/ Registration of Sim Cards profitable?

    We can't do that in my country. Only authorized seller can. You can buy from them and resell it under higher price but nobody will buy since authorized sellers are everywhere.
  51. fcbetting

    Selling Websites

    Do you know where we can post ad for free and later pay fee when we sell website? Often such service as Flippa require some payment upfront but later they don't charge fee.
  52. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I am working on PHP api with faucetpay. I must learn everything about file get contents functions.
  53. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for fast lunch and then go at work
  54. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for beer, rakia and snacks
  55. fcbetting

    Requirements for starting a PTP forum.

    Maybe you have some filter and for known, good users you don't even read but in start you must check everything. From that reason we have several moderators on site. Here I think we 3 or 4.
  56. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for lunch
  57. fcbetting

    Wealth creation

    I am optimist and think my projects will bring me some extra money. 100$ per day would be dream come true. With regular work I would be very, very rich man. To bad years are going and nothing happend.
  58. fcbetting

    What's the one thing you want to change about your personality

    Since I am now over 30, I have one thing what I want change but it is simply inpossible. I would like to start being on pictures with my friends but I simply don't like it so I don't. Also I am introvert person since my surounding is not so good.
  59. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Just morning. This will be hard day.
  60. fcbetting

    Requirements for starting a PTP forum.

    In some parts it is same - hosting, domain, ad network. But biggest difference is content moderation. When you have blog, you are only author so you control all content. In forum you can get 100 posts per hour and you must check everything otherwise it can drain all you money.
  61. fcbetting

    How to Make Money by Playing NFT Games

    Looks how Meta will stop support NFT on their platforms. I think this will decrease price of it. Better choos crypto games which offer their tokens like Betfury or Axie. Their tokens are listed on market and you can sell it easy.
  62. fcbetting

    Is it easy to set up a Fantasy Game?

    In fantasy games you earn points based on real life statistic. You must pay for that data if you want automated process for insert it. Othwise you will spend a lot of time inserting it into database. Without it you can't calculate results and points.
  63. fcbetting

    How effective was 2022 on your career?

    In one side not so good. Everything stayed same except several uselles 'educations' which didn't bring anything new or it can't be used in class. From other side I was in Norway for few days but I am still against that project so it won't be in my CV.
  64. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I left fish melt down for dinner
  65. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    In bar, again.
  66. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Great! Good morning to you.
  67. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Second shift
  68. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello everybody
  69. fcbetting

    The first PTP that paid you

    I am not sure but it was definitely Beermoneyforum or Forumcoin. I know it was Paypal. Later I got payout from few more similar sites like Mylot, Virily, Admin - Retail (which turned scam later).
  70. fcbetting

    March Payment from RIF - $190

    Is this the which was stopped by PayPal for few days?
  71. fcbetting

    The potential rewards of investing in sports

    From sport niche I choose invest into betting or betting system. Another option is crypto fan tokens from sport clubs like PSG, Juventus or Barcelona. I think next transitional period will increase or decrease fan token price. We saw how Messi increased PSG toke price and this summer if he goes...
  72. fcbetting

    Change in design

    Any proof for this statement? It is supported by many faucets and I didn't have problems with them. I like new design. Much better and they solve all problems when I transfer money from Faucetpay on Dutch Final Autoclaim. Before system often throw error and now everytime works fine.
  73. fcbetting

    Benefits of showng empathy to workers

    Not just as business owner than as coworker to. Maybe you will need similar stuff one day. Also it is good have somebody you can rely on work. But still be careful and don't follow in situation when others take advantage of you in name of empathy.
  74. fcbetting

    Renting out a room on Airbnb as a side hustle.

    In Croatia most people advertise it on Booking instead of AirBnb. I think they have more options and Booking take lower fee. As side hustle is good job but protect yourself from bad tenants. People are ready destory somebodys apartment.
  75. fcbetting

    Writing more effectively

    Last time when I typed on my computer at work I notice how keyboard can affect on my writing. Keyboard at work is much more bigger than on my laptop and keys are different. I must type 'harder' and I much slower. Next time I will just do research and write short keywords and full writing left...
  76. fcbetting

    Do you have enough green areas in the city?

    Latest reserach say small green are like parks or threes in line can lower temperature for 5C. Now imagine it is 35C in town. With small green areas could be 30C. That is big difference for human body. People would go outside and walk, run, drive a bike instead of siting in apartment under air...
  77. fcbetting

    Ambulance ride

    Few days ago I was in bar. Since it was nice time we were outside on terrace and we saw cleary on road. Ambulance could not past since some dude didn't want turn a side. Finaly police was there and write dude nice money penalty. I think he should lose his licence to.
  78. fcbetting

    What is Your Experience With Joomla

    I did work sometimes with it but people recomend join Wordpress and I did. Why? Sine Wordpress community is much bigger and it has much more plugins. Joomla don't have it so much and it losing market. In future I see only Wordpress.
  79. fcbetting

    How long have you been with your current web host?

    I am on Namecheap for more than 3 years after buying first domain. For hosting I am using free service from Infinityfree and I am there for over 10 years. When I need something better for hosting I will go on Namecheap or HawkHost.
  80. fcbetting

    Web hosting company disabling FTP

    Maybe they block just some files. Most web companys have virus scan and his files contain it, without his knowledge. Sometimes ftp uploader have problems with uploading font files like this webfonts files.
  81. fcbetting

    Do you feel bored working on RIF ?

    Sometimes I lost interest for every writing job. This is why I am working few more stuff like programming or I just took free time from everything and go in bar or watch series. If I can't write anything I don't force myself.
  82. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Surfing on forum
  83. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Soon going at barbeque
  84. fcbetting

    Do you have a Generator at home?

    I don't have it and don't need it. We had one blackout in few years. Most time everything is announced on time and it last maybe two hours. Electric grid is very stabile. Also in my small apartment I don't have place for it.
  85. fcbetting

    What should not be shared with others

    Big lottery winning. Don't tell anybody or they will destroy you. Loans, gifts, buying uncessary things, leaving job, jealous. You will face with all of that if you say you got any amount on lottery, even smallest reward. Under smallest reward I don't think 1$ or 2$, than minimum for all number...
  86. fcbetting

    Coindiversity - no pop up ads faucet

    Coindiversity is faucet and exchange service. In section Free coins in faucet without pop up ads. You can claim 5 times per day with just solving one captcha. Interval between claims is one minute. Reward one BTCH satoshi or some other currencie from the list. Payout proof on Faucetpay Link...
  87. fcbetting

    HTML - Basic Information

    For HTML language you don't need special interpreter installed on your computer. You can use any web browser. Write HTML code in notepad and save it as HTML. Run it into any web browser and you will get intepretation on HTML language. Or you can use online interpreter like
  88. fcbetting

    Namecheap blocked in India

    What is Indian goverment excuse for this? Copyright and licensing can't be problem since two persons can't be owner of same domain. In technical way it is not possible do this. Also Namecheap don't have problems with leaking informations or losing domain access.
  89. fcbetting

    Living on interest

    In Croatia best way is renting apartment during tourist season. Some charge 50$+ in middle of season per day. Since I can't get apartment on sea, I would like have smaller apartment for rent in continental part of Croatia. There you can get 100$ per month or even more if you are in bigger town.
  90. fcbetting

    Are you staking your cryptocurrencies?

    On Betfury I can withdraw stake reward in BFG token or in different currencies. I am choosing other option lately. This is daily reward. My earnings on faucet will be transfered in this program. Maybe even next payout on RIF. If you do some math, every 5 days you get over 150 satoshi only in...
  91. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    What was problem? Just some regular check or something else?
  92. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Did you able solve problem?
  93. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Afternoon sleep done
  94. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Making bolognese for dinner
  95. fcbetting

    Making Money With Free Blogs

    I had idea of something like. Make multiple free blogs and put ads there. Make faucet site and instead of shortlinks, your visitors must visit several pages or blogs and copy paste some word or sentence as proof. This way you generate views, collect money from ads on faucet and blogs. What do...
  96. fcbetting

    Can I earn $1 daily for reading articles?

    I agree with this. Post gig on fiver or upwork and there is chance you will get job. Many people don't even try and there is many people who would paid for it. You just must find them or they find you.
  97. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Why? To big amount or something else? I don't think Jordan anything can do about it.
  98. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Some extra cash will pay my car insurance
  99. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I got another gig
  100. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for first coffee.
  101. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Let's warm my apartment with aircondition.
  102. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching real Madrid vs Liverpool
  103. fcbetting

    What are Metaverse Games?

    Metaverse don't have success. I think last Zuckerberg straw was rename company in Meta but looks that didn't work well. He must come up with something good if he want get people on Meta. But really good and not just copy paste from others.
  104. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Problems with Zip but we managed solve it.
  105. fcbetting

    Using rewriting app to write articles

    Most people write one topic, add it into rewriter and post it somewhere else. This is straigth way to be banned. Rewrite tools can't change topic enough. Most rewrite tools change just grammar and add few words. Such changes is easy found with plagirism tools.
  106. fcbetting

    Have you earned from Quora?

    I just found more informations from Quora Partner program. You earn from views on your questions. It is fix amount so sometimes you earn 20cents for 1000 views, sometimes 1$. You must get invitation from Quora to join program. Rules are not specific for that to. Minimum payout is 10$ on PayPal.
  107. fcbetting

    Would You Like To Join a Gambling Forum?

    Maybe I should start gambling, more specific sport betting forum. Since I develop sites from that niche, forum could be good addition. It would not be hard to install some free forum software. Hardest part would be find gamblers and posters.
  108. fcbetting

    Paid to sleep

    Did anybody read enire Terms and service document and check what other data they collect about us like geolocation, contacts, etc? Even more important what they do later from it. Maybe main goal of this app is collect data and sell it later on market.
  109. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching Comandos.
  110. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Fruits before dinner
  111. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Soon going in bar
  112. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    At my brothers place
  113. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Be careful and don't share private messages here. Private stuff are private stuff.
  114. fcbetting

    Do you go for morning walk daily?

    Best way is get enough sleep. I consider it as base for everything else. Without good sleep you can't work or even train normal. Everything else is torture. Wakling or other excercise can be done in afternoon to.
  115. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    You talk to me? hahahah
  116. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    2 beers and one bitters enough for tonight
  117. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for bar after work
  118. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Two more hours
  119. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    At work. Worst when it is sunny day.
  120. fcbetting

    Is there an investment worth pursuing in 2023?

    I crypto maybe A.I tokens since ChatGPT raise price many of it, including Bitcoin. Alternative starting your projects like mobile app, websites. Invest in script and marketing and just money flow to you.
  121. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Green beer? Hell yeah 👍
  122. fcbetting

    Any trainer here?

    You must give us you presentation or at least niche and some details. Without I can't say much more. If you use PowerPoint presentation there are some general rules: not tu much text or animations, one or max two images per slide.
  123. fcbetting

    At What Age you started To Drive

    Much, much faster then I did. I started drive with 24 years. I could not afford it earlier so I need it good job and some time to get money. My first car was VW Polo and I buy it from my brother.
  124. fcbetting

    How tall are you?

    What is this? I never heard for it. I high 1.79 cm and I am not consider my self tall than short dude. We all losing height by getting old. Sitting in front of laptop and using smartphone we lose height even faster.
  125. fcbetting

    Are you staking your cryptocurrencies?

    Where do you stake it and how percent you get back? Does it pay annualy or per day? I get best 12% back for daily payouts. For annual payout I will get 24% interest.
  126. fcbetting

    Weekend get away

    I like little more summer than winter so I choose beach over mountains. I like snow but for vacation I choose summer. Women in biking on beach is better than skiing. Also I can get free days only in summer.
  127. fcbetting

    Do you go for morning walk daily?

    No way. It would be to early for me. I rather do some excercises in my apartment. I am losing much faster weight and I get enough sleep. I am not morning type of person.
  128. fcbetting

    Is football betting a business?

    Can you share links, at least in private messages? I am looking for new features for my projects and I would like to review those sites. I like betting so maybe I even join as player.
  129. fcbetting

    Earn Money With Data Sharing?

    I just got ad about this type of earning here on forum and like @Chibson say it, it is honeygain. I wonder did anybody got payout from it. Sometimes those programs prefer tier 1 countrys traffic over tier 3.
  130. fcbetting

    Do you truly care about the the paid to post forums you work on?

    I think I do since I do not post to many spam comments or post just to post. I always try add something new. If you look my statistic, I don't post to often. Last two days I am much more active but I am here and I got only 3 payouts even I could get it much more.
  131. fcbetting

    Are you staking your cryptocurrencies?

    I have of 1500BFG tokens in stake. 700 Feyora, 1000 bitcoin satoshi and 950 SPACE tokens. Everything in different service so if I lose one, others should cover it. I hope nothing will gone forever or lost entire value. I hope increasing BFG token to 3500 until end of year.
  132. fcbetting

    Are you trading cryptocurrencies?

    I don't have time to follow up and down prices. Also my amout of coins is very small so earnings would to small. In this job fee should be included. On exchange I use they tool 5% from each transactions. For lower fee I must pay for premium account.
  133. fcbetting

    Are you mining to make money in cryotocurrency?

    I did it at my work places but computers were not strong enough and for some pennys I didn't want risk computer equipment or even my job. It was not worth it. Maybe I will use my old phone for mining. I must test it can it even start mining.
  134. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching New Amsterdam series.
  135. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    In bar
  136. fcbetting

    How to Get More Referrals for our websites?

    Only way to get refferals is give good reward and fast payout. Also refferal must have interest for working in that niche. Everything else will just be loss of time. I give up long time from getting refferals. I got few refferals but those are not active. I got it from Forumcoin signature.
  137. fcbetting

    Earn Money With Data Sharing?

    Wait didn't we had a topic here about honeybeen or something like that where you earn money from sharing data? As I can remember many people consider it as good passive income since while we are surfing we are getting money for our data traffic.
  138. fcbetting

    How to deal with lazy employees at the job?

    You must have simple but measurable rules. In this way you can measure work and see who work less and who work more. It is not easy since for many jobs it is not possible but still you can't just say: You are lazy! and lower man pay. You must have results and evidence.
  139. fcbetting

    Silvergate in possible bankruptcy

    SIlvergate bankrupt and entire market lost some money, especially in stock values. People got afraid how much actually bank have cover in their value. Sivergate lost money since startup lost investors and money from startup didn't come. Also last FED descision cost them a lot in bonds.
  140. fcbetting

    What is your favorite micro-wallet?

    I lost around 10$ in komodo and tezos. Both were on stake. Now I am using Faucetpay. I don't have many choice since all other wallets are very expensive and you can't transfer small amounts.
  141. fcbetting

    Is it profitable to invest in a football club?

    Their sponsor is Red Bull. Red Bull is multinacional company who sell energy drinks and they advertise it using football clubs and other sports. I don't know how how German gorverment allow it. Sport should be healthy but it is sponsored by not healthy energy drinks.
  142. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching John Q tonight.
  143. fcbetting

    February Proof of Payment

    How much do you pay fee for such transaction?
  144. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching news and making supper
  145. fcbetting

    Can you have too many Faucets?

    When you work on faucets try combine active and passive timers. Where is difference? In active timers you must be on site and if you go in another tab, timers stop. In passive timers you, timer work even if you are in another tab. Combining this two, you can save some time working on two sites...
  146. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Go watch movie.
  147. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Workout and show done.
  148. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Going in another bar.
  149. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    In bar.
  150. fcbetting

    How can you ensure that a business meeting is effective?

    You can insure if stuff you decide on meeting or bring new rules are applied at work. I don't see sense in meetings where you talk about many stuff but none of those you don't apply later. You talk about meeting it self (host, attendance), but I consider more about later.
  151. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I hungry. I should eat something for breakfast.
  152. fcbetting

    Repairs for Landlords and tenants.

    Some broken smaller stuff are paid by tenants and some bigger repair are paid by landlord. From those often overlaping stuff, I like model where you go into empty apartment so everything what is broken is tenat obligation to fix since those are his stuff. You get only kitchen and bathroom and...
  153. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Soon going at haircut.
  154. fcbetting


    Let's go in private messages where we can speak on Croatian. Offical language for this forum is English.
  155. fcbetting

    Which is your main source of earning? Business or working?

    My main income is my teacher job even I got some bad rumors about it. I would like have as my business few websites which will bring me extra money or have business with some work in school. I always like have alternative.
  156. fcbetting

    Selling software

    You sell software, offer support, maybe give something free and charge for premium options or plugins. Under software there are various types: deskop software, mobile apps, websites, plugins. Xenforo is free forum script but developers earn from selling premium plugins.
  157. fcbetting


    Hello from Slavonia! Finally another user from Croatia!
  158. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    You want some rain? I can send it right away.
  159. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning! Still laying in bed.
  160. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Spending night in bowling area.
  161. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I hope expession: Where is smoke, there is fire to! will not be achieve.
  162. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Time for some afternoon sleep.
  163. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning.
  164. fcbetting

    Chicken pox

    Looks chicken pox manage transfer from human to human. Some scientist say it could be era of new pandemic after covid. We don't need new pandemica and new lockdowns! I can't fix tablets again and have all time online classes.
  165. fcbetting

    Investing in lots property only

    And what you will do with a lot of land? Even if you sell it later for the same money, you still didn't generate income, just kept value. In those years while you are land owner, you must do something with it. You can rent everything, like agriculture land to some fruits or vegetable...
  166. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I can't sleep without TV.
  167. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hungry but working.
  168. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Grading some exams.
  169. fcbetting

    Monetize your blog with a-ads

    How much they pay for 1000 impressions? I had idea give chance on my sites. 10 unique articles with minimum of 500 words. Also article must be SEO optimized, site must have some backlinks and traffic.
  170. fcbetting

    Irresponsible co worker

    Since it is previous, it is already gone. When she/he was on notice period, somebody should check her job. When somebody resigns, employer give permission and releases all possible future consequences. In my experience, ex account is not wrong and company must solve situation by itself.
  171. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    After sweat breakfast, time for some work.
  172. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning with new payout! Thanks admin!
  173. fcbetting

    Payment received

    Third payout, first in this year.
  174. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I hope I will be able sleep tonight.
  175. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I could not sleep almost anything last night.
  176. fcbetting

    Is it profitable to invest in a football club?

    I don't think it is very profitable. I would rather choose something else otherwise if you want promote yourself. Many clubs strugle to keep balance in profit since runing football clube is not cheap. If you want earn you must sell players and have good fan base. Fans bring money to with tickets...
  177. fcbetting

    Setting Up Your Domain Name and Website

    You mean with domain name, right? Little tippeller but you are complete right. Even if you use free domain or free subdomain, you first make subdomain name and than your hosting account is created.
  178. fcbetting

    How much does it cost to start our own Crypto coin Faucet?

    You don't need money for script. There is many user friendly free faucet scripts on Internet. Faucetpay microwalllet share links to those compatibile with them. Just don't use those compatibile with Expresscrypto since that microwallet is closed.
  179. fcbetting

    Playing games for money

    On Dutch Final Autoclaim is open new section. You can play small HTML5 games for money. You earn Dutchy tokens which can be converted into crypto currencie. After few minutes of playing game you click on Claim and you claim 100 Dutchy tokens.
  180. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Workout and dinner done. I hope I will not be hungry again later in night.
  181. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning. Time for some boring paperwork.
  182. fcbetting

    What do you think about funeral home service business

    In Croatia we have public companys who do such jobs and private companys can only make coffins. Salary on this jobs is not so good and there is lack of workers. Also job is very stressful since you attend funerals on daily basis. I would choose other job.
  183. fcbetting

    What platforms are you using to make micro-investment?

    I am there to. So far I have 2 shares. How much you have? I will increase it probably in next days on 3 shares. Do you know what are clicks and chart which show those?
  184. fcbetting

    What platforms are you using to make micro-investment?

    I am adding for longer time into Betfury and BFG token. Just holding it is on stake and I receive daily rewards. I can in every time withdraw everything above minimum. I add money in Dutchy system on stake SPACE token. In BFG token I have 30$ and in Dutchy around 5$.
  185. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Watching movie and browsing Internet.
  186. fcbetting

    Percentage of Organic Traffic on Your Site

    My site don't receive almost non traffic from search engines. I must work on SEO plus make some changes in structure like add topic title. It is great if you have so much organic traffic. You can sell site much easier later. Also you don't have to spend much money on marketing. Forums have much...
  187. fcbetting

    What was the first blog you created in your life?

    Long time ago it was adult theme content. My original stories and I was very good ranked on google. Hosting was free and I lost everything. I should stay in that niche but it is problem for personal life. When people hear somebody work in adult niche, people start rejected it.
  188. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Just wake up after lunch.
  189. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    Looks I flu got me this morning. I am going by some stuff in store and I will sleep entire day.
  190. fcbetting

    What if your boss is not around to approve business transactions, what would be your call on this?

    I don't have relation to money transactions but under business transactions, I consider borrowing equipment to other employes. Officialy my boss must do it but I do that job but always I notice my boss. I still don't have enough currage do it everything on my hand. We don't have specific rules...
  191. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I rather choose beer or bitter.
  192. fcbetting

    Number of Ads Per Page

    Depends what do you offer. If you offer good reward they will stay. Even this forum had pop up some time and people didn't leave it right away and never come back..
  193. fcbetting

    Chit Chat Thread

    I like snow. Trough my window. Not fan of cleaning my car every day.